Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/362

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MORAY VII. 1:172, /. Jons Doxiwb, yr. br. oi George, Eari. of March »r Dimiar IS-.], befog 2d s. irf Sir Patrick Dunbar, l>y Isabel, y.-t. nf tlio two daughters ami coheir* (her issue before Nov. 1308 becoming sole liw) of Thomas (Randolph), 1st Earl or Moray [s.J, aboveuamcd, having hi. (dispensation, ]1 July 1370), the Lady Marjory Stewart. da. of King Robert II. [s.|. by his first wife. Elizabeth, da. of Sir Adam Murk, obtained .1 charter of the Earldom of Moray frptn the King, hi- father in law, !i March 1871 'J. to himself Mill his said wife for life, they becoming therein- EARL AND Cpt'XTKSS OF MORAY [s.] with ma. failing the heirs procreated between them, to his heirs whatsoever. He, who fought 10 Aug. 13SS, at the battle of Uttcrburn, rf. at York 1391. VIII. 1 :J9 1 . ~ Thomas (IH>ci:ar Kaiu. of Moray [S,], .«. ami h. He was taken prisoner at the battle of HouiiMoii, 1 1 Sep. 1402. IX. 1110! Thomas (Drxr.Ai;). EaRT. or Moray [S»l ohlv s. and h. He was one of the hostages for King .lames I. |S.J, :;l May 1 121, .md 13 Dec. 1423, being released, 16 July 1425. 11. ■ w. Marion i>ET0S. He. d. «jk 1427 !(*) His widow m. Sir John QaiLVV, of Liu tra then. X. 1127? James (Duxbar), Kaki. of Mi. ray [S.], cousin and h., being s. and h. of Alexander Dunbar, of Frcmlrauglu, by Mauld, da. and h. of ( — ) Fraskr, of Frendranght. lie was a hostage for James 1., 28 March 1424, but liberated, " Nov. 1427. He is said(M to have m. Janet, 1st (la. of Alexander (Gordon:, l.-t Kaiu. of Ht'NTLY [S.], by his third wife, Elizabeth, 'la. of William (Ciiuhton), 1st Lord Can iiton [s.] Herf, s.p.m. legit., ( ,; ) being murdered at Frendranght, HI Aug. 142'.).] XI. 1429, J. Elizabeth^') mm jure Countess or Moray [S.J to youngest of the two daughters and coheirs, having »t. Archibald I I 15. yr. s. of James, Karl OF [S.], obtained for her husband and herself (1443), ti Jae. II. [S.J, thro' the influence of the Douglas family, the Emidovt uf Moray (to the detriment of her elder sister) the said Archibald Douglas becoming consequently by such right Earl. op Moray [S.| He, as such, was one of the conservators of a truce with England 1449, 1451, (Hid 14S8. He joined his br. James. Karl of Douglas [S.], in the rising against the King, bj whose forces ho was slain, 1 May 1 la:", tit Arkiuholm, in Dumfries-shire, and bebig afterwards (12 June 1455), attainted as " Archibaldus, pretennu Domes Moravim " the Earldom was forfeited. His widow (who 20 days after his death contracted to marry George Gordon, Master of Iluntly, a marriage which did not take place), Hi. Sir John ColquuoUiN of Luss. being then called "otim Cmnitissa Moraihv."^) [Notwithstanding the apparent forfeiture; of the Earldom, .land, sister of the Cuuntess Elizabeth, and eldest da. of James (Dunbar), Earl ok Moray [!>.], assumed the title of COUNTESS OF MORAY [S.], being styled in 1454 " Janet*, ( H ) " It is said [Levitt case, 21], he had a da., Lady Janet Dunbar, vi. (contract dab 0 Aug. 1422), Hugh, Lord Eraser of Lovat, but this seems doubtful as the title devolved on the son of his uncle.' - [Wood's " Douglas,"] (>') There is, however, good reason to doubt, this match. See " L'.rch . Hulls " [S.], vi, preface, p. exxxvi. (") " Sir Alexander Dunbar, of Westlield, Sheriff of Moray, was son of James, Karl of Moray, by Isabel, da. of Sir Walter Iunes, of Innes, her second cousin, who d. before a papal dispensation for their marriage could he obtained." [Wood's " Dow/las."] ( A ) She is erroneously called by " Riddell " (and others) da. of Earl Thomas penultimate Karl) but this is refuted by a deed quoted by Mr. A, Sinclair in his article on "The Earldom of March" [Her. and Qen., vi, 806], in which deed "when Kail Jamet bad been some years dead the Earldom was settled upon Archibald Douglas and Elizabeth Dunbar, one of the two daughters of James, Karl of Moray." (") Mr. Sinclair's article in the " JJcr. and Out.," vi, 307.