Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/203

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SOUTHWELL. 201 Heliorn, 1st dn. of Thomas (Coninosry), 1st EARL Coningsby, by his Bret wife. Barbara, da. of Fcrdinnndo Goroks, <if Eye, co. Hereford. He d. sudderly, 4 Aug. 1720, and was bur. at liathkeale, co. Limerick. Will dat. 22 Aug. 1713, pr. 1720. His widow d. in London, Oct. 1735, or Feb. 1735/6. II, 1720. 2. Thomas (Southwell), Ramon Southwell of Castle Matthkss [I.], also a Baronet [I.], 1st s. aDd h., b. 7 Jan. 169S ; M.P. [I ] for CO. Leitriin, 1717-21 ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 4 Aug. 1720, taking his seat, 23 Sep. 1721 ; PC. to Geo. I., 1726, and to Geo. II., 1727; Gov. of co. Limerick; F.H.S., 18 March 1734. He m. March 1719, Mary, 1st da. of Thomas Coke, of Mel- bourne, co. Derby, by his first wife, Mary, da. of Philip (Stanhofe), 2d Earl of Ckkstkktikli). She, who was a Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of OraDge, 1734-36, (I. in Dublin, 17 Aug. 1766. He d. at Craigs Court, Chariug Cross, 19 (or 20) Nov. 1766, aged 68. WiH pr. 1766. III. 17G6. 3 and 1. Thomas George (Southwell), Baron _. , . r , Southwell of Castle Mattiiess [I.], also a Baronet [I.], 2d but Viscountcy |1.J oll)y BUfv g all(] (>) . b i M ., v 1721 . im offioer jn the 2d Foot I. 1776. Guards, 1738 ; M.P. [I.] for Eniiiscorthy, 1747-60, and for co. Limerick, 1761-66 ; Gov. of Limerick Castle, 1750, and Gov. of co Limerick. 1762 : sue. to the peerage [1,1 Nov. 1766, taking his sent 17 Oct. 1769 ; was a: 18 July 1776, VISCOUNT SOUTHWELL OF CASTLE MATTIIESS, co. Limerick [I.J. taking his seat 14 Oct. 1777. He m. 18 June 1741, Margaret, 1st da. and coheir of Arthur Cecil Hamilton, ( b ) of Castle Hamilton, co. Cavan, by Auue, da. and h. of Thomas Connor, of Dublin. He d. 29 Aug. 1780, aged 58, and was bur. at Hathkeale. His widow d. iu Sackville street, Dublin, 18 July (or Aug.) 1802, aged 80. 2 and 4- Thomas Arthur (Southwell), Viscount Southwell of Castle Mattress, &c. [I.], iTgn 1st s. and h. ; 6. 16 April, 1742; M.P. [I.] for co. Limerick. 1767-68 ; sue. to the peerage [.], 29 Aug. 1780. He m. 7 Nov. 1774, Sophia Maria Josepha, 3d da. of Francis Joseph Walsh, Count of Serrent, in France. She d. 27 Jan. 1796, at Standen, near Clithcroe, co. Laucaster. He d. there a few days later, 14 Feb. 1796. Viscountcy [I.] II. Barony [I.] IV. Viscountcy [1.1 111. Barony [I.] V. 3 and 5. Thomas Anthony (Southwell), Viscount Southwell of Castle Mattress, &c. [[.], 170c 1st s. and h., b. 25 Feb. 1777, at Hammersmith ; sue. to the peerage [I.], 14 Feb. 1796 j K.P., 12 Feb. 1837, He m. 7 May 1799, Jane, 2d da. of John Berkelei. of Hindlip, co. Worcester, by his second wife, Jane, sister ami coheir of Sir Walter Comiton, 5th Bart.. of Hartbury, co. Gloucester, to which lady she was coheir. She d. 26 Oct. 1853, at Hiudlip afsd. Will pr. May 1854. He d. s.p.m.s.,( c ) 29 Feb. I860, aged 83. Viscountcy [I.] IV. Barony [I.] VI. 4 and 6. Thomas Arthur Joseph (South- well), Viscount Southwell of Castle Mattress, 18G0 W' 1,e P' lew auc * h - male, being 1st e. and h. of Lieut. Col. the Hon. Arthur Francis Southwell, by Mary Anne Agnes, 1st da. of Thomas Dillon, of Mount Dillon, co. Dublin, was b. 6 April 1836, at Mount Dillon ; sometime Lieut. 13th Dragoons ; sue. to the peerage [].] 2'J Feb. 1S60 ; K.P., 2 Aug. 1871 ; L. Lieut, of co. Leitrim, 1872. (*) His eldest br. , Thomas, 6. 9 Jan. 1719-28, and his yst. br., Coningsby, 6. 15 Feb. 1721, both d. infants. ( b ) A good account of this family of Hamilton is in " Lodge," vol. vi, p. 27, tub "Southwell." ( c ) Of his two sons (1) Thomas Arthur, the surviver.6. 22 Oct. 1801, d. ui Paris, 31 Dec. 1829 ; and (2) Charles Henry Robert, 6. 26 Nov. 1807, d. young.