Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/296

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298 HTXNTLY. Marquessate 2 tnttS 7. George (Gordon), Marquess of ti Humly, Eabl of Hcntly, [S], 1st B. and h., > Mi If! fated Earl of Emzib,(») or Loud Gordon,!") till Earldom IS ] j ' tr. (v.p.) iO April 1682, VISCOUNT ABOY1J E [S.]. ,. T . j with a «|«C. rem. in favour of his second son, James ' Gordon (see fuller particulars under that title, a: 1C32 : ex. Feb. 1648 9) ; sue. to the Mzrqvtualt [8,1 13 .Tunc 1636; raised forces for the King.- service 1039, out submitted, and was imprisoned April to June In that ye;ir. He was afterwards the King's Lieut, in the North in 1644, but owing to his indecision and the jealousy of others.did little service to the canse.( b ) lie was excepted from the gen. pardon of 12 March 1647 ; was arrested Dec. 1647. at Strathuaver, and was bclnadcd at Edinburgh 22 March 1648/9, and bur. (in the Setou burial place} at Seton.( e ) He had in. in 1607, Anue, 1st. da. of Archibald (Campbell), 7th Ea.HL ok ARGYLL [S.], by his first wife, Anue, da. of William (DOUOLAS), 1st Haul ok Morton [S.] She (/. in his lifetime, at Aberdeen, 14 June 1638, and was bin: at St. Maehar's church there. George Gordon, styled (apparently) Lord Gordon, 1st b. ami h. ap. served in the French service at Lorrain and Alsace ; was imprisoned at Edinburgh, with his father, 1639. He d. unui. and v.p. being slain at the battle of Alford, ex jarlc Jieijis, 2 July 1645. Marquessate [S.]] 8 and 8. Lewis (Gokdon), Marquess of TIT 1JUNTI.Y, F.A11L OF Huktlt, &c. fS.J, 3d but 1st surv. ' 5-1G49 s - " ud S '"'- llis Father 22 S1,,rcl1 I'^S/it, and Earldom [S.] j ' was mlnnd to his honours and estates by Act of Pari. , r , TT passed in the presence of King Charles It, 25 March Vlll. J 1651. (°) He m. about 1640, Mary, da. of Sir John Grant, of Freuohy, by Mary, sister of James, 1st Eabl of Findlater [S.], da. of Walter (Ogilvy), 1st Loud* Ogilvy of Dkskford [S.] He d. Dec. 1653, Marquessate [S.]l £ and 9. George (Gordon), Mar- JY quess of Hdntly, Earl of H untly, ic. [S.], i 1G53 3 - and n -> "bout 1643, styled Earl of Earldom [S.] | " Enzie till Dec. 1653, when' he sue. to the , x Marquessate [S.] In 1661. the attainder (16*9) of his Grandfather the 2d Marquess (whose % -2 " honours had previously, in 165 1, been restored .J ^ to bis eon as abovestated) was reversed by Actof Pari. He was cr. 3Nov.l684, DUKIiOF GORDON, MAHQUliSS OF H UNTLY, EAHL OF HUNTLY AND ENZIE, VISCOUNT OF INVEUNKSS, LORD BADENOCH, l.OCHABKR, STIUTHAVEN, BALMORE, AUCHINDOUN, GARTHIE, AND KIN- CARDINE [S.] He d. 7 Dec. 1716. c p a o s hp (") He had a charter to " George, Earl of Enzic," 22 Feb. 1610/6, and to " Geonje Lord Gordon" 17 Dec. 1618. Wood's " Douglas," vol. i, p. 652. (t>) His belief in astiology is supposed, by Burnet, to be one of the reasons why, tho' " naturally a gallant mail, he made a poor figure during the whole course of the wars." (») See vol. i.. p. 194, note " c " (sub Aubigny) for " the Loyalists bloody roll " in which however (piobably by inadvertence) he is omitted. ( d ) James, 2d Viscount Aboyne [S.], the second son had d. s.p. a month before his Father. (") If this restoration was not a general one but was one with a spec. rem. to heirs male, it would affect the devolution of the Earhlom of Huntly (1445) which, in that case, would belong to the present Marquess the heir male of the family, instead of, according to its orig. constitution (see p. 299, note " c "), to the heir