Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/113

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LISLE. Ill Aunebella, da. of Edward Tnite Dalton, by Olivia, da. o£ Sir Edward Stevenson, of r>ul>liu, Muh. Doc. Ho d. s.p. C Oct, 1870 aged G9, at Lisgar House, Baillieborough, co. Cavan, when the Ilarony became extinct, but the Baronetcy devolved on his nephew. His widow m. 3 Aug. 1878 (her late husbands Principal Secretary) Sir Francis Charles Kortescue Tukvili.k, K.C.M.Gr., of Hosworth Hall, co. Leicester, who d. 20 Dec. 1389, aged 68. She was living 1892. Family Estates. — Those of the late Lord Lisgar appear in 1883 to have consisted of 8,92 1 acres in co. Cavan, worth £7,007 a year. LISLE, or LISLE OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT. Barony 1, John de Lisle, of "Wodeton, [Watton] in the Isle of by writ. Wight, 3 . and h. of Willi am de Lisi.E, was made Gov. of Carisbrooke I 1 '^99 Castle, in 120 7, and had, with about 00 other persona, summons, 8 June 1294, i/ 1 ) to attend the King to advise on the affairs of the realm. He distinguished himself in the wars with France and Scotland and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD LISLE) by writ directed " Juki de Insula " 29 Dec. (1299) 2S Ed. I., and subsequently. () He was one of the Barons whose signature (as " Juh'cs de Lisle, D'n'sde Wodeton ") is to the letter to the Pope in 1801.(°) He d. about 1303-0-1 ; Each 32 Ed. I. II. 1304. 2. John (de Lisle), Lord Lisle, s. and h. aged 23 in (1303-0-1) 32 Ed. I., when he had livery of his lands as " John, s. and h. of John s. of William de Insula." K B. (with Prince Edward, &c.) 1306 ; served in the wars with Scotland, and was sum. to Pari, by writs from 22 Jan. (130-1 /f>) 33 Ed. I to 29 Dec. (1311) f> Ed. IL, directed (for the most part) " Join de Insula de Insula IVc/m," in which hist named writ he is placed among the " Darones." A writ dated 29 July (1311) S Edit. II.( a ) may, possibly, also apply to him. He was in (1317-18) II Ed. II. one of the commissioners to treat with Scotland, but, says Dugdale, "farther I cannot say of him." He may not impossibly be the " John de L"lsle, of Gatcombe " on whose death an inquisition was holdeu, 24 Nov. 1337, John being found to be his sou and heir.( u ) (a) See vol. i., p. 259, note " c " sub " Basset de Sapcote," as to this not constituting a regular writ of summons to Pari. (") Dugdale and almost evey other authority attribute all the writs to John (who in the text above is considered as) the 2nd Lord. As this John was but 23 in 1304 it is unlikely he should have been sum. to Pari, in 1299 ; and it was the opinion of Courthope, Banks, &c. that the earlier writs refer to the father, who appear! to have been alive till about 1303. Had these writs referred to the son, the word "junior" would probably have been inserted. ( c ) See " Nicolas" pp. 761-809 for a full account of this letter. ( d ) This writ directed " Juki Insula-de Wyth," probably applies to John de Lisle, a Baron of the exchequer, who had been sum. (among the King's Justices and Council; from 23 Ed. I. (°) Accordingtoapedigrp.e(fullof dates and other information) in Baker's "Nnrthamp- loiuhire" (vol. i., p. 706) this Lord Lisle, who was of Wodeton afsd., of Chute, Wilts and of Walton, co. Northampton, m. Petronilla and d. (1331) f> Ed. III., leaving (1) Sir ■irtholomeiv de Lisle, then aged 23, his s. and h„ who m, Elizabeth and d. Aug. (1345) Ed. 111., leaving (2) Sir J"lm de Lisle, aged 9, his s. and h., who m. Matilda (who ' ->ving held Walton in dower) and d. (1371) 45 Ed. III., leaving (3) Sir John "fed 3 (aged 22 ill 1388), his s. and h., who d. 1 Feb. (1407/S) 9 Hen. de Lisle, his s. and h., who d. seized of Wodeton and of Chute lienated the estate of Walton) in (1429) 7 Hen. VI., leaving (5) and h., then age 22. This pedigree seems more reliable than a i in Bauks's " Bur. Anyl." vol. i., p. 282, which makesa Walter de of John, the Baron temp. Ed. II., stating that the said John ") 31 Ed. III. According to that pedigree Eleanor, sister and f Wodeton, (7th iu descent from the said Walter) m. John pf Berks, and was mother of (besides 2 sons who d. s.p.) Mary, acid d. s.p, (1528-29) 20 Hen. VIII,