Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/177

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LUDLOW. 175 being thus diverted from the heir of the Lucy family, the Barony of Lucy was never assumed by such heir, (*) but remained dormant. LUDLOW [Salop.] i.e., " LUDLOW, eo. Salop," Viseountey (Berhert), er. 1748 with the Earldom of Powis, which see ; ex. 1S01. i.e., "('live of LlTDtOW," Viafioantoy (Otic), cr. I S04 with the EAHI.noM 0¥ PoWJSi which see. LUDLOW, :md LUDLOW OF ARDSALLAGH. Barony [I.] J Peter Ludlow, of AnlsftUagh, uo, Meath, and I 1755 QWftt Stoughton, co. Huntingdon, only surv. s. and h. of Peter LcDLOW, of Ardsallagh, by Mary, da. and h. of .John PKKSTOK, also Earldom [I ] of Ardsallagh afsd., was b. 21 April 1730 ; sue. his father, 19 June 1750 i was MP. for co. Huntingdon ; was cr., 19 Dec. 1755, '• 17oW - BAROJJ LUDLOW OF ARDSALLAGH, co. Meath [I.], and subsequently was er., 3 Oct. 1760, VISCOUNT PKESTON OF ARDSALLAGH, co. Meath. and EARL LUDLOW [I.], taking his seat, IS June 1770; P.C, 1782 ; Comptroller of the Household, 1782-84. He in., 26 June 1753, at St. Geo. Han. sip, Frances, 1st da. of Thomas (Li'.mley-S.u-ndkusun}, 3d EaRL of SCARBROCCH, by Frances, da. of George (Hamilton). EaRI. of Ouknf.y [S.] She d. 20 March 179ft He d. 2ti Oct. 1803, aged 73. II. 1803. 2. Augustus (Luni.ow), Earl Ludlow, kc, [L] % and h., I>, 1 Jan. 1755 ; stqhd Viscount Prestos, 1760-1803 ; sue. to i Oct. 1S03. He </. unm. 7 Nov. 1811, aged 56. Will pr. 1S11. III. 1811. 3. and 1. Georue James (Ludlow), Earl Ludlow Baron rtTKl PWl VlseoiTST Prfston of Ardsallagh [1760] and Bahon o y [l l iidlow op Ardsallagh [1755], in the peerage of Ireland; only 1. 1S31, br. and h., b. 12 Dec. 1758; entered the army in 177S ; served t 0 in the American war; was taken prisoner at York town and escaped jfUq hanging, only by having drawn the fortunate lot; served in Flanders in 1793, losing an win at Roub;uu ; was in command at Aboukir in 1S01 ; served at the surrender of Alexandria, also in Hanover. 1805, and in the expedition to Copenhagen in 1807 : becoming finally, in 1811. a full General ; sometime Col. of the 38th Foot, and subsequently Col. of the Scots Fnsileer Guards. K.B., 1804, becoming, consequently, in Jan. 1S15, G.C.B. ; Lieut. Gov. of Berwick. He sue. to the peerage [1 ], 7 Nov. 1S11, and was cr. 10 Sep 1831 ( b ) HA ROM ing that the said Maud died without issue the descendants of the said Earl were often styled Barons Lucy, their pretensions to that barony being manifestly without even the slightest foundation." Thomas Percy (afterwards Karl of Northumberland) is often said to have been cr. (probably from the said assumption by his ancestors) on 1 May 1557, Baron " Percy, Poynings, Lucy, Bryan, and Fitz Payne," but in reality the sole dignity then con- ferred on him was that of " Percy " [alone.] See "Creation*, 1488 — 16-16," in ap. 47th Rep. D.K. Pub. Records. (a) This heir was her first cousin, Sir William Melton, s. and h. of William Melton, by Joane, da. of Anthony, 1st Lord Lucy. His will was dat. 1398. The heirship con- tinued in his issue male for live generations (see Ranks' " Bar. Any/, tone." ), when the heir general became Doiothy (da. and h. of Sir John Melton) aged 38 in Sep. 1546, and then wife of George (Dnrcy), Lord Darcy (who acquired with her the manor of Aston, co. York), as to whose descendants and representatives See vol. iii, p. 22, note " a," sub Darcy." ('•) This was one of the Coronation peerages of William IV., for a list of which see vol. ii, p. 312, note "a," sub " Oloucurry."