Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/363

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MORAY. 361 Comltma Meravite, Dumina Prmdravght ct CrichOm." She, however, "did not bear the title many years, tlio' it seems not known how it came to be dropped. ('•') She bad inherited the estate of Frciidraught from her father and had in. (firstly! James (CWCBTON), 2d Loud CRICHTON [S ], who is said in a contemporary "chronicle (generally very accurate) to have been belted " KARL OF MORAY " [S.] in 1 152,( , >) being so called ill the Exeh. Accounts [S ] both in his lifetime, July 1454, and after his dentil in 1450, but he appears never to have been in the actual possession of that Earldom, or, if so, not improbably resigned it to the Crown. He rl. probably about I45S. The lady m. secondly, before 17 Jan. 1459 9, John Sithkhi.axd. who was (iviog at that date. She was alive in 14D3. when, under the name of Janet Dunbar, Lady of Frendraught, she resigned that estate to her grandson. James Crichtou. See " Ciuchtos " Barony [B.J cr. 1443 ! sii6 the 2d Lord.] XII. 1501. /• -Iames Stkwart, illicit, s. ,,f King; James IV. [S. |, to by Janet, da. of John | Kksnkoy), Loan Kknnkoy [S.]. was b. about 1544 1499, and was a: by his father (with L'rant of the lands of the Earldom) EARL OF MORAY, LORD ABEHSETHY AND STRATH- EARN [S.],( ) with rein, to heirs male of his body. He was Lieut. Wen. of the Realm fS.], 1532/ He m. before 24 Aug. 152!', Elizabeth, da. of Colin (Uamnibll), 3d In OF AltUYLL fS.], by Jane, da. of Alexander (Guanos), 3d Eaiil ok HcSTLY [S.] He il. s.p.m., 12 June 154 I. aged about 45, when all Ail hnmitn became extinct. His widow w. before 0 Aug, 1546 (as his first wife) John (GoRdos), Earl UF Si-therlaxd [S.]. who </. July 1668, aged 41. XIII. 1519, 1. Georof. (Gounox), Kaki. OP 1 Iunti.v [8.], who had to sue. to that ilifruity in 1521 : had a grant of the lands of the 1502. Earldom of Moray, 13 Feb. 1548/9, becoming, apparently, thereby, EARL OF MORAY [S.] Having, however, lost the confidence of Queen Mary [S that Earldom was bestowed by her, 30 Jan. 1561/2, on her bastard Vn-otber (as under) by whom this Ear] himself was slain, 23 Oct. 1562. See •' Hl'NTXY " Earldom [S.], cr. 14 15 ! tinder the 4th Earl. XIV. 1502, 1. James Stewart, Comtuendator of St. Andrew's or and Fittenweem. ille^it. s. of King James V. [S.J, by Margaret, 1501. da. of John (Ehskine), Lorii ErskinK, dt jure Earl of Mar [8.1 ; was b. 1534 ; made Prior of St. Andrew's, 153S ; joined the reformed religion and Lords of the Congregation in 155°: P.C., 1561, and having the power of Prime Minister, was cr. (by the Queen, his sister), 30 Jan. 1561, 2,( J ) EARL OF MORAY, LORD ABERNETHY AND STRATH EARN [&],{*) with rem. to heirs male of his body.(<) About a week later lie was cr. 7 Feb. 1561 2, EARL OF MAR ( a ) Mr. Sinclair's article in the " //cr. and Gen., vi, 307. (l>) " If the standing investiture of that Earldom was still that of 1371-72 his wife was dc jure Countess of Moray, tho' supplanted by her younger sister, but there may have been an intervening resignation and regrant, not now on record, in favour of heirs male. Crichtou is supposed to have made a compulsory resignation of the Earldom into the King's hands." Ex. inform. [18S6] O. liuruett, Lyon. {') i.e., " Strathdearn " in Moray. (•') See p. 305, note •' d," sub " Methveu." (') " The following appeals to be the position of the Moray titles. A charter of the Earldom of Moray was granted. 30 Jan. 1561/2, in favour of the future Regent and the heirs male of his body, but as Huutly, who was then in disgrace (tho' not yet attainted) had had a prior grant of the same subject, the writ was for a time kept in rctcntis and the ' belting ' of Stewart, as Earl of Moray, only took place on 10 Feb. 1562/3. Then, lest exception should be taken to the date of the charter as being before Huntly's forfeiture, the Earl deemed it expedient to have a second aud corroborative charter, with the same limitation, which bore date 22 Jan. 1563/4. A third charter was granted him on his resignation, 1 June 1566, bringing in heirs female. The Regent was assassinated, in 1569/70, leaving no male issue ; his da., CounUss Elizabeth, (/. in 1691, and her husband met soon afterwards his well known