Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/336

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314 BELLOMONT. old) Catharine da. and h. of Brydges Nankan of Birtsmorton co. Worcester by Catharine, da. and coheir of Sir George Hastixos. He d. greatly lamented at New York, 5 March 1700, a fast being held for his death. Will dat. 23 Aug. 1697, pr 25 Feb. 1704/5. His widow m. 1 April 1702 at St. Mary Mag., Old Fish street, London William Caldwaix of St. James Westm., Capt. of a Man of War, afterwards Hear Admiral of the Hed, who d. 171 S, aged 55 and was bur. at Birtsmorton. M.I. She sue. her Father (who d. aged 82) 1 .lone 1701, in the estate of Birtsmorton and Berrow both eo. Worcester. She m. (for her 3rd husband) 24 Nov. 1720 at St. Mary Mag. afsd. Samuel Pytts of Kyre co. Worcester. She hi. (for her 4th husband) a few months before her death (1737), William BuiDOKN, Alderman, afterwards (1703) Lord, Mayor of London, who [/. at Enfield, Oct. 1773, aged above 70. She d. 12 March 1737 aged 72 and was bur. at Birtamorton, M.I. Will pr. June 1741. III. 1700. ;?. Xaxfax (Coote), Earl of Bellomoxt, && [I.], & and h., b. about 1677. when his mother was 12 years old. Took his seat 25 Sep. 1707. He ;«. 17 Jan. 1704/5, at St. Martin's in the field, Midx., Lucia Anna (sti/lcd Countess de Nassau) sister to Henry (dk Nassau), 1st Karl of Grantham, yst. da. of Henry, Count ok Nassau and Lord of Ativermicroue In Holland, by Frances Van Akrsen, da. of Cornelius, I.urd of Sonimelsdyck ami l'laata in Holland. He d. before his mother, s.p.m., 12 July, 1 70S, at Bath, co. Somerset.( a ) Admon. 23 Aug. 1709, to a creditor. His widow, (who is mentioned in the will of her mother,( h ) dat. 20 Sep. 1712,) </. 4 Sept. 1744 and was bur. 10th at St. James Westm., tho', by her will &c, dat. 11 Aug. 1711, and fi June 1713 (sir), but pr. 1 Dec. 1744, she directs her burial to be at Westm. Abbey IV. 1708, 3. Richard (Coote), Earl of IJellomoxt, &c. [I.], to only br. and h. male. He took his seat 15 June 1709. P. C. to Queen 17GG. Anue. On 23 March 1729 lie sold the family estate of Coloony, co. Sligo, ami other lands for a sum just short of £17,000, and on 12 March 1737, he sue. his mother in the estate of Birtsmorton, co. Wore. He m. firstly, Judith, da. (whose issue became h.) of Francis Wilkinson of Southwark, Surrey. She d. v.p. in Dublin 0 April 1719, and was bur. at Christ Church, Dublin. He m. secondly, July 1721, Anne, widow of Sir Henry Oxendf.n, Bart,, da. of John HollowaY of Oxford. She d. s.p.m.s. 13 Feb. 1723/4, ami was bur. 20 at St. Anne's,Soho. Admon. S July 1724. He d. s.p.m.s.( c ) 10 Feb. 1760, aged S3 and was bstr. at Birtsmorton. Will pr. Sep. 1788. At his death the Earldom ok Bellomont [I.] became extinct, but the Barony of Coote of Coloony [I.] devolved on his cousin and h. male, Charles Coote, afterwards (1767) er. Earl ok Bellamont [I.] as under. [Richard Coote, styled Lord Colooxv, s, and h. ap. by 1st wife. He was a Capt. in the 1st Reg. of Foot Guards. He (/. v.p. in London mini. 23 Oct. 1740.] the Colonies. Unfortunately it occurred to him to fit out a privateer for that purpose (at his own and his friends expense) anil to entrust it to a veteran mariner named William Kidd. When however " Capt. Kidd " was in full command of the " Adven- ture Galley " he became the terror of all the Merchants and was finally arrested as a Pirate in 1698. See Maeaulay's History, Vol. v. p. 246 tea. Edit. 1861. ( :l ) Lady Frances Coote, his only da. and u m. 2S June 1723 (as his 1st wife) Sir Robert Clifton of Clifton, Notts., Bart., K.B. She d. 1733, leaving an only da., Fran- ces, (sole h. of her mother) wdio m. March 1747 George (Carpenter), 1st Earl of Tyrconnel [I.]. ( b ) See note to burial of " the Countess de Nassau de Avcnpierque " 27 Jan? 1719/20, in Col. Chester's "Westm. Abbey Registers." ( c ) Lady Judith Coote, his sole surv. child, inherited the estates of Birtsmorton and Berrow, wliieh, on her death unm. 10 Jan. 1771, she devised to her distant cousin Charles, Lord Coote of Coloony [I.], to the exclusion of the descendants of her first cousin Lady Frances Clifton (da. and h. of the 2nd Earl) who were the represen- tatives of the old family of Nanfan, from whom the Coote family derived these possessions.