Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/325

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MOHUN — MOIRA 323 IT. 1610. 2. Warwick (Mohun), Baron Mohun of Okeiiampton, 2d( a ) but 1st surv. s. and h. ; M.P. for Qrampoand in April 1640, till " void " on 20th <jf that month ; aged 20 years and 11 months when he sue. to the peerai/e,2S Nov. 1G-10. lie m. Catherine, da. of ( — ) Wblls, of Brember, Hants. His burial reg. 12 May 1005, at St. Martin's in the fields. Will dat. 30 April and pr. 28 .Inly 1065. The admon. of his widow granted 23 Dec. 1710 to George Ccsack, husband of Catherine da. of the deceased. III. 1G65. -j. Charles (Mohun), Baron Moiiun of Okeiiampton, s. and h. ; under age when he sue. to the peerage in 1005. He m. Phflippn, 4th da. of Arthur (A.v.nkslbt), 1st Earn, of Anolbskv, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Sir James AltiiaM. lie w;is bur. at St. Oiles in the fields, 7 Oct. 1077, entry reg. at St. Martin's in the fields on the 2d. Admon. 8 May 1088, 20 June and 10 July 1093, and 7 Nov. 172!. His widow m. before July 1093, William CoWABD, Serjeant at Law, by whom she had issue. She </. a widow and Wiis bur. 2 March 1714/6, at Lee, co. Kent. Will dat. 21 June 1711, pr. 18 Jan. 1715/0. IV. IG77, If. Charles (Moiiun), Baron Mohun of Okehamfton to [1028], also a Baronet [16111 only s. and h. ; 6. about 1075 ; sue. to the 1712. peerage in Oct. 1077 ; was twice tried for murder by the House of Peers, before he was 20 years old ;"() served as a volunteer in the expedition to Brest in 109 1 ; was Col. of a Reg. of Foot. He IS. firstly, Charlotte, da and h. of Thomas Manw.uuno, by Charlotte, da. (whose issue in 1702, became coheir) of Charles (Gerard), 1st Karl of Macclesfield. He m. secondly before March 1710, Elizabeth, widow of Col. Edward Griffith, da. of Thomas Lawrence, M.D., Physician to Queen Anne. The well known duel between him and the Duke of Hamilton, wherein both combatants perished, took place at Hyde park, 15 Nov. 1712. He d. s.p.m. and was the 25th at St. Martin's in the fields when all his tumours became extinct. Will dat. 23 Mrroh 1710, pr. G March 1712/3 and 8 Nov. 1725, leaving all to his then wife, she payi ^ £100 to Elizabeth "my pretended da. by my first wife." His widow mi. Col. Charles Moudauwt, who survived her.( c ) She was bur. 21 May 1725, at Kulham, co. Midx. Admon. July 1725. MOIRA, and RAWDON OF MOIRA. Barony [I] J. Sir John Rawdon, Burt., of Rawtlon Hall, co. York, r ^ - rjQ and of Moira, co. Down, 2d but 1st surv. s. anil h. of Sir John Rvwuo.v, 3d Bart., of the same, by Dorothy, da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Earldom [LI Richard Levin<;e, Bart. [I.], Chief Justice of the Common Pleas [I.], r ._«_ was 6. 17 March 1719-20; sue. his father, 1 Feb. 1723; was ed.atTriu. Coll., Dublin, where he was cr. LL.D., 1753 ; F.R.S., Loudon. On 9 April 1750, he wascr. BARON RAWDON OF MOIRA, co. Down [L], taking his seat the next day, and on 30 Jan. 1702, he was cr. EARL OF MOIRA [I.], taking his seat 9 Feb. following. He m. firstly, 10 Nov. 1741, Helena, yst. da. of John (Perceval), 1st Earl of Eomont [I.], by Catharine, 1st da. of Sir Philip Parker a MorLBT, Bart. She (I. s.p.m. at the Hot Wells, Bristol, 11 June 1716. He m. secondly, 23 Dec. 1740, Anne, sister to Wills, 1st Marqoess OF Downshirb [I.], da. of Trevor (Hill), 1st Viscount Hillsborough [I.], by Mary, da. and coheir of Anthony Rowb. She d. s.p., 1 Aug. 1751, aud was bur. at Moira. He m. thirdly, (•) John Mohun, his elder br. (aged 6 in 1020), who is often considered to have sue. to the title, d. num. and v.p. being bur. at Kensington, 31 Oct. 1039 as " John Mohuen, Esq., son of the Rt. Hon. John, Lord Mohueu, Baron of Ochamton." () Macky's "Characters" written when he was "not 30 years old, of a middle stature inclining to fat." Macky adds that tho' in his youth " ascandal to the Peerage " he now " rectifies as fast as he can his former slips." Dean Swift, however, says of him. " Ho was little better than a conceited talker in company." His trial for the murder of William Momitford, an actor, in 1692, is fully set forth by Macaulay in his history of that period. ( c ) Probably the " Charles Mordaunt, Esq." who was bur. at Fulham, 3 May 1762.