Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/195

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MACCLESFIELD. 193 Loud Ch. Justice of the QtTEBN's Bench in 1 71 0, which office he held S years, having been meanwhile one of the .seven Regents of the Realm, (») 1 Aug. to 18 Sep. 1714, on Urn demise of Queen Anne, ami being (consequently?) er. by bersuoceeaor (George I.), 10 March 1710, BARON PARKER OF MACCLESFIELD, up. Chester. He was made, IS May 1718, Loud CHANCELLOR of On EAT Britain; was Lord Lieut, of Warwickshire, 1719 ; one of the Lord Justices (Regents) of the Realm, during the King's absence therefrom in 1719, 1720 and 1723: and was cr. 15 Nov. 1721, VISCOUNT PARKIER OF EWF.LM, 20. Oxford, and EARL OF .MACCLESFIELD, with a spec, rem of those dignities, failing heirs male of his body, to his only da. Elizabeth, wife of William Heathcotk, of Horaley, co. Southampton (afterwards, 1738, cr. a Baronet), in like manner. ( b ) lie resigned the office of Lord Chancellor, ■1 Jan. 1726 (owing to heavy losses by the South Sea bubble, See,), and was three weeks Inter impeached for corruption, being in May 1725 found guilty and fined £30,00n.(<=) He m. his second cousin, Janet, da. ami h. of Robert Carrier.^ 1 ) of Wirksworth, co. Derby, and Elizabeth his wife. He d. 2S April 17-32, aged 65, at Soho square, and was a«r. at Shirburn, Oxon. Will pr. 1732. His widow d. 23 Aug. 1733, at Shirburn Castle, and was bur. at Shirburn afsd. Admou. 16 May 1735. Earldom. ) George (Parker), Earl of Macclesfield, y &c, 1st and only surv. s. and h. ; b. about 1097 ; one of the

i-o.i Tellers of the Exchequer, 1719-64 ; sti/led Viscount

Barony. f PaBKSB. 1721-32 ; M.P. for Wallingford, 1722 27 ; F.R.S., 1722 ; sue. t« the peerage, 23 April 1732 ; was one of the

    • " ) pall bearers at the funeral of the Prince of Wales, 13 April

1751; F.S.A., 1752; President of the Royal Society, 1 752-6 1 ; took a great part in the act for the adoption of the " new style" in 1751 ; D.C.L. (Oxford), 7 July 1759. He m. firstly.^) 18 Sep. 1722, Mary, 1st da. and coheir of Ralph,(') « Turkey merchant, by Anne, da. and h. of John Ishaji, of Pytchley, co. Northampton. She (/. -1 June 1753, and was 4i<> at Shirburn. Admou. 22 Nov. 1753. He ML secondly, 20 Dec. 1757, at the house of Mrs. Catherine Rogers, Poland street, St. James' Westm., Dorothy Nf.sbitt, Spinster. He d. 17 March 1761, aged 67, ami was bur. at Shirburn. Will pr. 1764. His widow d. s.p., 14 July 1 779. Will pr. Sep. 1779. Earldom. 1 3, Thomas (Parker), Earl of Macclesfield, YI. Barony. 111. &c., 1st s. and h., by first wife ; b. 12 and bap. 19 Dec. 17GI 1^23, at his grandfather's (the Lord Chancellor's) house in Line. Inn tields, and bap. at St. Giles in the fields ; sti/ted VlSCOBSl Parker, 1732-64 ; mat. at Oxford (Hert- fo'rd Coll.), 10 May 1740 ; M.A., 1713. He was M.P. for Newcastlo-under-Lyue, 1717-51 ; for Oxfordshire, 1754- 01. and for Rochester. 1701-61 ; sue. to the pcerai/e, 17 March 1704 ; High Steward of Henley; F.R.S. ; D.C.L. of Oxford, 7 July 1773. He m., 12 Dec. 1749, at St. James' Westm., his cousin, Mary, 1st da. of Sir William Heathcote, 1st Bart., by Elizabeth, only da. of Thomas (Parker), 1st Earl of Macclesfield aboveuamed. (») See a list of these vol. iii, p. 116, note "b," sub "Devonshire." (*>) The Lord Chancellor had but one son, then unm. and abroad ; but that fact does not seem sufficient reason for the Unusual favour of so extended a limitation of the peerage. There is this curious note in Le Neve's " Knights " about tin's son. " It was commonly discoursed that he was married beyond sea to a French woman in his travels who came after him but the matter was hushed up A.D. 1723." ( u ) His great predecessor, Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Albans, was in 162], similarly found guilty and fined £ 10,000. (d) This Robert was s. of Richard Carrier (sometime Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge), of Wirksworth afsd. by Janet, da. of Thomas Porker, of Browsholme in Holland, eo. Vork, whose yr. s., George Parker, of Parkhall, co. Stafford, was grand- father of the 1st Earl. (') See note " b," next above, as to a reputed previous marriage. (') His descent from the family of Lane of Glendou, co. Northampton, is given in " Collins," vol. iv, p. 194. 0