Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/391

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THANET. 389 Admon. '-'4 April 1712. He (/. s.p.m .8. 30 July 1729 and was bur. there, aged 84.'") At his death the lUnrng of Vlitjord (or de Vlifm-d) fell into abeyance between his daughters and coheirs. See that dignity. Will pr. Jan. 1 730 and again July 1741. [Jonx Tuftox, slyletl probably Lord Tuftox, but possibly Lord CUFFOKD. 1st 8. and h. ap. ; b. at Thanet House in Great Russell street, liloonisbury, 29 April 1GSC, but at. the same day and was bur. at Holhficld, eo. Kent.] [Thomas Tuftox, nii/led probably I, hud Tupton, but, possibly Lord CUFKOED. 2d but 1st snrv. s. anil h. jn. ; h at Both field House, co. Keut'l9 Nov. 16'!>0, but d. the sauie day and was bur. at Hothlield.] [■Ions- Tuftox, styled probably T.oitn ToftOS, but, possibly Lord CUFFiiiti), 3<1 and yst. but 1st surv. s. and h. ; h. at Leeds Castle, oo. Kent, 23 Sep. 16111 and bap. at Uromfield, but d. the same day and was bur. at Hothh'eld.] VII. 1729. 7. Sackville (Tuftox), Earl of Thaxkt and Baron Tufton, nephew and h. male, being 2d but 1st surv. R. and h.( b , of the Hon. Sackville TOFTOK. Col. in the Guards, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Ralph Wimiuaham. of Newbottle, eo. Northampton, which Sackville last named (who d. 30 .March 1721 aged 74) was f.tli s. (8th child) of the 2.1 Earl. He was 4. 11 May 1038 ; was M.P. for Appleby 1722 and 1727-2S ; sue. to the pea aye 30 July 1720, ami to the paternal estates in Kent and Sussex, as well as to the office of Hered. Sheriff of Westmorland, and tin- estates in that county and in Yorkshire, which had come from the family of Clifford, tho' that family was represented by his nieces, the •laughters and coheirs of the 0th Karl. He hi. 11 June 1722, at Lincoln's Inn chapel, Mary, 4th da. and coheir of William (Savilk), '_>d Maiiqckss of Halifax, she being 3d da. of his 2d wife, Mary, da. of Daniel (Finch), Eahl OF NOTTINGHAM. She, who was b. 28 and hap. 30 Sep. 1700 at St. James' Westm., d. 30 July 1751. (<) Will pr. 1751. He d. 4 Dec. 1753, aged 05. Will pr. 1753. [John Tuftox, styled Lord Tuftox, 1st s. ami h. ap., d. v. p. 3 Jane 1734, aged 8 years.] VIII. 1753. S. Sackville (Tuftox), Earl of Thaxet, &c, 2d and yst. but only surv. s. and h. : b. Aug. 1733; styled Lonn ToFTOH till 1753 : ed. at Westminster: sue. (./ the pecrmje, as above, 4 Dec. 1753. He m. 30 April 1707, at Grantham, eo. Lincoln, Mary, sister of John Frederick, 3d Di ke of Diihset, only da. of Lord John-Philip Sackvuxk, by France*, da. of John (GoWKlt), 1st Eaiu. tloWEU. She, who was b. 1 April 1740, d. Sep. 177S, and was bur, at K.iinham, co. Kent. Admon. April 1 and again June 1735. He d. 10 April 1780 at Nice, aged 52. Will pr. July 17S0. IX. 1786. 0. Sackville (Tuftox), Eaul of Tiianet, eic, 1st s. and h.i 30 June 1707, styled Lonu Tufton till he sue. to the pecraoc, as above, 10 April 1780(). He hi. 28 Feb. 1SU at St. Geo. Han. sq. (having, Maeky (" Character*") writes of him, when " a thin, tall, black, red-faced man, turned of 60," that " he is a good country gentleman, a great asserter of the prerogatives of the Monarchy and the Church,"' to which Swift adds "of great piety and charity." ' (") John, the 1st s., 6. 25 May 1687, d. an infant. (°) Lady Mary Montagu writes, 3 Feb. 1748, " Lady Thanot's behaviour has always been without aiiy regard to public censure ; but 1 am ever astonished that women can so far renounce all decency as to endeavour to expose a man whose name they bear." ( J ) He was convicted in the Court of King's beuch, 25 April 1799, for riot and trying to effect n rescue, and sentenced to a year's imprisonment and a line of £1.000. [See " State Trials."] According, however, to the " .inn. Rey." in the obituary notice of him in 1825 " it was afterwards understood that his Lorddup was not the indi- vidual who really committed the assault." In politics he was a constant supporter of Fox. He was much addicted to agricultural pursuits.