Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/327

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MOLES WORTH. 325 III. 1720. 3. Richard (Moleswobth), Viscount Molesworth OF Swords, ko. [I.], br. and h. male; Student at Law of the Temple, London. A volunteer in the army in Flanders ; and afterwards (1702) nil officer. Capt. of Horse and Aidc-do-Cainp to the Duke of Marlborough (whose life he is said to have saved) at Ramilies (*) Was wounded at the battle of Preston. Lieut of the Ordnance, 1714. Col. of a Regiment of Foot. 1721, &c. Master Gen. of the Ordnance, 1739. Gen. of Horse, 1711. Commander in Chief [I.] 1751, and finally Field Marshal. He was also SI.P. for Swords, 1715-26. Hemic, to the peerage [I.], 17 Feb. 1725/6, and took his seat, 5 Oct. 17:51. P.C., 1738; one of the Deputy Keepers of the Great Seal [I,], 1736. He hi. firstly, Jane, da. of ( — ) Lucas, of Dublin. Sherf. s.p.m.s., 1 April 17-12, and was bur. at Swords. Hem. secondly, 7 Feb. 17 13, Mary, da. of the Yen. William Usher, Archdeacon of Clonfert. He d. 12 Oct. 175S, aged 78, and was bur. the 16th at Kensington. Will pr. 1758. His widow (to whom a pension of £500 a year after her husband's death had been granted in 1755), d. ij May 1768, being (with two of her daughters aud live others) burnt to death in her house,( b ) at Upper Brook street. St. Geo. Han. sq. TV. 1758. 4. Riciiard-Nassau (Moleswobth), Viscount MiLES- worth ok Swords, &C. [I.], only s. aud h. by 2d wife, b. 4 Nov. 1748 ; sue. to i. ■ peerage [L], 12 Oct. 175S, aud took his seat 5 Dec. 1760. He d. num. 23 Juue 1703, and was bur. 0 July, at Kensington. Admon. July 1793. V. 1793. 5. Robert (Moleswortii), Viscount Moleswortii op Swords, he [I.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Capt. the Hon. William Molesworth, by Anne, 1st da. of Robert, of Hollybrook, co. Wicklow, which William (who d. 6 March 1770), was 2d s. of the 1st Viscount. He was bap. 22 Dec. 1729 ; Cornet, 1745 and Lieut. 1753 in his uncle's (the third Viscount's) Regimeut of Dragoons. He sue. to the peerage [I.}, 23 June 1793, aud took his seat 23 Jan. 1795. He m. 18 Aug. 1761, Mary Anne, da. of Israel Ali.kyne, of Cork. He d. 29 Jan. 1S13- Will dat. 7 Sep. 1S05, pr. 15 Feb. 1813. His widow d. 2 Aug. 1S19. Will pr. 1819. VI. 1813. 6. William John (Moleswortii), Viscount Moles- woiiTn OF SwoRDS. &e. [I.], only surv. s. aud h., b. 18 Aug. 1763 ; was a Major-Gen. in the army, being Lieut. Col. of the 95th Foot. He m. ( — ) da. of ( — .) Both he and his wife were lost at sea (in the " Arniston " transport) on Lagullas reef, oft" the Cape of Good Hope, on their passage from Ceylon, 30 May 1815. He d. s.p. Admon. as " a widower "( c ) 26 April 1816, to his mother. VII. 1815. 7. RicnAUD Pioott (Moleswortii), Viscount Moles- worth of Swords, &c. [I.], first cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of Richard M., by Katherine, da. of Francis Thomas Cobb, of Twickenham, Midx., which Richard was next bv. of the 5th Viscount, and d. 29 Sep. 1799. He was 6. 23 July I7S6, and bap. 17 Aug. at St. Giles, Camberwell, Surrey ; entered the Fast Indian Military Service, 1802, retiring as Captain in 1S26 ; iUC. to the peerage 30 May 1815. He d. unm„ 20 Juno 1875, aged 88, at 13 Grand Parade, Brighton. VIII. 1875. 5. Samufl (Moleswortii), Viscount Moleswortii op Swords, &c. [I.], nephew and h., being only s. and h. of John Moleswortii, Capt. R.N., by Louisa, da. of Rev. ( — ) Tomkyjjs, D.D., which John (who d. 14 Aug. 1858) was nest surv. br. to the 7th Viscount. He was b. 19 Dee. 1829 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1S53 ; M.A., 1S56 ; took Holy Orders, 1865 ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 20 June 1875 ; Rector of St. Petrock Minor, (") See " Lodge," vol. v, p. 142, note () See " Lodge," vol. v, p. 146, aud see. also the Annual Reg. for 1763. ( L ') The law in thesu rases presumes the survival of the husband, as being the stronger ot the two parties, failing any evidence to prove the contrary.