Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/176

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CASSTLLIS. 175 Ho was, however, one of the 02 members i>( Cromwell's " House of Lords. "( a ) Kioiii June 1001 to July 1002 he ma one uf the 4 extra Lords of Session [SJ Ho »i. firstly Jean, da. of Thomas (Hamilton), 1st Eabl of Haddinton [S.J by his 2nd wife Margaret, tin. of James Foirus. She, who was b. at Kilin burgh, ■'> Feb. 1007, is supposed to have been the heroine of ballad of " the Gypsio Laddie "('*). She d. 1842, and was Ijhc at Maypole. He tu. secondly, Margaret, widow of Henry Kbu, ULSTER OF ROXBURGH, (who d. Jan. 1 (i 1:1), da. of William (Hay), Eaiii. of Emtoi.L [S.], by Annie, da. Of Patrick (Lyon), Karl ok Ivinohorn [S.) He d. April 166S( C ). His widow, who was sister ami solo h. of Gilbert, Karl of Erroll [S.] (who d. S.p. 1075) was far. 22 April 1G95 at St. Martins in the field, Midx. Will dat. 12 April and pr. 1 July 1G95. [Jambs Kennedy, Master o», dylecl Lord Kennedy, s. and h ap., being only s. by 1st wife, (/. mini, and v.p.] VII. 1C.GS. 7. John (Kennedy), Earl of Cassillis, Ssc, [S.], 2nd but only surv. s and h., being only s. by 2d wife, was served h. male and of line 22 Sep. 1088. In 11370 he was the only person in pari, who voted affaitui the act for punishing conventicles, ami for his undue protection of them was outlawed. He entered heartily into the Revolution movement and was P.O. iu 1689 lu William III. and one of the Lords of the Treasury. He m. firstly (contract (i Dec. 1808) Susan, 2d. and yst. sister of Anne, s«o /'lire Di'ohkss of Hamilton [S.j. 'I.i. of James (Hamilton), 1st Dukk of Hamilton [S.] by Mary, da. of William (Fun. him;), 1st. Haul of Denbigh. He m. secondly, 27 Feb. 1697/8, at St. Paul's, (Went Garden, Midx., " Mrs. Mary Fox [or Foix] of St. Giles-in-the-Fields," lis. uf John Fox of Lincoln's Inn fields, by Mary, da. of Thomas Weld of Richmond, Surrey, Cit. and grocer of London. He </. 23 July 1701. His widow d. at Kensington 12 and was far. 17 Sep. 17 Hi at St. Bartholomew's the Less, Loudou.(' 1 ) [John Kennedy, Master ok Cassillis, styhid Lord Kennedy, s. ami h. ap. being only s. by by 1st wife, m. is June 1097 " at Ely House " (contract dat. lath) Elizabeth, da. or Charles Hitchinson of Ovrthorpe. Notts.( e ) Mar. lie. at Fac. Ortice he about 2."), she about 20. He ,!. v.p. 1700. His widow m. 22 March 1701 at Bdinbitrgh, John (Hamiltox), Earl of Selkirk and ok Ruolkn [S.] being his 2d wife by whom he had no issue. He, who survived her, d. IS Dee. 1711, s.p.m.s., aged SO. She (/. at Barston, 10 March 17:11.1 ( il ) See a list of these, «nfc, p. 84, note " k," under " BmtNELL." () " The gypsies they cam' to Lord Casillis 'yett, And oh, but they sang bounie : They sang sue sweet, and sue complete, That doun came our fair Ladie. She cam' tripping down the stairs. With a' her maids before her As soon as they saw her weel-far'd face, Tiny east their glamourie owre her." According however to another tradition the lover was not a gipsy "laddie" who thus bewitched her, but Sir John Faa, of Dunbar, to whom she had been attached before her marriage with the "solemn Earl." Anyhow, having been recaptured, she <£ at or near Maybole. The story is altogether mythical, and is discredited by a letter written shortly after her death by her husband, speaking of her with great respect and tenderness. ( u ) Margaret his 1st da. (by his 1st wife) m. in 1669, or 1670, Gilbert Burnet, then Professor of Divinity at Glasgow, but afterwards (1089*1715) tll( - ! celebrated Bishop of Salisbury, C) See ped. of Fox iu "Mis. Gen. et Top.," X. S., Vol. i, p. 113. See also "Robertson," (p. 216,) as to a claim of privilege of Peerage made " by the Ladies Hofdmgton and Cassillis" for keeping gaming houses, disallowed by the House of Lords 29 April 1745. This probably refers to (the abovenamed Lady) the Dowager Countess, who lived some 18 months after this date, though possibly to the then Earl's wife. (°) The marriage is not reg. at St. Andrew's, Holborn (where " Fly House " was, presumably, situated) but at St. Martin's-iu-the-Felds, Midx., on 21 July [sic] 1697, though there stated to have taken place on IS June [sic| ; the entry (with some others from IS Jan. 1696/7 to 19 Aug. 1697) being on flyleaf of " Vol. of Marriages 1695- 1710 " and relating to persons " married out of our pariah, but pay'd the dues which is ten shillings." In it he is described us " John, lord Kenedy."