Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/306

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304 MERCHLSTOUN — METHUEN. MERCHISTOUN. See "Napier of Mkrciiistous," Barony [8.] (Appier), cr. 1C27. MEKEDYTU OF DOLLARDSTOWN. ■•>., " Mkrkdyth of Dom.ardstown, co. MeatJv," Barony {SometvilU}, a: 1S60 ; see " Athli-mskv of So.merville and Dollahustown," Barony [I.], er. 1S63. MERYON. See " Wmmvum w Mervon," YwmmUsy [I.], (Ftiztritiiam) cr. 1G29 ; aa 1831!. MERTON. Le., " Merton of Trafalgar and of Mehton, co. Surrey," Viscoivntcj ; also " Nelson oh Trafalgar and ok Merton, co. Surrey," Earldom {Nelson), both cr. isor.. METCALFE OF FERN MILL. Barony. /, The Rt. Mux. Shi Charles-Theophixus Metcalfe, I 1845 Bart., G.C.B., 2d p. of Sir Thomas Metcalfe, 1st Bart, (so cr. L ' 1 21 Dec. 1802), of Fern Hill, in Winkfield, Berks, by .Susanna Selina ISaT Sophia, da. and cobeir of John Dkhonnaihe, of the Cape of Good IcHO. Bopt, was b. 30 Jan. 1786 ; went to India as "writer" in 1800; first Assistant to the Resident at Delhi, 1806 ; Dep. Sec. to the Gov. Gen., 1S00 ; liesident at Delhi, 1S11 ; at Hyderabad, 1820 ; sue. to the Baronetcy on the death, 15 Aug. 18*22, of his br., the 2d Bart.; Member of the Council, 1827; President of the Board of Revenue, 1828 ; Gov. of the Presidency of Agra, 1834; Got. Gen. of India (provisionally). 1886; O.0 B., 11 March 1885; Dieut.Gov. of the North Western Provinces, 1836-88 ; P.O., 1839 ; Gov. of Jamaica, 1839, and Gov. Gen. of Canada, New Brunswick, &c, 1843-15. He was cr.. 25 .Ian. 1846, BARON METCALFE UK FERN HILL. co. Berks. He ,/. mini, 12 Sep. 1340, 61, at, Malshanger, near Basingstoke, Hants, when the pttragt became extinct, but the Baronetcy devolved on his br. and h. Will pr. Sep. 1846. MKT 1 1 ELI, "Elciio and M etfiell," Barony [S.] ( Wemijss), cr. 1633, with the Earldo.m of Wemyss [S.], which see. METHLICK. >.'■., "Haddo, Mbthlick Tarves and Kellie," Barony [§•] (Gordon), cr. 1682, with the Earldom of Ahehdeen [S.], which see. METHUEN OF CORSIIAM. Barony. /. Paul Metiiuen, uf Corshnpj Court, Wilts, s. and h. I 1838 " f Pa "' C "' MWHBMI,(*) of the same by Matilda, da. of Sir Thomas ' Goocn, 3d Bart, of Beuacre, Suffolk, was b. 21 June and bap. 17 July 1779, at St. Marylebone; mat. at Oxford (Oh. Ch.), 20 Jan. 1797 ; sue. hU father, Sep. 1810; was M.P. for Wilts (in the Tory interest), 1812-19, and (in the Whig interest) for North Wilts from 1833 to 1837, when, having lost his (") His father, Paul Methuen, inherited Corsham from his cousin the Rt. lion. Sir Paul Methuen (who d. unm. in 1757), who was s. and h. of John Methuen (Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1097 — 1703) well known as the author of the Methuen treaty with Portugal. The said Paul (first above named) received Royal lie, 11 May 1775, for himself and his heirs to bear the arms of Methuen " on the breast of an eagle with two heads displayed, sable."