Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/335

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BELLOMONT. 313 Knighted 22 Nov. 1G43, obtained a warrant for a Baronetcy (by docquet, dat. 8 Oct. 1641 at Sherborne, Oxon,) and on 18 July 1645 was er. BARON BARD of DROMBOY eo. Heath, and VISCOUNT BELLOM05lT(»)ea. Dublin [I]. He accompanied OharlesII iu exile by whom he was sent ou an Embassy to obtain money from the Shab of Persia, where he lost his life, being overtaken by a whirlwind and choked by the sand. He Di. iu 1645 Ann, da. of Sir William Gardiner of Peckhain, Surrey, by Frances, (1st cousin to the said William) da. of Christopher Gardiner of Bermondsey( b ) He d. 1060 when all his honours became extinct^). His widow who applied far relief to King's Coll. Cambridge, after the Restoration, d. before 1663. Admon, 13 July 1668 as " Lady Ann IUrd, widow, of St. Martins in the fields, Midx. Earldom [I]. 1, Cn akles Hexry (ICirkitoven), Baron YVotton, was I 1680 latent 9 Dec - 168 0 (enrolled [I] 11 Feb. 1680/1) qr. "Earl op , ' BELLOJlONT( d ) in our Kingdom of Ireland." He was s. and h. of John lAjvq Vaadea Kiiikhove.v, alias PolhuvBH, Lord of HeeuvHetfc in Holland I Ik J. )jy iv-itherinc, sun jure Countess of Chesterfield (relict of Sir Henry Stanhope, staled Lord Stanhope), 1st. da. and coheir of Thomas (Wottos) 2nd Baron- Wotton. By patent dat. at St. Johnstoun [S] 31 Aug. 1650, he was «•. BARON WOTTON of Wottou co. Kent [E] and, 30 years afterwaris, was cr. EARL OF BELLOMONT [I] as above. He m. 25 Aug. 1679, at Swarkeston co, Derby, Frances, widow of Sir John Harpub of Swarkeston afsd. (which Sir John was bur. there 20 Feb. 1078/9), da. of William (Willoughby) 6th Baron Willouohby of ParhaM by Anne da. of Sir Philip Carv of Aldenham, Herts. He d. s.p. 5 Jan. 1682/3 ami was bin: the 11th at Canterbury Cathedral when all his honours became extinct. Will (signed " Bellomont") dat. 6 Oct. 1082, pr. 14 July 1688. His widow who Was b. in Aldersgate street, London 12 Nov. 1642 ; (birth rerj. at Huusdon, Herts) in. (for her third husband) 3 July 16S4 at St. Martina in the fields, Henry Heventngham of Hoveninghani Hall, Suffolk, who d. 21 Nov. 1700. She d. s.p. and was bur. 4 June 1714 at Swarkeston afsd. M.I. Will dat, 9 March 1712, pr. May, 1714. II. 1GS9. 1. Rrciunn (Coote), Lord Coote, Baron 1 op Colooxy [I] was cr. 2 Nov. 10S9, "KARL OF BELLOMONTp] iu our Kingdom of Ireland." He was 2nd but 1st. surv. s. and b. of Richard, 1st. Lord Coote of Coloonv [lj, by Mary, da. of Sir George St. George, Bart. [!]. He sue. his father- 10 July 10s:;,' was M.P. for Droitwieh, 1688. Being one of the first to joiu the Prince of Orauge in 10S3 he was attainted by the Irish Pari, of James II iu 1689. The new Sovereigns however made him Governor of Leitrim, Treasurer to the Queen, and advanced him to the Peerage [I] as above.(') He took his seat 27 June 1096 having, in 1695, been made GtoTOBsrOB of New Yqrk.(9) He m. about 1676 (when she was but 11 years {toeSlingsby's memoirs), which act, according to Clarendon's Rebellion "brought no other benefit to the public than the enriching the licentious governor thereof, who exercised SB unbounded tyranny over the whole country and took his leave of it by wantonly burning the noble pile which he had too long inhabited." ( a ) There is no enrollment [I] of this patent but in Ulster's official Roll it is given as Bellomont. 0>) See " Coll. Top. et Oeu." iii, 15 and 18. ( c ) Of bis two daughters and coheirs, Persiaua, the yst. »). her cousin Nathaniel Bard of Caversfield, while Anne, the eldest, became mistress to Prince Rupert, and was mother by him of Dudley Bard, slain at the siege of Buda iu 1686. So spelt (and rii/fitft/ spelt) in the actual enrollment. ( e ) See ante note "f." ' (') See " Lodge " Vol. III. p. 209 note where his "proscription " in 1687 for absence from Ireland is set out, as also the preamble of his pateut of Peerage. ( B ) " He was a man of eminently fair character, upright, courageous and indepen- dent. Though a decided Whig he had distinguished himself by bringing before the P*rl at Westin. some tyrannical acts doue by Whigs at Dublin." The King sent him to New York in order to nut down the " freebootiug " which was then a disgraco to