Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/176

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174 LUCY. Barony by 2. ANTHONY de Lucy, 2d s. of Thomas de Luct, Writ. formerly de Mblton, by Isabel, da. and coheir of Adam dk Rolteby, I 13°0 Langley, co - Northumberland (which Thomas was s. of Alan DK Mti.ton, by Alice, da. and coheir of Richard de Lrcv, of Egremont, co. Cumberland), tue. his elder br. Thomas de Lily in the family estates, co. Cumberland, &c, in 1:J0S, being then aged 25 ; served in the wars with Scotland; was several times Sheriff of Cumberland and was sum. to l'arl. as .1 Baron (LORD LUCY) by writs from lfi May (1320), 11 Kil II. to 2-1 Feb. (1342/3), 14 Edward III.() In (1322-23) 16 Ed. II., be obtained a grant of the Castle and Honour of Coekermouth. He assisted at the capture of Andrew (de Harcla) the rebel Earl of Carlisle ; was Gov. of llerwick-upon-Tweod and was Ch. Gov. (as Lord Lieut.) of Ireland in 1331. lie is said to have Ml. Elizabeth, da. of Robert TlLLlOFF, of Sealeby. He was dead in (1343) 17 Ed. 111. II. 1342. 2. Thomas (de Lucy), Lonn Lucy, onlv s. and h, J I<- was sum. to Pari. (v.p. ?) 2;> Eeb (1311/2), lfl Ed. Ill, as also from 20 April (1314), 18 Ed. Ill to 4 Dec. (1361), 38 Ed. III. lie distinguished himself in the wars in Flanders, as also in Scotland at the siege, 1343, of Lochmabau Castle and at the battle of Durham. He hi. before 1334 Margaret (then aged 24), sister and coheir of John, LoliD MllLTON, she being 3d and YSt. da. of Thomas (DK Ml'LTON), 1st Loud Milton, both of Egremont, in Cumberland. With her he acquired very con- siderable property. He d. 5 Dec. (13Go), 39 Ed. III. III. 13G5. 8. Anthony (de Lucy), Loud Lucy, only s. and h., aged 24 at his father's death. He was never sum. to Pari. He was joint Guardian of the marches toward.- Cumberland and Westmorland in 1368. He t». on or before 1366, Joane, widow of William. LOBTJ QfiBYSTOCK, da. of Henry (FlTZ Hugh), Loud Ftw High. He </. s.p.ui., Sep. 1368. His widow m. (thirdly) Sir Matthew REDMAN, and (/. 1 Sep. 1404. being 6ki at Clerkenwell. IV. 13G8. 4. Joane, ili' jure, siU) jure Baroness Lucy, only da, and h., then aged 2 years and 3 months. She d. Oct. 13611, aged about 3 years. V. 1369. 5. Maud, Countess of Angus ■■'[Si]. snd dejure, una jure to Baroness Lucy, aunt and heir, being only da. of Thomas, the 2d 1398. Lord Lucy. She m. firstly (as his second wife), after Aug. 13f>0, but before 136!), Gilbert (db L'mkhavh.l), Eaiil 09 Angus [S.], who d. 8. p., 7 Jan. 1380/1, She m. secondly (also as his second wife) about 1384, Henry (Pehcy), 1st. Eahi. OFNoBTHUMBSHLAND, who was slain (leaving issue by his Hist wife), 29 Feb. 1407/8. She, however, (/. s.p., previously, 24 Dee. 1398, leaving to him Prudhoe Castle (which she had inherited from her first husband), and her vast paternal estates, comprising the Honours of Egremont, Coekermouth, &c.( 1 ') These Northampton, till the reign of Henry VI., when, upon the death of Sir William Lucy, 1160, the representation vested in his sisters and coheirs — Eleanor, wife of Thomas Hopton, of ttoptoil, co. Salop, and Matilda, wife of Sir William Vaux, of Harrowdeu ; the Earl of Portsmouth represents the former of these ladies, and the Lord Vaux of Harrowden the present Earl of Pembroke, and Edward Bourehier Hurtop, Esq., represent the latter." (») There is proof in the rolls of l'arl. of his sitting. ('■) Sir H. Nicolas (slightly altered by Courthope) remarks hereon that In con- sequence 'jf the marriage of Maud, the daughter of Thomas, and sister and eventually sole heir of Anthony, last Baron Lucy, with Henry [Percy], 1st Earl of Northumber- land, it was stipulated that the Castle and honour of Coekermouth, part of the inheritance of the said Maud, should be settled upon himself and her and the heirs male of their two bodies, failing which, upon the heirs of her body, and in case she should die without issue, then upon Hecrv, Lord Percy, his a. and h. flip.], begotten on his first wife, and the heirs male of his ooJ.y. upon condition that the said Henry and his heirs male should bear the arms of Percy quarterly with the arms of Lucy viz.), Oules, three Lucies, argent, in all shields, banners, ensigns, &c. Notwithstand-