Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/308

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30(5 METHVEN — MEXHOROl'UH. that survived infancy, (/. at Methven, IS Oct. 1541, in bet 534 year, and was Intr. in state at the Carthusian Monastery of St. John, iu Perth. He ra. thirdly, before 5 June 154ft, Jnnet,( a ) widow, or divorced wife, of Sir Hugh Kbnnkdv, relict (1629) of Alexander Qqrdox, Master of Sutherland, 1st ila. of John i'Ntkw.uit), 2d Eahl ok Atholk [S.], by Mary, da. of Archibald (CamI'Iikli.), 2d KABL uF Auovi.i. [S.] He was living, 10 Oct. 1551, but d. soon afterwards. His widow m, (as her 4th husband) Contract, 9 April 1557, Patrick (Hi thvkn), 3d Loud IU'thykn [S.], who it. 13 June 15Cli, aged about 40. II. 15551 2. IIknry (Mktii i:n), Loud Mktiivkn [S.], only sin v. s. and h-. by third Wife : h. before his [parent's marriage but subsequently in 1551 (I'rivy Seal Hecord) legitimated ; tut. t<> the jutrmjt [S.] about 1555. He w. Jean, 1st da. of (his step father) Patrick (KlITItVIN), 3d l.oni) Kl'TUVKN fS.J. by his first wife, Janet DOUGLAS, illegit. da. of Archibald, Haul c:k ANurs [S. | He d. 3 March 1 571 .2, being killed by a cannon-shot from Edinburgh Castle. His widow m. (as second of his three wives) Andrew i I.kslik), 5th Haul ok Kothk.s [S.J, who d. 1011. III. 157:.', .;. IIknky (Mutiiven), Lord M i:th icn |s5.1, only cuiiJ to It., twc. tin peerage [S.], 3 March 1571/2. He n, ( — ), <la. of Henry 15SO ! Stkwakt, 2d s. of James Stkwaut, it. Kahl n* Aukan [S.J, in 1581. He (/. s.p. probably about 15SH 1 ') when the peerage became rjrtiiirt. i.r., " MutiivEnC') of ToRBOLTON " [or " ToHHOl.TON "]i Lalony [>S.] [Lennox), rr. with the Dikkdom ok Lk.nnox I S.J, 1075 ; sue " Richmond " Dukedom, a: 1075. MEXBOKOUGH OF LI F FORI). Earldom [I..] j. Sir John Sayile, K.B., only s. and b, of Charles I 176G Savii.k, of Methhy Hall, cu. York, by Alathea, 2il and yst- da. and coheir of Oilbelt M ILI.lXOToN, of 1-Vlley Ptiory, Notts, was Ij. at Thrybcrgh, co. York, Dee. 171!): MIC. his lather, 5 June 1711 ; M.P. for Heydon, co. York, 1 747-54. and for Shorehain, 1 701 -OS ; KB., s.i June 1749; LL.D. Cambridge (King's Coll.;, 1749; OTIS ir , 8 Nov. 1753, BARON FOLLINU- TON, co. Longford [I.J. and subsequently, 11 Feb. 1766, VISCOUNT POLLINCTON OF FKKNS and KAHL MEXBOKOUGH OF LIFFORD, co. Donegal [I.J, taking his seat, 17 Oct. 1709. He m., 20 Jan. 1760, at the house of Lady Milbank, in Argylu street, .St. James' AVcstm., Sarah, sister of John Hussey, 1st Bauon Dki.aval ok Skaton Dki.aVai., yst. da. of Francis Blake Dki.aval, by Bhoda, da. of Hubert APRKRCS, of Washingley, co. Huntingdon. He d. 17 and was bur. 27 Feb. 1778, at Methley, aged 58. Will pr. 1778. His widow, who was t>. 14 March 1742 (being 22 years his junior) in, 4 May 1780, Rev. Sand ford IIardcasTLB, who d. 24 Oct. 1788. Sherf. 9 Aug. 1821, in Dover street. Will dat. 11 Feb. 1815, to 27 June 1821, pr. 22 Sep. 1821. Dukedom of Orkney (of which the last two were conferred respectively on the Queen's then Consort), granted (1542 — 1507) during the succeeding reign of Queen Mary. In fact, for n period of above sixty years (1510—1572), only live persons received peeiage dignities, of whom only three (Methven, Moray, and Tori lichen) wer0 first raiaed to peerage rank. ( al She, who was often called "Countess [i'.e.,Z>«»iiii«], of Sutherland" (in right of her first husband, "the Master of Sutherland "), was celebrated for her beauty and (like other members of her race) profligacy. Her four " adulterous " children (one son and three daughters) by Lord Methven were all born before their marriage. [" Hiddell," p. 532, note l.J I 1 ') "The Lordship of Methven and Barony of Balquhidder were granted to Ludovick, Duke of Lennox, iu 1584." [Wood's " Douglas."]