Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/361

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BE HK.E L E Y . 339 1 establishing he r right i n the Peerage.(a) She m 3 April 1872 Major-Gcu. Gustavus | (*) I'cdiyrce illudmlinj Utt descent of the Barony of Dc Berkeley. I. Thomas dc Berkeley who, by male descent from his Great Grandfather Hubert Kite Harding, was sixth feudal Lurd of Berkeley, co. Glouc. Sofa

is a Baron (Loud DE by writ, 1295 to ia-21 ; d. ljigt.

t and II. Maurice, Lord dc Berkeley s. and h. sum. by writ to Tarl. as a Baron in his Father's lifetime, 130S to 1021 ; d. 1828.


II and 111. Thomas, Lord do Berkeley s. and b. sum. by writ, 1329 to 1360 ; tl. 1361. =f I — ; • 1 III ami IV. Maurice, Lord dc Berkeley s. and h. sum. by writ, 1302 to 1367 ; il. 130S. '-r IV. and V. Thomas, Lord do Berkeley s. and James dc Berkeley 2ml son, d. vita h. sum. by writ, 13S1 to 1115 ; d. s.p.m. 1117. fralis, 1105. =f= J V and VI. i Elizabeth, da, and sole heir- [Baroness de Berkeley ?| in. (as his 1st wife) lhchard (Boauchauip) Karl of Warwick who laid claim [jun-innriti) to the Barony of Berke- ley She d. s.p.m. 28 Doc. 1122, when any Barony to which she might liavc been entitled became in abeyance between her daughters. 1. James de Berkeley s. and h. sue. to the Berkeley estates under the entail to heirs male. Sum. as a Baron t Loud de Beukkley) by writ Uct, 1121 to 1161 ; d. 1103. T Margaret, 1st da. and coheir of her mother, /«. (as his 2nd wife) John (Talbot) Karl of Shrewsbury and d. 11 June 1488, Eleanor, 2nd da. in. lirstlyThomas (de Koos) Lord loM»s,and second- ly Kdmond (Beaufort) Duke of Somerset. She </. 1407. Elizabeth, 3rd and yst. da. m. Cfcorge (Ncvill) Lord Latimer and d. 1180. T II. William, Lord <lc Berkeley s. and h. cr, Marquess of Berkeley, 14S9. He d. s.p.s. I492having settled the Berke- ley estates oullenry VII and the heirs male of his body. Maurice de Berkeley de ^'«re(apparent- ly) Lord de Berkcley,(thu' never sum. to Pari.) br. and h. d, 1507.

  • 1V. Maurice de Berkeley, dejure (apparently) *V. Thomas, Lord de Berkeley, br.

Lord dc Berkeley, s. and h. Was (apparently) and h. who by writ, 9 Aug. 1529, sum. as a Baron in April 1523 but never took was sum. as a Baron; d. 1533. his seat. He d. s.p, leg. 12 Sep. 1 523. =p

  • VI. Thomas, Lord do Berkeley, s. and h. who, by writ 5 Jan. 1533/4, waa sum. as a

Baton, ami, tho' not possessed of the Berkeley estates, was placed in the precedency of the third Bai •on on the roll. Ho d. 1534. "-r 1 , 1 VII. Henry, Lord de Berkeley, s. and h., who sue. (G July 1553) to the Berkeley estntu, attaining his full age 20 Nuv. 1555. He was sum. as a Baron (Loud de Bf.kkixkv) by writ 155S to 1000, being placed in no hiijltcr precedency, than was his father, who had not possessed the said estate. He d. 1013. f A Vide payc 340.

  • None of these were possessed of the Berkeley estates which from 1*92 to 1553

were verted in Henry VII and the heirs male of hii body.