Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/123

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S1TAN11AI.LY — SHANNON'. 121 SHANBALLY CASTLE. "LlSMORK of Shanrally Castle, ro. Tipperary," Barony (O'Calla- ijhan), cr. 1838 ; see " Lis.more of Shanbally," Viscountcy [I.], a: 1806. SHAN I) OF YOODHOUSE. Barony. 1. Tim Rt. Hon. Alexander Burns Siiand, s. of i IRQ? Alexander Shand, of Aberdeen, by Louisa, da. of John Whvtk, M.U . of Banff, was b. 1828 ; ed. at the Univs. of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Heidelberg ; called to the liar [S], Nov. 1853; Advocate Depute, I860 -62 : Sheriff of Kincardineshire, 1S6'_' ; Sheriff of Haddingtonahire and Berwick- shire, lSli'J; a Comtnr. under the Kduc. endow, act, 1882, having ten years previously been a Judge of the Court of Session [S.J ieUh tJ« judicial title of Lord Shand, 1872. This post lie resiftoed in 1890 when he was made P.C., and was cr. 25 Aug. 18!'-'. BAKoN SHAND OF WOODHOUSE, co. Dumfries. He was cr. LL.D. of Glascow Univ. He »(. 1857, Emily Mereliua, da. of John Clarke Meymott, of Leiuster square, Bayswater. SHANE'S CASTLE. See " O'Neill ok Shane's Castle, co. Antrim," Barony [L] (O'NeiU), a: 1793 ; ex. 1855 ; also " O'Nku.i. of Shank's Castlf., co. Antrim,* 5 Barony [U.K.] ((/.Yd//), cr. 1S6S. SIIANGANAGH. See " Rathmore ok Siianganagh, co. Dublin," Barony (Plunlcet), cr. 1895. SHANNON. Viscountcy [I.] 1. The Hon. Francis Boyle,(") of Ballinrea, J 1 G60 othcrvttM Shannon Park, co. Cork, 6th but 4th surv. s. of Richard (BoYUi), 1st Earl of Cork [I.], by his second wife, Catherine, da. of Sir Geoffrey Fenton, was b. 25 June 1623 ; served, with his brothers, in suppressing the Irish rebellion of 1641 ; was one of the deputies to Charles II. in Holland to bring about his restoration, and was cr. by him, « Sep. 1660, VISCOUNT SHANNON,( b ) co. Limerick [I.], and made P.O. [L] and Capt. of a troop of Horse ; Gov. of the city and co. of Cork. 20 Aug. 1672. He m. at ■Whitehall, Oct. 1638, Elizabeth, da. (second of that name) of Sir Robert Killigrew, Vice Chamberlain to the Queen Consort, hy Mary, da. of Sir Henry Wodeholse. She, who was bap. 16 May 1622, at St. Margaret's, Lothbury, and who was one of the many Mistresses of Charles II., ( c ) was bur. 4 Jan. 1680/1, in Westm. Abbey. Will dat 27 July 16S0, pr. 8 Feb.' 1680/1. He was bur. in St. Mary's Abbey Voughal, co. Cork, 19 April 1699. Will dat 10 April 1699, pr. in Dublin. II. 1699, 2. Richard (Boyle), Viscount Shannon [I.], grandson to and h.. being s. and h. of the Hon. Richard IIoyle, by Elizabeth, da. 1740. of Sir John Ponsonby, of Bessborough,( d ) which Richard last named d. v.p. He was b. 1675 ; served as a volunteer at the Boyne and in Flanders, as also in the Peninsula, becoming eventually (27 Aug. 1735), General, and (2 July 1739), Joint Field Marshal; P.C. to Geo. I. aud Geo. II. He sue. to the peerage [I] in April, 1699 ; was MP. for Arundel, 1708 ; for Hythe, 1710, and for East GriuBtead, 1714 and 1 722, aud was one of the Lord Justices (Regents) of Ireland, 1722,1723, and 1724. He m. firstly, after Aug. 1703, Mary, Dow. Countess of Orrery [1.], illegit. da. of Charles (Saokvillr), 4th Earl of Dorset. She d. s.p. in London, 26 June, and was bur. 3 July 1714 (with her first husband) at Withyam (*) One of the four sons of his father who were ennobled. See their names and descriptions vol. i, p. 400, note "a," mb " Boyle of Kiualmeaky." ( b ) " The title was derived from Shannon Park, co. Cork, and not from the river." [Ex inform, of Edmund M. Boyle, who d. 11 Aug. 1885.] W By Charles II. she was mother of Charlotte Boyle, otherwise Fitzroy, who became Countess of Yarmouth, and was bur., with her mother, iu Westminster Abbey 4 Aug. 1684. See vol. vi, p. 361, note "g," sub "Richmond" as to theae Royal bastards. r) Their marr. lie. is dat, at Cork 7 Sep., 1668.