Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/307

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METHUKN — METHVEN. 305 re-election, he tfiuer. 13 July 1838,0 BARON METHUEN OF CORSHAM, co. Wilts. He »i. 3 July 1S10, Jane Dorothea, da. ol Sir Henry Paulet St. John Mild.may, formerly St. John. 3d Bait., by Jane, 1st da. aud coheir of Oarew Mildmat, of Shawford. Hunts. She d. 15 March 1816, aged 5S, at 128 Park street, Grosvenor square. Hod. there, 11 Sep. 1819, aged 70. Will pr. Nov. 1819. I[. 1819. Frederick Henry Paxjl ( Metiiuex), Baron Methi'kn ok ConsB*M, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. ; b. 28 Feb. aud bnp. 10 Nov. ISIS, at Corsham ; sometime au officer in the army, but retired in 1S42 ; sue. to the pcerarje, 14 Sep. 1849 ; Militia Aide-de-Camp to the Queen with rank of Colonel, IS'JO • a Lord in Waiting, 1859-86, lSi)S-74, 1880-85, and from Feb. to Aug. lSSti. He in., 14 Oct. 1814. at St. Geo. Han. s,p, Anna Horatia Caroline, da. of the Rev. John 3abpom>, of Nyuehead, Somerset. He d. 20 Sep. 1891, aged 73, at Corsham Court. His widow living 1893. TIL 1891. S. Paul San ford (Mkthues), Baron Methukn op CoRSBAU, s. and h , b. 1 Sep. 1845; entered the army (Scots Fusileer Guards, of which he was Lieut. Col., 1876-S1), becoming, in 1S90, Major General ; Military Attache at Ilerliu, 1877-80 ; Quarter Master Gen. for the Home district, 1SS1-84 ; Commandant in the Egypt expedition, 1882 ; C.B., 1882: in command of the Bechuanaland field force, 1885; C.M.G., 18SG ; Hep. Adj. Gen. in South Africa, 1SS8-91 ; sue. to the peerage, 26 Sep. 1891 ; in command of the Home district, 1892. He m. firstly, IS June 1878. at Alderbury, Wilts, Evelyn, da. of .Sir Frederick Hutchinson Hkuvky-IUthi'ksT, 3d Bart., by bis second wife, Clare Emily, da. of Sir Richard BkoOKB, 8th Mart., of Norton. She d. a. p., 2 June 1S79, at Cannes, in France, lie m. secondly, 9 Jan. 1SS4, Mary Ethel, 2d da. of William Ayshford Sanfobd, of Nyuehead, Somerset, by Sarah Elizabeth Harriet, 1st da. of Lord Arthur Charles Hkuvry, Bishop of Rath and Wells. Family Estates. -These, in 1883, consisted of 5,542 acres in Wiltshire, worth t'10,208 a year. Principal Residence. Corsham Court, near Chippenham, Wilts. METHVEN. Barony [S ] /. HbnRY Stewart, 2d s. of Andrew, Lord Avondale 1 lVS [^.], by Margaret, da. of Sir John Kennedy, of Bhurquhan, was b. ' alioiit 1193. He in. firstly '-the Laoy LksME,( 1 '! who d. or was divorced before March 1527/8, in which month he in. Margaret, Queen Dowager, and sometime Queen Regent of Scotland, the divorced^) wife of Archibald (DOPQ LAS), Eaiii. ok Anui.'s [S.j, formerly Lady Margaret Tl'DOH, 1st da. of King Henry VII., by Elizabeth ("of York ), his Queen. By her, who was b. 29 and bap. 30 Nov. 1489. at Westm. Abbey, he had previously in 1.12-1 been appointed Treasurer and Lord Chancellor [S J, and with her he acquired the lands of Methven, and Balquhidder, co. Perth, being cr. (by her son, the young King James V. [S.]), 17 July 1528,( d l LOUD METHVEN rS.] She, by whom he had no child () This was one of the coronation peerages of Queen Victoria, for a list of which see vol ii, p. 145, note " b," sub " Carew." (>') See the "Stuarts of Castle Steieart," p. 13'!, where it is added that by her " he had a son killed at Pinkie." This doubtless was "John Stewart, son of Lord Methven, recorded as receiving a pardon for holding heretical opinions in March 1540," aud who as " Muster of Methven " was slain v.p. at the battle of Pinkie, 10 Sep. 1517. [Green's " Princesses." vol. iv, p. 505, note 3.] (<') The sentence from Rome was dat. 11 March 1526/7, but its arrival in Scotland was not till late in 1527. The ground was that Angus had plighted his troth to another woman (Jane Douglas, of Traquair), and, therefore, that the marriage was invalid, tho' the issue legitimate. ( d ) Methven was the only peerage conferred during the reign (1513 — 1542) of James V. [S.] It is remarkable that there were but four peerages — (1) the Earldom of Moray, (2) the Barony of Torpichen, (3) the Dukedom of Albany (including the Earldom of Ross, bestowed on the same person a few days previous), aud (4) the V