Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/194

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192 MACCLESFIELD. 7 Sep. 1685, a warrant was issued for his apprehension and lie fled to the continent, and was outlawed, which sentence was reversed April ICS!). He returned to England in 168S, aud was one ot those in ftrffiftf*) for the Prince of Orange, at whose landing, he was in command of his body guard. ( b ) P.O., 1689 ; Lord Lieut, of North and South Wales, and of the counties of Monmouth, Gloucester, and Hereford, and of the city of Bristol, 16S9. He m. before 1 Dec 1656, Jane, da. of Pierre DK Civk.i.i.e, Equerry to the Queen Consort, Henrietta Maria. She was living in 1663, being then dismissed from court, but (/. before her husband. He d. (of vomiting), 7 Jan. 1698/4, and was bur. the 18th in Westm. Abbey. Admon. 26 April 1694, 2 Dee. 1701, and 5 Jan. 1702/3. II. 1694. 2. Charles (Gerard), Karl op Macclesfield, &c, 8. and h., 6. in Paris, about 1659 ; nat. by Act of Pari. 1676/7 ; styled ViscotiNT Ruandun, 1679-91; M.P. for Lancashire, 1679-S5, and 16S9-94 ; was convicted Nov. 1685 of high treason (live House plot), but released Jan. 1686/7, the attainder being reversed Nov. 1687 ; Lord Lieut, of Lancashire, 16S9 ; sue. to the peerage, 7 Jan. 1698/4, taking his scat on the 24th : Major Gen. iu the army and Col. of a Reg. of Carabiniers, 1691, taking part in the unsuccessful attack on Brest in June 1694 ; Lord Lieut, of North Wales, 1695/6. First Commissioner! 0 ) for the investiture of the Elector of Hanover (afterwards King George I.), with the Garter, which took place at Hanover, 1 Aug. 1701, on which occasion he presented tho Dow. Electress (Sophia) with a copy of the Act of succession. He m. IS June 1683, at St. Lawrence Jewry (Lie. Fac.) Anne (then aged about 15), da. of Sir Richard Mason, of Bishops Castle, Salop, and of Sutton, Surrey, Comptroller of the Household, by Anna Margaretta, da. of James Long, of Draycott, Wilts. She was divorced by Act of Parl.C 1 ) 2 April 1698, and her two children declared illegitimate. p] He is some- times said to have m. secondly ( — ) da. of ( — ) Hahdokd, but his will dat. 2 July, and pr. 17 Dec. 1701, and again 3 Feb. 1725 6, makes no allusion thereto. ( r ) lie </., s.p. legit., 5 and was bur. 14 Nov. 1701, aged 12, in Westm. Abbey. III. 170i, 3. Fittox (Gerard), Earl oe Macclesfield [1679], to Viscount Bhandon [1679], and BaRON Gehaud of Bhandon [1615], 1702. !*. and h. ; b. about 1665 ; M.P. for Yarmouth (Isle of Wight), 16S9-90; for Clitheroe, 1693-95; for Lancaster, 1697-98, and for Lancashire, 169S— 1700 ; sue. to the peerage, 4 Nov. 1701. He el. unm., 26 Dec. 1702, aged about 37, when all his honours became extinct. Will dat. 23 Dec. 1702, pr. 9 Jan. 1702/3, and 3 Dec. 1707. Barony. I. Tiiomas Parker, s. of Thomas Parker, of Leek, I 1716 co ' Stafford, an Attorney, by Anne, da. and coheir of Robert Venables, of Nuneham, Cheshire, was b. 23 July 1666, at Leek ; ed. Earldom, at Newport. Salop, at Derby, and (1685) at Triu. Coll., Cambridge; 17g , Student of the Inner Temple, 1683/4; Barrister, 1691; M.P. for 1. 1141. Derby, 1705-10; Serjeant at Law and Queen's Serjeant, 1705; knighted, 8 July 1705 ; was attached to the Whig party ; took a leading part in the impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell, was made P.C. and ( a ) See vol. i, p. 28, note " b," sub " Abingdon " for a liBt of these. ( b ) He was witness to three of the most striking epochs in English history, viz. (1) the beheading and deposing of Charles I. (2) the restoration of the monarchy under Charles II., and (3) the revolution, aud the expulsion of the race of Stuart. (o) See vol. ii, p. 192, note " a," sub " Catucaut," for a list of these special missions. ( a ) No previous decree had (as hud hitherto always been the case) been given by the Spiritual Court for a divorce "a mensd el thorn, tho' a suit begun in 1697 was still pending. ( u ) These were Anne Savage, b. 1695, who d. an infant at Chelsea, and Richard Savage, I. in Fox Court, Gray's Inn lane, 16 Jan. 1696/7, whose history, after 1698, is unauthentic, but with whom Richard Savage, the Poet, claimed to be identical. Their father was Richard (Savage), Earl Rivers, who el. 1712. The divorced Countess (whose large fortune was returned to her) m. about 1700 Lieut. Col. Henry Brett (who d. 1724), and d- in Old Bond Btreet, 11 Oct. 1753, aged 85. Their da., Anna Margaretta Brett, was the Mistress of George I. when in his 65th year. 0 In it, however, he leaves a great diamond to " Mrs. Letitia Harbord."