Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/112

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110 LISBURNE — LISGAR. Earldom [I.J IV. Viscountey [I.] VIII. by his second wife 4 iiinl ~. Ehnkst Augustus (Vaughan), Earl of LisnrnKE, &c. [I.], 2d but 1st surv. s. unit Iggi h., b. 30 Oct. 1S00 ; styled Loud Vaughan from 1820 til! he me, in the peerage [I.] in May 1831 ; Sharifl 18gl, and IIP., for Cardiganshire, 1854-59. Ho m. firstly, 27 Aug. 1835, at St. James', Piccadilly, his cousin, Mary, 2d da. of Sir Lawrence Palk, lid Bart., lorothy Elizabeth, da. of Wilmot (Vauohan), 1st Earl ok Lis- UURNE [I.], abovenamei'. She d. 23 July 1851, aged 52, at Enlield, Midx. He Dt secondly, 5 April 1853, at Alvorstoke church, Elizabeth Augusta Harriet (sometime Maid of Honour to Queen Adelaide), da. of Henry Hugh Mitchell, Col. in the army, by Harriet Isabella Elizabeth, da. of Henry (SOMERSET), 5th DtKK OF Beaufort. He d. 8 Nov. 1873, aged 73, at Crosswood. His widow (/. s.p.s. 13 Dec. 1833, at Morniugton, Cowes, Isle of Wight. Will pr, 7 Jan. 1884, above £4,000. Earldom [I.] V. Viscountey [I. IX. 5 and S. Ernest Augustus Malet (Vaughan), Earl of LisnritNE, ,v.c. [I.], s. and h., b. 1873 June 1838, in Great Stanhope street ; sti/tcd Lord Vaughan till he sue. In the peerage [L] in Nov. 1873 ; eil. at Eton and at Ch Oh., Oxford. He m. firstly, 21 June 1858, at St. Peter's, Eaton square, Laura Gertrude, 3d. da. of Edwin BORHABY, of Baggrave Hall, co. Leicester, by Anne Caroline, da. of Thomas SALISBURY, of Mnrshfield House, co. York. She d. (as "Lady Vaughan" ), 29 March 1885, at Birch Grove near Aberystwith. He m. secondly, 15 May 1878, at Huntley, co. Gloucester. Alice Daltou, 1st da. of Edmund PROBTK, of Huntley manor, by Sophia, da. of Richard DalTON, of Knaith, co. Lincoln. He d. 31 March 1888 aged 51 at the Victoria Hotel, St. Leonardson-Sea. His widow m. (as second wife) 25 Sep. 1889, at Chriat Church, Down street, William Archer (A.mheust), 3d Eaul Amherst and was living Arthur Henry George of Lisiiurne [1/76] Viscount Earldom [I.] VI. Viscounty [I.] X. 0. and .9. (Vaughan), Earl T^ggg Lisiiurne and Baron of Fkthaud [1695] in the peer- age of Ireland, only s. and h., 6, 30 July 1862, stijlcd Lois Vait.han, from 1873 till he Sue. to the peerage [I.] iu March 1SSS. Higli Sheriff of Cardiganshire 1SS9. He la. 24 Oct 1888 at St. Andrews, Evelyn (sister to his step-mother) 2d da. of Edmund Probvn, by Sophia, da. of Richard Dalton abovenamed. Family estates, Tliese, in ISM, consisted of 42,720 acres in co. Cardigan ; 40 in co. Carmarthen and 1 (worth £20 a year) in Midx. Total. 42,761 acres, worth £13,076 a year. Principle Ittsidcncc, Crosswood near Aberystwith co. Cardigan. LISGAK OF LISGAR AND BAILLIEBOROUG1I. Barony. « The Rt. Hon. Sir Jg-iin Young, Bart., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., I 1870 Governor Gen. of the Dominion of Canada, and Commander-in-Chief in and over the island of Prince Edward " was cr. 26 Oct. 1870. r HA RON LISGAR OF LISGAR AND BAILLIEBOROUGH, co. " Cavan. He was s. and h. of Sir William Young, Bart, (so cr. 28 Aug. 1 S21 ) of Baillieborongh Castle, co. Cavan, a director of the East India Company, by Lucy, da. of Lieut.-Col. Charles Frederick, and was b. 31 Aug. 1807 ;ed. at Eton and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford; B.A., 1829 ; Barrister (Line. Inn), 1834 ; M.P. for co. Cavan, 1831-55; a Lord of the Treasury, 1811-44 ; Sec. to the Treasury, 1844-16 ; sue. his father as a Baronet, 10 March 1848 ; Ch. Sec. to the Viceroy of Ireland, 1852-55 ; P.C, [CR. and I.], 1S52 ; Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, 1S55-59 ; G.C.M.G., 1855; K.C.B , 1859; Gov. of New South Wales,1860-67 ;G.C.B.,1808 ; Gov. of Canada, 18U8-72,being, in 1870, raisedtotkepcer- age as above stated ; Lord Lieut, of co. Cavan, 1871. He m., 8 April 1835, Adelaide