Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/362

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340 BERKELEY. Hamilton Lookwood Milman, Royal Artillery, 4th s. of Lieut.-Gen. Francis Miles M. and grandson of Sir Francis Milman, 1st Bart. Pedigree illustrating the descent of the Huron;/ of I>c Berkeley since 1U1J, as well as the heirship to the Earldom of Ormonde [/] cr. loJ'J. Thomas (Boleyne) Viscount RooMort, sr. S Dec 1539 Karl of Wiltshire in tail mule and, at the same date, Earl of Ormonde 1 1 1. the Utter creation being with rem. " to his heirs " ix, heirs general. He d. 1538 s.p.m.s., when the said Earldom of Or- monde fell (apparently) into alt* game. =y Henry VIII, King=r Anne. da. and coheir William Carey, d. — Mary da. ami niheir of England, 1501) d. 28 Jan. 1516/7. Jan. 1532/3 22 June 1529. (Smyth's " lierke- leys ") attainted, v. p., 15 and beheaded 10 m. 4 Fob. 1530/1, d. 10 July 1513, Elizabeth, only child of her mother. Henry Carey, & and h., A. ahoiit Queen of England, I55S. d. num. April 1526 ci*. Bnron Hunadou 21 March 1002/3. 155!' ; (/. 15J>6. f George (Carey) Baron Hnnsdoii, B. ami h., who. on the death of his cousin Queen Elizabeth, was sole h. to his great Grandfather Thomas (Holeyne) Earl of Or- monde [I] and as such (apparently) entitled to that Earldom. Hod. a few mouths snbseipiently, ti:. on I* From page 330. Sep. 1 003. =r A I . I . I Sir Thomas Berkeley, s. and h. a)). of=pf Elizabeth, da. and sole h., //. 1570 : Henry.Lord do Berkeley, d. v.p. loll. | »>. 1586, She d. 23 April 1035. I . 1 f George, Lord de Berkeley, s. and h. who in 1013 tile, his paternal Grandfather in that Dignity and who in 1635 site, his mother in her (apparent) right to the Earldom of Ormonde [1]. He d. 165S. ••= 1 George, Lord de Berkeley, cf. Earl of Berkeley and Viscount Duwley, 1070 ; d. 1698. y 1 1 t Charles, Earl of Berkeley, &c. ; d. 1710, J t James, Earl of Berkeley, &c. ; d. 1730. t Augustus, Earl of Berkeley, &e. ; d. 1755. p I ^ t Frederick Augustus, Earl of Berke- Sir George Cranfield Berkeley, G.C.I3. ley, &e. and Lord de Berkeley; d. 1810. * 1818. =f A B t These so marked were (as heirsgen. of Thomas Boleyn, Earl ot Wiltshire ami Eavl of Ormonde) apparently entitled to die Earldom of Ormonde [1 ]. See this matter most ably treated under " the Earldoms of Ormoiul " by J. IS. Bound, M.A., in Foster's " Coll. Gen." j.p. 81-93.