Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/101

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LINDSAY. 99 LINDSAY, and LINDSAY OF THE EYRES. A Barony of Lindsay [S.1, of a very ancient date, was allowed, 11 Aug. 1S4S, together with the Earldom of Orawfard [S.] The date of this Earldom is 1398 and that date, or any earlier one may probably be considered as being also that of the Barony; certainly David, the 3d Earl, waB in 1443 designated "Earl of Crawford and Lord the Lyndittay" and the title of Lord Lindsay has been "ever since home by the Earls of Crawford ;" whom see. Barony [S.] 1. Sin JonN Lindsay, of the Byres, co. Haddington, was I 1115 s ' anc ' °^ ^" William/, *) Lindsay, of the same, by Christiana, da. of Sir William KEITH, Mareschal of Scotland, which William Lindsay was s. and h. of Sir William Lindsay, also of the Byres, a yr. s. of Sir David Lindsay, of Crawford, the grandfather of David, 1st Ham, ok Crawford [S.] 11k was one of the hostages for the ransom of King James I. fS.] in 1424 ; was P.C. to King James II. [8»J and (having witnessed a charter in 1431 as " Dominus dc //i/irs ") was styled in a Royal charter of confirmation, 22 Feb. 1415, LORD LINDSAY OF THE BYRES fS.], having safe conduct into England (under that designation) 5 July 1461, and sitting in Pari. 19 Oct. 1456, G .March 1457/8, aud 1464 :{ h ) Justiciary [S.] North of Forth, 1457, aud a Lord of Session, 6 March 1457/8. He is said to have m. (— ), da. of Sir Robert Stewart, of Lorn. He (/. 6 Feb. 1482. II. 1182. :?. David (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of toe Eyres [S.], s. and h., one of the Lords of Council [S.] He sat in Pari. 10 Oct. 1487 ; was one of the chief adherents to King James III. [S.] in the battle of Sanchiebnra,( c ) 11 June 1488 (where he was slain) for which adherence he was summoned to answer by the new King but escaped judgment. He m. Janet, da and h. of Walter Rjmsay, of Carnock and Pitcruvie. He d. s.p. 1490. III. 1190. 3. John (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Byres [S.], br. and b.< being so found 30 Jan. 1490 ; called " John oul-with-the- iwnrd." He m. Mariot, da. of Sir William Baii.lif., of Lamington. He d. s.p.m. after 25 Dec. 1496, and probably before 5 Nov. 1497. His widow m. Robert Douglas, of Loehlevcn. IV. 1497. Patrick (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of the Byres [S.], br. and, according to the enfeoffment of the late Lord,() heir, 5 Nov. 1497. He was sometime an advocate or " forcspekar."(°) He sat in Pari. 1505 anil 1526. He accompanied the King in 1513 in his fatal expedition to England (of (•') It is highly probable that William (and not his son, John), should be considered the fbSU Baron. The precedence of the Barony of Lindsay at the ranking of 1606 is in favour thereof (see note " b " below) inasmuch as this William (equally as his descendants) was in possession (jure matris) of the Barony of Abercorn. Besides this, he is styled " William, Lord Lindsay" (a designation implying more than mere territorial Lordship) when alluded to (as the founder of a Chaplaincy) in the con- veyance of the estate of Byres, on its alienation in 1609, aud he is also recognised as Lord Lindsay in two Royal charters (6 and 29 June 1609), confirming that seal. Ex. inform. W. A. Lindsay- ( b ) In the decreet of ranking, 5 March 1606, " Lord Lindesay " is placed above all the Barons, next under the " Eail of Dunbar" and above "Lord Forbes," the creation of which Barony was before 12 July 1442. This is said to have been in respect to the Barony ot Abercorn ; Christiana, da. of Sir William Mure, of Abercorn, having m. Sir William Lindsay (the first) of Byres, and being mother of Sir William Lindsay, the father of John, Lord Lindsay of Byres, abovenamed. C=) He it was who presented the King with "the great grey horse" on which he rode at that battle. He is said to have brought thereto no less than 3,000 foot aud 1 ,000 horse. ( ll ) His elder br., George Lindsay, was living 26 Oct. 1498. (*) As such he pleaded for his brother, the 2d Lord, when on his trial in 1488 for having assisted the late King at Sauchieburn.