Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/87

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WELLB8. 77 who WM then liTtng. He mifaMqaently m., before 1888, Bleaaor, ibter oi Thomfli, DuKi OP NoBiOLK, diL of John (Mo^fBRAT), Lord Mowbrat, by Bliaibeth» mo jwre Barorim Srqratr. He d. 26 Auk. 1^21, a^ about 71. Bech. 9 Hen. V. Hie widow(») wee liTing 1482, being then wife of Godfr^ Huaor. YI. 1421, 6. LioKBii, or Lbo (db WiLTiis), Lord Willis, grand- to eon and h., being let & end h.(**) of Kudo dr Wrllrb, by Maud, de. 1461. of Ralph (db Qrbtbtook), Lord Qrbtstook, which Eudo waa lat a. and h. ap. of the late Lord, b<it d. r.p. He waa aged 15 when he auc. hia grandfather in 1421. He waa knighUd^ 19 May 1426, at Leteeater (together with the King), by the Regent, Duke of Bedford ; made proof of hia full age (1427-28) 6 Hen. VI. ; aenred in the French warat 1480-81, being Capt. of 24 nien-at*arnia and 72 archera ; waa aum. to ParK) from 25 Feb. (1431/2) 10 Hen. VI. to 80 July (1460) 88 Hen. VI. ; P.O., 1484 : L. Attendant to Hen. VI., 1488 ; P.C. [IJ 1488 ; Chirf QOT. of Irblavd, aa U Lieut., 1438-42; Capt. in the foroea at Calaia, 1451 ; eL K.Q. before 13 and inat. 14 May 1457. He m. firatly, about 1426, Joan, da. of Robert Watkrtor, of Waterton and Methley, oo. York, and h. of her br., Sir Robert Waterton. He at. aeooiidly, between 27 May 1444, and 81 Aug. 1447, Margaret, widow of John (Bravport), Dukr or Somkrsbt, and formerly of Sir Oliver St. Johr, da. of Sir John Bradchamp {de jure^ appurently. Lord Brauohamf), by Bdith, da. of Sir John Stourtor, of Preeton, Wilta. He, who waa a firm adherent of the Houae of Lanoaater, waa alain in their canae at the battle of Towton,(^) 29 March 1461, and waa bmr, in the Waterton chapel at Metbley afad. A few montlia after hia death he waa attainted in the Pari, begun 9 Not. fnllowiii^, whereby all hi$ konoun were fcvfeiUd, Hia widow waa liTing 1464. VII. 1468, 7. RiOHARD DB Wbllbs, b. and h., by fiiBt wife; 6. to about 1427 ; m, flratly, before 1452 (when ahe waa ased 27), Joan, 1 469. MM itt*^ BAROvna Willouohrt dr Erbsbt, and waa in her right anm. to Par].,(*) in which he eat aa early aa 1454, receiTing, alao, aubae- quently, write of aummona directed "Riehardo de W^lea, Ihmino Wittaughbw, MiliH," from 26 May 0ifi5) 38 Hen. VI., to 28 Feb. (1455/6) 8 Ed. IV., and thua becoming (T.p.) LORD WILLOUQHBY. Hia aaid wife d, before 1460. Each. 1 Ed. IV. He, howcTer, appeara to haTe retained the atyle of Lord Willoughby during hia life, and waa (aa afad.) aum. to Pari., as anch, for at leaat aix yeara after hia aaid wtfe'a death. On the death of hia father, 29 Maroh 1461, he, in oonaeqnence of that nobleman'a attainder, did not at once auoceed him in hia peerage aa Lord Wellea, but aa early aa 1464-65, he obtained reatitution of hia paternal estate, and, in 1468, a full John II. waa eleven yeare old in 1361, when hia father, John I. died, and John II. waa, in 1866, huaband of Cicely, whoee maiden name I ahould be glad to learn. Eleanor, widow of John, Lord Wellea, and da. of John, Lord Mowbny, who waa, in 1482, the wife of Godfrey Hilton, ia aaid to haTe been the aecond wife of John II. and the mother of John III. But it ia atated in the inqueat of Maud, Lady Wellea, who died in 1399, that her beir waa her eon, John, who waa then aged aeven, which auggeata a different parentage fiir John III. John III. aeema to haTe married Margery, da. of Thomaa, Lord de Roa, who annriTcd him, and died 8 April 1426, but the atory of theae Barona and their wiTca ia so confused in all the receiTcd accounts, that aome competent Antiquary would do good aerTice if he could look at the diffisrent inqueata and aacertain the truth.'* (') Dugdale, howcTcr, calls hia widow " Maigerie,*' which anpporta Watera* sugges- tion (see p. 76, note " b,") that John, Ijord Wellea, married Margtrit Roa (whosurTiTcd him), and waa the ikird (not aecond) in continuous anooeasion of the name of John. There ia an inq, p. mortem of Margaret, wife of Sir John Wells, dated (1425-26) 4 Hen. VI., relating to landa at Hellow, &&, co. Lincoln, held by this family. (^) Hia yr. br., Sir William Wellea. held the office of L. Chancellor of Ireland from 8 July 1461, to 1462. («) As to the battle of Towton, W. Paston writes to J. Paaton, 4 April 1461 : ** On the Kynga parte ia alayn Lord FitzWalter, and Lord Scrop [is] acre hurt On the contrary part ia ded Lord Clyfford, Lord NcTyle, Lord Wellea, Lord WyUonby, Antony, I^Mrd Soalea, Lord Harry, and be auppoaing the Erie of Northumberland,'*