Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/326

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324 MOIRA — MOLESWORTH. 20 Fel>. 1752. his cousin, Elizabeth, 1st and only surv. da. of Theophilus (Hastings), 9th Earl ov Hi-NTiNtinoN, by Sclina, da. and coheir of Washington (Shirley), 2d Earl Ferrers, and Mary, his wife, da. of the aboveuamed Sir Richard Levingk, Bart. [I.] He rf. 20 June 1793, at Moira, in his 73,1 year. His widow, who was A. •J.'! March 1731, ami who was well known both for her literary talents ami as a leader of the Dublin society, C) became (by the death, 2 Oct. 17S9, of her br. Erancis (Hastings, 10th Earl of HnNtwonoji), $uo jure Baroness Botreauk, Hingehkoud, de Molsyrs Hastings be Hastings, axii Hastings de Hi'Soervord. She tl. II April 1808, at Moira House, where, or in Dublin, she had (excepting one year's absence in France) resided 50 years, and was bur, at. Moira. Admou. Nov. 1825. II 1793. ;?. Francis (Rawdon-Hastinos), Eaiu. ok Moira, ami Babob Kawdon ok Moira [I.], also Baiion Rawdos [G.B.], s. and h. He had previously (?.p0 been it. 5 March 17S3, Baiion KawduN, of liawdon CO. York. In 1S09 his claim to the Barony ok Hastings of tlcutiny* (in light of his mother) was allowed, and on 13 I'eb. 1817, he was or. Marquess ok Hastings, &o. With this title the Earldom of Moira and Barunlj of Satodon of Moira continued united until, on the death of the 4th and last Marquess, mi 10 Nov. 180S, they became actinet. See " Hastings" Marquessate, cr. 1817: cr. 1808. MOLESWORTH OF SWORDS and MOLESWORTH OF PIIILLU'STON. Viscountcy l. Robert Molesworth, of Brackaustovvn, co, Dublin, and Barony, posthumous s. and h. of Robert Molesworth [who had obtained large [!•] grants of land (2,">00 acres) in the Baronies of Moghergalliu and 1 17KJ l.une, eo. Meath, from the Pari, of England, whose eaute he had greatly assisted and who became subsequently a merchant at Dublin], by Judith, 1st da. and coheir of John Byssk, afterwards (1660) Chief Baron of the Exchequer [I.], was l>. 7 Sep. 1856, in Dublin ami ed. at that University. •He took a strong part in promoting the accession of King William ill. to the throne; was attainted, 7 May 10S9, by the Earl. [I.] of James 11. (his estate of £2,825 a year being sequestrated) lint shortly afterwards was restored ; P.O. to William III., Queen Anne, and George 1. ; Envoy to the Court of Denmark, lii!'2; M.P. for Dublin [I.], 1695-99 ; for Sworda [I.], 1703-15 ; for Lostwithicl [K.]. 1705-00; for Kast Retford [E.], 1700-08. and for St. Michael [Q.ii.], 1713-22. In reward for his stedfast adherence to the House of Hanover he was by George J. made a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations. Nov 171 I to Dee. 1715, and on 16 July 1 7 1<>, was cr. LORD Mnl.KKWOliTll. BAKOH OF PWILUPSTOWN, in King's county, ami VISCOUNT MOLKSWOUTIi OK bWORDS, co. Dublin(>>) [1.1, taking his seat.'l July 1719 ; F.S.A., fee. He in. Lajtitia, sister to Richard, ICakl ok Bei.lomont [I.], 3d da. of Kir-bard (Cooie), Baiion COOTS W C'OtOOM* [f-1, by Mary, 2d da. of Sir George St. Gkouge, Hart. [I.] Ho (/. 22 May 1725, and was 6ur. at Swords, co. Dublin.^) Will dat. 30 April 1725, pr. Nov. 1720*. His widow d. IS March 1729, and was bur. the 20th at St. Audoen S, Dublin. II. 1725. 2. John (Molesworth), Viscount Moleswohtii of Swords, &c. [I.], s. and h., bap. 1 Dec. 1679 ; Commissioner of the Stamp Office, May 1710 ; Envoy to Tuscany, 1711 ; »RC, his father as a Commissioner of Trade an. I Plantation, Dec. 1715 ; Envoy to Turin, 1720-25, having been Minister at Florence, Venice, and Geneva ; «nc. to the pccia</c [I.]. 22 May, and took his seat, 7 Sep. 1725. He in. Mary, da. and coheir of Thomas MlDDLETOB, of Stinstcd Mout- fitchet, Essex, by Elizabeth, 1st da. of Richard (Onslow), Baiion Onslow. He if. s. p.m. in London, 17 Feb. 1725/6. Will pr. 1726. His widow U. in Hill street, St. Geo. Haii. Sq.. 12 Aug. 1706 and was bur. in the family vault at Edlington, co. York. Will ],r. 18 Aug. 1706. (*) There is a most eulogistic account of her in the " Annual Register " for 1S08, p, 150. I 1 ') See the patent fully set out in the claim of this Peerage 1821. The preamble is in " Lodge," vol. v, p. 135. (') In his will he directs his burial to be at Edlington, co. York, and he therein styles himself '-Lord Moleiworth, Baron of Philipstowue, and Yhcouid .Himnh."