Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/100

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98 LINDORES. <if Burray, da, of Sir Archibald Stewart, of Dunearn. He d. s.p. July 1719. (") His widow d. Oct. following. On bis death the issue male of the grantee of this peerage became extinct. The title, however, on the presumption of it having been con- ferred to heirs male whatsoercr, was assumed as under. VI. 1719. 0. Alexander (Leslie), Lord Lindores [S.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of John Leslie, of Quarter, in Burnt- island, by (— ), da. of ( — ) Spittal, of Leuchart, which John (who ( (. 29 July 1700), was s. and h. of Andrew Leslie, of Quarter afsd. (d. before 30 Nov. 1079), who was 2d s. of the Hon. Sir John LESLIE, of Newton (slain 1 Sep. 1051), 5th s. of Andrew, 4 til BARE of Kothes [.$.] abovenamed, and yr. br. (tho' of the half blood) to Patrick, 1st Loud Lindobes [S.], the 2d s. of the said Earl. He was an officer in the army in 1734 and eventually (1701) Major General; Col. of the 77th Foot, 175S ; Col. of the 41st Foot, 1764. He voted (1730 05) at the elections of Scotch Peers.( 1 ') He Hi, Jean, da. of Colin Campbell, Commissioner of the Customs, 2d s. of Sir Colin Campbell, 1st Bart [S.], of Aberuehill. He was bur. in Chelsea College 3 Sep. 1705. His widow living Aug. 1784. Will pr. May 1790. VII. 17G5. 7. James Francis (Leslie), Lord Lindores [S.], only s. and h. ; Capt. in the Marine force, 1757. He voted at the elections, 1707-71, of Scotch Peora.(>>) He d. num. 30 June and was bur. 4 July 1775, at Hackney, Midx. Admon. 3 Aug. 17S4, to a creditor. VIII. 1775, S. John (Leslie), Lord Lindores [S.}, cousin and to h. male, being s. and h. of John Leslie, of Lumcpihat (</. 1771-74), 1813. only s. and h. of John Leslie, of the same {d. before 8 Nov. 1728), a. of Capt. John Leslie, of the same (living Oct. 1700), s. of James Leslie, of the same (d. 1705), 3d s. of the Hon. Sir John Leslie, of Newton (ancestor of the 0th Lord), who was yr.> br. (tho 1 of the half blood) to Patrick, 1st Lord Lindores, both being sons of Andrew, -1th Haul ok Kothes [S ] He was It. 1750 ; was an officer in the 20th Foot in 1774 and became eventually Lieut. General in the army. He voted at the election of Scotch Peers in 17S0. 17S4, without protest, but at the general election in 1790 his votes were disallowed. ( t: ) He 22 March 1789, in Mr. Mansell's house, South Audley street, St. Geo. Han. so., Jane, yst. da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Reeve, of Hendens, in Bray, Berks. He d. s.p.m. May 1813 in his 04th year, being said to have been " the last male heir of the noble family of Leslie. "( fl ) Since his death the Barony of Lindores has remained unclaimed. Will pr. 1S13. His widow d. 11 Nov. 1S37, aged 77, at Gev's house, near Maidenhead, Berks. Will pr. Dee. 1837. (") By deed IS Dec. 1718, he settled the Lindores estate on his second cousin, Jeau, 1st da. and h. of line of David (Leslie), 2d Lord Newark [S.], wdio was s. and h. of David, 1st Lord Newark, yr. br. of James, Lord Lindores, the settlors' grandfather. She was served heir accordingly, 20 Aug. 1730, and executed in April 1738 with consent of her husband, Sir Alexander Anstruther, a disposition of the estate in favour of Alexander (Leslie), Lord Lindores, the heir male. (b) " Alexander [hmA Lindores] constantly voted at elections of Rep. Peers without protest or question. He d. 1705 and was sue. by his only son, Francis John, who voted at the elections of Rep. Peers in 1767, 1771, and 1774, without protest or question." [Hewlett, p. 05.] ( c ) The House on 0 June 1793, resolved that " the votes given by the Lord Lindores at the said election [1790] were not good. Mr. Hewlett remarks that "there is no known report of the judgment given against the votes of Lord Lindores, nor are the grounds on which it proceeded known. It was, however, merely a decision against the votes given by Lord Lindores on that election and not a decision against any claim made by him to the dignity and it is to be observed that the wording of the resolution is very different from cases in which the dignity is impugned, e.g., in that of Belhaveu where the words run that " the votes given by the person who voted under the title of Lord Belhaveu were not good ;" so also in the case of Newark and of others. ( ,l ) Annual Register for 1813.