Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/100

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78 ALVANLEY— AMHERST. pariah of Stockport, co. Chester, by Mary, sister and h. of Preston Pepper of Pepper Hall in South Cawton. co. York, and da. of C'uthbert P. of the same. He was b. at Bradbury 20 May, and bap at Stockport 20 June 17-14, ed. at the Grammar School nt Manchester, and, in Oct. 1 7 1 "> 3 , admitted a Fellow Commoner of Trill. Coll., Cambridge; A.ll. and 7th Wrangler, 1760 ; A.M. and Fellow, 1709 ; Barrister (Middle Temple), 1709 ; One of the Welsh Judges, 1776 ; King's counsel, 17S0 ; Solicitor Gen., 1782-83, and again 1 783-84 ; Attorney Gen. and Chief Justice of Chester, 1 781. He was HE for Newtown, Isle of Wight, 1782 ; for Aldborough, co. York, 1784 ; for Hastings, 1790, and for Bath, 1796. On 4 June 1788, he was made Master of the Rolls, and Knighted on the 18th. In May 1801, he was made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, when he was cr. a Peer as above. P.C. He m. 9 Sep. 1784, at Hornsey, Midi., Anne Dorothea, sister of Edward, 1st Lord Skelmersdalk, da. of Richard Wilbraham, (afterwards Wii.BRAn.wi- Rootle) by Mary, da. and h. of Robert Rootle of Lnthom House, co. Lancaster. He d. 19 March 1S04, aged 59, at Great George street, Westm., and was Inr. in the Rolls Chapel, London. Will pr. April 1S04. His widow d. 17 Jan. 182".. II. 1S04. 2. William (Arden), Baron Alvaxley, 2nd but 1st surv. a. and h., b. 8 Jan. and bap. 20 Feb. 17.S9, at the Rolls House, Chancery Lane, in St. Dunstan's in the West, London. Sometime an officer in the Coldstream Guards, and afterwards, Capt. 50th Reg. of Foot. He was well known as a wit and an hommc d'esprit. In May 188B he fought a duel with Mr. Morgan O'Connell, whose father (the well known " agitator ") he asserted to have been " pur- chased " by Lord Melbourne on his accession to office. He d. uum., 16 Nov. 1849. Admon. Dec. 1S49. III. 1849, 3. Richard PErpER (Auden), Baron Alvaxley, br. and to h., 4. 8 Dec. 1792 and bap. 1 Feb. 1793, at the Rolls House afsd. 1857. Lieut.-Col. in the army. Hem., 24 April 1831, Arabella, yst. da. of William Henry (Vane), 1st Duke of Cleveland, by Catharine, da. and coheir of Harry (Paulett), 6th and hist Di'KE of Bolton. He d. s.p. 24 June 1857, when the title became ex. Will pr. Aug. 1 857. His widow, who was 6. 2 June 1801 ; d. 26 Nov. 1864, at Thorpe Perrow, co. York. AMBERLEY. la "VISCOUNT AMBERLEY OE AMBERLEY, co. Gloucester, and of Ardsalla, co. Meatk" See "RUSSELL," Fail, cr. 1861. AMESBURY. See "DOUGLAS OF AMESBURY, CO. Wilts. " Baron, cr. 1786,« 1810. Baron. 2. CnAULra Dtjndas of Barton Court, Berks, 2ml s. of I 1832. Thomas D. of Fingask, co. Stirling, by his 2nd wife Janet, da. of Charles (Maitland), 6th Earl of Lacuerdale [S.], was manv years M.P. for Berks, and on 10th May 1832 was cr. BARON AMESBURY of Kintbury, Amesbury, and Barton Court, eo. Berks,( a ) and Aston Hall, co. Flint. Hews, firstly, Anne, da. and h. of Ralph Whitley of Aston Hall afsd. He in. secondly, in 182», his cousin, Margaret, relict of Charles Ooilvy, and widow of Major Archibald Euskine of Venlaw, being 3rd da. of the Hon. Charles Barclay, formerly Maitland, by his 1st wife Isabel, da. and h. of Sir Alexander Barclay of Fowie. He </. s.p.m., (2 months after his creation), in Pimlieo, Midx., 7 July 1S32, aged 80, when thetitlt became m. Will pr. Nov. 1832. His widow d. 21 April 1841 at Portobello, near Edinburgh. Her will pr. June 1841. AMHERST. 1. General tlio Rt. Hon. Sir Jeffrey Amherst, K.B„ ou 20 May 1776 was cr. BARON AMHERST OF HOLMF.SDALE, co. Keut. He was 2nd s. of Jeffrey A., of Riverhead, near Sevenoab, Kent, Bencher of Gray's Inn, bv* Elizabeth, da. of Thomas KkihuU of Hadlow, Kent, was b. 29 Jan. "l 717, and sue. to the estate of River- head 12 Dec. 1763, on the death, s.p., of his eldest br., SackvilleA. (*) lift Yet Amesbury is in co. Wilts. Baron. I. 1776, to 1797.