Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/300

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298 SUDELKY — SUDLEV. Weave"., of Morvill, go, Salop, the said Henrietta being heiress lif the family nl Tracy, of Toildingtou afad. He. who was M.l'. f»r Tewkesbui v. 1807-12 ami 1832-37, was cr. 12 July 1S8S,(") HAKON SCDF.LF.Y; 1 ') OF TODldNGTON, c... Gloucester; I,. Lieut, <>f co, Montgomery, 1848. His wifo, who was b. 30 Nov. 1771, (/. in Dover street. 5 June 1S39, aged 07, and was bur. at Toddiugtou. He tl. at Toihiington, 10 Feb. 1S5S, and was bur. there, aged 7!). M.l. II. IS58. ... Thomas (UanburyTracy, sometime Lkioh), Baron Skdeley ok TODOlKCTOK, b. •> Feb. 1801, at St. Maryteboue; took tlie name of Leigh only, by royal tic., 11 April 1806, but returned I, is patronymic of llaubury- Tracy, by royai lie., 30 March 1899 ; M.l*. for Wniliiigfonl, 1831 S2 : .-»f. to the f-teraye, 10 Feb. 1858 ; L. Lieut of co. Montgomery, 1868. He m. 25 Aug. 1881, at Trinity church, Uarylebotie, Emma Elizabeth Alicia. 2d da. of George Bay 1)awki>s-I'knnant, of 1'enrhyu Castle. 00. Carnarvon, by Sophia Mary, da. 01 Corn- wall (MaiiDB v , 1st Yisciir.vr Hawaiiiien [I ]. Hen'. 19 Feb. l s o::. at I'aii. in .South France, age.l 62. His widow il. at 28 Chesliam place, 14 July 1S(-S, aged 7i>. Will pr. at ±'8.300. IK. 1863. -<'. Sudeley George ( I Iaxbuby-Tracy formerly LEIGH), HahiiN Sidki EV (if TontUNoTnN. Ut s. and U ,6. 9 April 183! ; sometime 1857-63, Capt. Grcn. Guards ; stir, to the pctragt, 1!' Feb. 18£8 : L. Lieut, of co. Montgomery, 1SG3. He tl. tram, at Toddiugtou, 28 April 1877, aged JO, and was bur, there. IV. 1S77. 4- Douglas Richard (If anuury-Tracy), Barqx Sidklky ok ToDDlKOTON [18381 br. an. I li. ; 6. 3 July 1 S 10, at Brighton : entered the navy 1S51, resigning as Lieut, in 1 Si >:J, having served in the Raltic (1855) and on the China (1859) anil Pacific stations, being at the siege of Botnartund, the battle of Ac. : M.I', for Montgomery, 1S03-77: Barriilter (Inner Temple) 1S60 ; sue. to the peerage t 2S April 1S77 '. a Lord in WaitinL'. I> s 0-s5 ; Capt. of the corps of Cent, at Arms, Fell, to Aug. 1888 : F.K.S.. fcc, lie m. '.> May 1868 ;spec. lie), at Ham House, co. Surrey, Ada Maria Katharine, only snrv. da. anil h. of the Hon. Ferederiek James Tollkmai he (yr. br. of Lionel, F.ahi. op DtSaRT [S.]) by his second wife. Isabella Aune, da. of Cordon FintBES. She;') was b. 21 June 1848.^= Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 17, IT'S acres in Montgomeryshire; 6,620 in Gloucestershire; and 175 in Salop. Total 23,953 acres, worth /'23,340 » year. Principal Scale. — Gregynog, near Newtown, co. Montgomery, and ToddragtoB park, near Yiuehcombe, co. Gloucester. SUDLEY OE CASTLE GORE. i.e., "Sudi.ey of Castle Gore, cr,. M^o," Viscountcy [1.] (Gore), cr. 1758; see "Arban" Earldom [I.J, cr. 1763. i.e., "Sudi.ey of Casti.e Gore, co. Mayo," Barony (Gore), cr. 1881 ; see " Arban " Earldom [1.], cr. 1703, sub the 5th Earl. ( a ) This was one of the coronation peerages of Queen Victoria, for a list of which Bee vol. ii, p. 145, note " b," under " Carew." ( b ) His wife's ancestor, William de Tracy, living 1105, is said to have been a yr. son of John de Sudeley (ancestor, by his eldest son, of the Lords Sudeley), by Grace, da. of Henry de Tracy, of Barnstaple, co. Devon, and to have assumed his mother's name of Tracy. This supposed descent from the race (tho' as far back as the 12th century) was the reason of the selection of the name of Sudeley, a title then, as now, in abeyance among the numerous descendants ot the Baron, so sum. in 1299, of whom the grantee's wife was not only not a coheir, but not even a descendant. ( c ) By her father's will, pr. Aug. 1888, at £233,951, she inherited (subject only to some BUiall legacies) the whole of that sum.