Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/308

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306 SrFFOLK. Warden of tho Cinque Torts, L. High Admiral, &e., and was cr. 2 July 1448, DUKE OF SUFFOLK. {*) Hi became, however, extremely unpopular ; the loss of Normandy, the retaining of public money for his own use, and even the murder of the King's uncle (" the pood Duke of Gloucester "1 being laid to his charge. (>') lie endeavoured to escape to France, but was murdered 2 May 1450, his head being cut off in an Man boat in the Dover roads, aged 63. Ho was bur. at Wingfield afsil. Will dat. 17 Jan. 1148/9. He m.(') before 19 May 1436, Alice, the childless widow of Thomas (ds MOSTACOTK), Earl of SALISBURY (who rf. 3 Nov. 1428), and formerly of Sir John' (rf. 1418), da. and h. of Thomas ChaDCKR,)- 1 ) of Ewelme, Oxon, by Matilda, da. and coheir of Sir John Ut'liOHUisH. of Ewclino afsd. She (for whom robes for tliu Order of the Garter were prepared ill 141'.'), rf. 20 May, or 9 June, 1 175, and was bur. at Ewelnie afsd. M.l. Allho' tho act nf attainder against tho TUilce, which was petitioned for by the Commons, was never passed, («) kit titles ' viz , the Dukedom, if arqumatt, nd earldom of Suffolk, anil the Earldom of Pembroke) appear to have been considered ns having been thereby forfci ted. ( f ) Dukedom, 8tO II. Earldom. VII. Dukedom ) confirmed. f He was J. 27 Sep. 1 U2. nno. 14G3. 8 and 5. ,lon (pe la Polk), Dukf, of Suffolk, [1448], Marquess of Suffolk [1444], and Barlof Scffouc [1385], also, apparently, EaHL OF PEMBROKE [14 13] (hut as that Earldom was never recognised to him or his descen- dants DO further notice of it is here taken), [t) s. and h., who, as such, appears to have been entitled to have sue. on his father's death. 2 May 1450, to the dignities nbovenamed, but whose right thereto, owing to the supposed attainder of his father, does not appear to have been full v recognised. He m. before Oct. 1480, Elizabeth, sister of Edward IV., 2d da. of Richard (, Ditkk of York, by Cecily, da. of llalph (Xeviixb), Haul of VVbSTHORLAKD. She (by whom he hail nine children] was 4. at RoiKW, 22 April 1111, and had robes for the Order of the Carter prepared for her in 1477, He was L. H. Steward for the coronation (of his wife's said brother), 28 June 1481, from whom, also, he, 23 March 1462/3, received confirmation as Dl'lvE OFSUFFOLK, He was bearer of the Queen's sceptre at the coron. of Elizabeth ( Wydvilh-l, the Queen (") With an annual fee-farm rent of £10, out of the town of Ipswich. ( b ) One of the accusations against him was " that he procured himself to be Karl, Marquess, and Duke, of one and the $elf name plate,' 1 See speech, 12 Aug. 1635, "f Sir John Eliot. It is, however, difficult to see the point of the words italicised, for surely taking the name of three separate places (as was the case of the Duke (rf Deeds, who was also Marquess of Carmarthen, Earl of Dauby, Ike.) is niure reprehensible. (c) " It is said [Inland's " /tin."] that this William, first m. the Countess nf Henanlt, privately, and begot on her a da., who became the wife ot ( — ) Bareathu ; but that afterwards solemnly taking to wife, Alice (the da. and h. of Chaucer), by whom he had vast possessions, she proved that da. to bo a bastard." [Ditadalc] ( J ) The presumption is against the supposition of this Thomas, being son sf Oeofi'rey Chaucer, the poet, tho' that such was the case is actually quoted as ti/uctm the 8th and 9th reportaof the /Hit. MSS. Comm. [N. and Q., 6th s., ix, 864]. (°) " It has generally beeu considered that William do la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, was attainted, and it is so stated by Dugdale and others ; such was not, however, the case. Having been accused of treason by the Commons, he was, 17 March 1450, banished by the King lor five years. The Lords immediately entered a protest against tin's sentence, and in the year following the Commons petitioned that an act of attainder should pass. 1 Le Koi s'advisera ' only is endorsed upon this petition. The Duke was seized on his way to France, and beheaded at sea, 2 May following." [Courthtifn]. (f) As a proof that, tho' probably in error, the titles of the Duke of Suffolk were at the period considered to have been forfeited in 1450, we find that one of tliem, the Earldom of Pembroke was (:) years after his death) bestowed in 1453 on Jnsper Tudor; in 1468 on William Herbert; in 1179 on the Prince of Wales; and W 1485, again, on Jasper Tudor, all such grants being during the existence of the neira male of the body of the said Duke. (8) See as to the Earldom of Pembroke, note " f," above.