Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/27

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SAINT MA PR— SAINT OSWALD. 25 SAINT MAUR. 1. William de St. Maur, " presumed to have been of the same family, but of wboul Dugdale. in his Baronage, gives no account," (*) was sum. to Earl, as a Baron (LORD SAINT MAUK) from 20 Nov. (1317) 11 Ed. II. to 14 March (1321/2) 15 Ed. II.() SAINT MAUK OK BERRY POMEROY. /.(•., " Saint Mauk of Berry Pomehoy, co. Devon," Earldom (Sey- mour) cr. 18li3 ; ex. 1885, on the death s.p.m.s of the 12th DUKE OK SoMEKSET, ou whom it had been conferred. SAINT MICHAEL'S MOUNT. See " Saint Levan of Saint Michael's Mount, co. Cornwall," (St. Aubyii), cr. 1887. SAINT OSWALD OF NOSTELL. Barony J. ROWLAND AVlNN, of Nostell Priory and Appleby I Iggfj Hallj both CO. Vofk, a. and h. of Charles W8W, formerly William- son^) of the same, by Prisoilla, da. of Sir William STRICKLAND. 6th Iiart, of Buynton, co. York, was i. 19 Feb. 1820 ; ed. at Trin. Coll. Cambridge; M.P. for North Lincolnshire, 186S-85, being the Conservative " whip " in the house of Commons ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1871-80 ; was cr. 6 July 1885( d ) BARON SAINT OSWALD OK NOSTELL in the West Riding of the county of York. He m. 21 March 1854, at St. Geo. Han. BO,,, Harriet Maria Amelia, 2d da. of Col. Henry Dummies"., by Elizabeth Sophia, sister of the 5th Earl of LANKSBORorGH fl.] and da. of the Hon. Augustus Richard Butler-DaNVEHS, formerly BUTLER. He it. 17 Jan. 1893, at Nostell Priory and was bur, at St. Oswald's, Wragby. Will pr. at -181,311 gross, but at nil for net value, 29 June 1S93. His widow liviug 1895. II. 1893. 2. Rowland (Winn), Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell, 1st 8. and h. J l>. 1 Aug. 1857 : ed. at Eton ; sometime Capt. Cold- stream Guards ; M.P. for Pontefraet from 1885 till be sue. to the peerage, 17 Jan. 1893. He m. 10 Oct. 1892, at St. Geo. Han. sq. Mabel Susan, 3d 'da. of Sir Charles John Forbes, -1th Bart., of Newe, by Helen, da. of Sir Thomas Moncreikfe, 7th Bart [S.]. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 5,522 acres in Lincolnshire, and 2,461 in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Total 7,983 acres, worth £23,587 a year. Principal seat*. Nostell Priory, near Wake6eld, and Appleby Hall, near Doncaster, both in co. York. Barony by writ. I(fitV) 1317, to 1322. ( a ) Nicolas. ( b ) " From the circumstance of his first writ of summons being so immediately after the death of the first Nicholas [St. Maur in 1316-17] 10 Ed. II., it would almost infer that be was his son and successor, and the elder br. of Nicbulaa who was not sum. till [1351] 25 Ed. III., and that the said William and Nicholas were both the suns of the saiil first Nicholas, by bis second wife, Helen, da. and coheir of Lord Zniiche of Asbeby " [Banks's " Bar. Anyl. Cone."] ( c ) He was 2d son of John Williamson, of York, who in. Esther Sabina, only sister «f Sir Rowland Wiun, 6th Bart, of Nostell, on whose death unm., 12 Oct. 1805, the Baronetcy devolved on his cousin and heir male, but the estates on his nephew, John Williamson, who took the name of Winn, but it. s.p. 17 Nov. 1S17, being sue. by his brother Charles, the father of the 1st Baron. A good pedigree of the family of Winn by J. W. Clay (enlarging that in Dugdale 's Visit, of Yorkshire, 1660) is in " The Genealogist,' N.S. vol. x, p. 237. As to that of Williamson see p. 22, note " f," tub. " Saint Levan." C) One of a batch of a dozen Baronies cr. in June and July 1885, for which see vol iv., p. 235, note "a," tub " Hobbouse."