Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/99

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ALTHAM— ALVANLEY. 1-3 II ll art 3D VI. 17G1. 6. Arthur (Annesley), Viscount Valen-tia.Babox" Mountnorhis and B.uion Alth.vm [I.], s. and h., i. 7 Aug. 1744. He sue. to the Irish dignities, but not to the English, according to the decisions of the Houses of Pari, of those respective Kingdoms. Took his seat, as Viscount Valentia [I.], 5 Dec. 1765, and again 7 Nov. 1771. On 3 Dee. 1793 he was cr. EARL OF MOUNTNORHIS [l.J. He d. 1 July 1816. VII. 1816, ~. George (Axxksley), Earl ok aIountnorris, i 'f •£ to Viscount Valentia, BabOW Moontnorris and Baron ' =™ 1844. Altham [f.], only surv. s. and h., b. 1769. He d. a.p.m.8., 23 July 1S44, when (together with the EARLDOM of Mount- 8GWS»p.J the BARONY OF ALTHAM [I.] became ex., the issue male of the first Peer and of aH his brothers (who were included in the spec. rem. ) having failed. The Haiionv of Moi'ntn'ojiris and Viscountcy of Valentia [I.] I " o devolved on the h. male of the body of the 1st Viscount.— See "VALENTIA " | W [I.] under the (Xlth), 10th Viscount. J ALTHORP. See "SPENCER OF ALTHORP," co. Northampton, Wmm, cr. If U, „ „ Viscount m 1761. i.e. "ALTHORP OF NORTHAMPTON," Viscount; See " SPENCER," Earl, cr. 1765. ALTON. i.e. " ALTON, CO. STAFFORD," JJarqaeBS of ; See " SHREWS- BURY," Duke of, cr. 1694, ex. 1718. ALTRIE. Baron [S.] £ Hon. Robert Keith, 2ml s. of William, 4th Earl I. 1587. Marischai.l [S.] by Margaret, da. and coheir of Sir William Keith of Innerugie, eo. Banff, being Commeudator of the Cistercian Abbey of Deer, co. Aberdeen, had a grant of the lands thereof as a Barony, by charter 29 July 15S7, with the title .if LORD ALTRI15 (and a seat as a Baron of Paul.) to himself for life, with a spec. rem. to his nephew George, EARL MABISCHALL [S.] his heirs male and assignees in fee. lu lfiSfl he was named as Envoy to Denmark, but excused himself on account of his great age. He m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Robert Lunbie of Beuholm, co. Kincardine. He d. s.p.m. about 1593, but certainly before 1606. II. 1593 ? 2. George (Keith), Earl Maulsuiiall, Lord Keith and Lord Altrie [S.], nephew and h. male; h. to this title according to the terms of the charter. He was s. and h. of William Keith, styled jj*' Keith (eldest br. of Lord Altrie [8.] abovenamed), who was s. and h. ap. of VUllmni, 4th Earl Marischall [S.] also abovenamed. In the Earldom of Markchall the Barony uf Altrie [S.] continued merged, and with it was attainted in 1716. See "MARISCHALL," Earls of [S.] ALVANLEY. Barons. L Sir Richard Pepper Arden,(") Lord Chief Justice of I, 1801. Court of Common Pleas, was ou 22 May 1801, cr. BARON ALVANLEY, of Alvanley,( h ) co. Chester. He was 2nd s. of John Ardcn (or Ardern), of Harden (or Hawarden) in Bredbury township, in the ( a ) This is one of the 12 families (Arden, Ashburuham, Bruce, Cecil, Compton Urummuud, Dunbar, Dundas, Harlcy, Hume, Nevill, aud Perceval) treated of ta that magiuficcntly illustrated work, Drummoud's " Histories of noble British Families,"

  • vols., large folio. Loudon, 1846.

( ) Alvauley was a manor, in the parish of Frodsham, Cheshire, which had been in the possession of the family since temp, Hen. HZ See Foss's " Judges of England." H