Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/324

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322 MOHUN. and was (with him) mode K.G. on the institution of that Order, 23 April I344.( tt ) lie in. Joane, da. of Bartholomew (BriKiHF.ttsii), Loitn Rcrqhkrsh, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Theobald (ok Vkkdon), Lord Verdun. He d. s.p.m. between 11 April 1375, and -1 April l.'17<>,( 1 ') Kfhejl the Strong fell into /rbcgancc.( c ) His widow who in 13S4 and 1386 had, from tin- Wardrobe, robes of the Order of the Garter, il in 1404t. d ) and in her will directs her burial to be in Canterbury cathedral.

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IU. 1 131. J. RtCBAHO (Le Strastgb}, Loun Strange db Knokin, and LORD Mom's, grandson and heir, being s. and h. of John, LORD Strange DB Knokin, by Maud, 3.1 and yst. da. of John (Moiil'N, Lord Mohun DK Dunsteu, abovenamed ; rue. his father in 1307 (being then aged lfi) as LoudStranur dk Knokin, and became by the death s.p. of his mother's sisters(°) in 1 131 Lord Moiics. .See " Strange dk Knokin " Barony, n-. 1200, with which dignity the Itaronij of Muhun continued united from 1 131 till 1594 when both [on the death of Thomas (Stanley), 2d Earl of Derby"!, fell into abeyance. MOHUN OF OKEHAMPTON. Barony. J. " John Mohun, of Boconnock, co. Cornwall, Esq."( e ) I IG2S butlstWHT. s. and h. ap. of Sir Reginald MoiIDN, Bart, (so cr. 25 Nov. 1811/, by his second wife, Philippa, da. of John Hki.k, was b. 1595 j M.P. for Gramponnd 1824-25. and was cr. (v.p.), 15 April 1628, BARON MOHUN 01" 0 K E 1 1 A M PTO N , C) co. Devon. He to*, hil father, 20 Dee. 1630, as 2d Baronet, and took a leading part in the west of England on behalf of the King in the civil wars. He in. Cordelia, w idow of Sir Roger Aston, of Cranford, Midx. (who </. 1012), da. of Sir John StasriU'K, of Shelford, Notts, by his BecondfS) wife, Catherine, da. of Thoims Trentiiam. She is probably the " Dna ifohvn," who wan bur. 2 Oct. 1889, at .St. Martin's in the fields. He d. 38 Nov. 1610, aged about lfi. //ny. post mortem (1011-12), 17 Car. I. ( n ) See vol. i, p. 276, note " a," tub :l Beanehamp," for a list of the Founders of the Older of the Garter, among whom was his wife's brother, Bartholomew ( Burghersh), Lord Burghersh. ( b ) On the first .late robes of the Order of the Garter were directed to be issued to him, and on the last date his stall was in possession of Sir Thomas Holmid. See Beltz's "Knight* of the Order." Mr. Courthope remarks that " No imposition appears to have been taken after his decease, and although in two out of the six inquisitions taken on the death of his widow in 1-101, his 2d daughter, Philippa, is made to be born in 1378 and 1380 (subsequent to the date of death assigned to her father), there are others making her to be bom in 1370 and 1370 ; there is likewise a variation of ten years in the age assigned by these Inquisitions to her elder sister, Elizabeth. Philippa must, in fact, have been born as early as 1370 inasmuch as her nephew, Richard le Strange (the son of her younger sister) was of full age in 1401 and she herself was first married to Walter, Lord Kitzwalter (who died 1380), and secondly to Sir John Golafre, Lord of Langley, co. Oxon (who died 1300)." (•'•) The coheirs were (1) Elizabeth, his 1st da., who m. (as second wife) William (Montacute), Karl of Salisbury, and (/. a widow and s.p. 11 Jan. 1415 (2) Philippa his 2d da., m. (for her third husband) Edward (Plantagonet), Duke of York, but d. s.p. 1431 when the abeyance terminated in favour of (3) Richard (Le Strange), Lord Strange de Knokin, s. and h, of Maud, 3d and yst. da. of the said Lord Mohun. ( J ) In Collinson's "Somerset " it is stated that she sold in (1371)), 50 Ed. III. the reversion of the manor of Dunster, &C., to Dame Elizabeth Luttrell. (*) See " Creations, 1483—1040 " in ap. 47th Rep. U.K. Pub. Records. ( r ) He is called "the Lord Okekawpton" when sponsor to Francis Anuesley in Jan. 1028. See baptisms of the children of the 1st Viscount Valentin [1.] as from copies of entries from family bibles, penes A. Scott-Gatty, York Herald. (8) Her mother is called the second wife in all the Stanhope pedigrees ; the first wife (the mother of the 1st Earl of Chesterfield,) was Cordelia. Alingtou.