Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/394

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392 THOMOND. IV. 1590 ? 3. DoKOon (O'Biuex), Eakl of Tiiomont, &e. [I.], c:ilK-(l "The Great Karl," 1st s. an.l h. l>y second wife; sue. to the peerage [I.] about 1590; «nw P.O. [I.] to Kliz. ami James hi was in command at the victory, in 1601, over the Irish and Spaniards at Kingaale; President of Minister, 1605 j Gov. of Clare and ThoiriOlld. He Hi. firstly, Helen, or Any, da, of Maurice (llOCH*), Viscount KOCBR OF Fkiimoy [1.] (who d. 1000 , hut by which of his two wive? is uncertain. She d. Hem. secondly, about 1535, Klizabctb, da. of G BRAID (FlTZ Gerald 11th EARL OF Kildark [1], by Mabel, da. of Sir Anthony Bhownk, K.G. She d. 12 Jan. 1617. He </. 6 Sen. 1024, aud was i«r, under a magnificent monument, iu Limerick Cathedral. .M.I. V. 1G24. Jf. Henry (O'Brien), Earl of Tuomond, &<:. [I.], 1st s. and p., by secoinl wife ; b. about 1587 ; mat. at Oxford (Brag. Cull.), 20 Feb. 1604/5, being then sti/hd " Baud dk Bhykkn " fbuHD lltliACKAS], and need 16; was stun. v.p. to Pail. [I.] iu his father's Harouy as Baron I BRACK AN [I.], 31 March 1613(») ; was of the council to the 1'res. of Minuter, 1015 ; Gov. of Clare, 1618 ; sac. to the. Karldom of Thum.iud [1.], 5 Sep. 1024 ; l'.C. [1-1 to Charles I. He m. 13 July 1008, at Ilrereton. eo. Chester, Mary, only snrv. da. of William (Brerktos), 1st Baron BRSRETOM ok LbiOHUS [I 1, by Margaret, da. of Sir John SAVAOE, of Hoeksavage, co. Chester. He d. s.p.m.', 1 ') 1030, and was 6tir. in Limerick Cathedral, atred about 50. Will dat. 2 April ami pr, 10 Oct. 103i). C c ) His widow, who was tap. 28 Dec. 15S0, at Brereton, d. April 1640. Will dat. 21 April and pr. 2 .May 1610. VI. 1G3!). S. Barnabas (O'Brien), Eaiu. of Tuomond, [I. ],br. and h. male b. about 1590 ; unit, (with hisbr.) at Oxford (Bran. Coll.), 20 Keb. ]004/5,( d ) and then aged 14 ; Capt. of a company of foot ; M P. [I.] for Cole- laine, 1613 ; for Carlow, Bangor, for co. Clare and for linnis, 1034 ; sue. to the peerage 1630, taking his seat 1!' .March 1639/40. L.-Lieut. of co. Clare, 15 March 1010/1, bvit quitted Ireland during the rebellion of 1641, and, having joined Charles 1. at Oxford, was by him, under the privy seal, 1 May 1015, a: MAHQUKSS OF BILLING, co. Northampton, but the patent never passing, he did not assume that title. He in. 17 July 1015, at Eastou Nestou, co. Northampton, Mary, widow of Hubert (CaiCHTON), 5th Loud Cuichton ok Sanqi hah [8.] (hanged 29 June 1612), yst. da. of Sir George Fkiimoii, of Easton Neston afsd., by Mary, da. of Thomas COBSOtr, of Addington, Bucks. He was bur. 15 Nov. 1657, at Great Billing,' 0 ) co. Northampton, aged about 67. Will dat. 1 July 1657, pr. 6 Feb. 1657/8, aud again in Ireland 28 April 1658.( c ) His widow, WOO was bitp, 12 March 1591 2, at Eastou Nestou, was bur. 13 April 1675 at Great Billing !»). Will dat. 22 Feb. 1672, pr. 17 May 1675.(«) VII. 1G57. G. Henry (O'Brien), Kaiu. of Tiiomond, &c. [I.], only s. and b. b. about 1621, rtyltd Lord O'Brikjj, or, possibly, Ldhd Ibrackan, 1639-57 ; mat. at Oxford (Ex. Coll.), 19 Aug. 1636, aged 15 ; sue. petit peerage [I.], as above 15 Nov. 1057 ; was Gov. of co. Clare aud of Thotnowl, and P.O. [I.], to Charles II. and James II. He m. firstly in 1641, Anne, 4th da. and (*) See vol. i, p. 2, note "a," sub " Abercorn," for a list of eldest sons of Irish Peers so sum. v.p,, being in all, but nine, of which this is the first. (*<) He left five daughters and coheirs among whose descendants is the heir general of the great house of O'Brien: viz. (1) Mary, who in. firstly Charles (Cokayne), 1st Viscount Cullcn [I.] and secondly George Blount, but bad issue by her first husband only ; (2) Margaret, who m. (as second wife) Edward (Somerset;, 2d Marquess of Worcester, but d. s.p.s. 1681 ; (3) Elizabeth, who m. firstly (as second wife) Dutton (Gerard), 3d Baron Gerard of Geralds Bromley, aud had issue; she m. secondly Philip Wenman, after her death, 3d Viscount Wenman [I.] ; (4) Anne, m. her cousin, Henry (0'Brien 7th Karl of Tbomond [I.] and had issue ; (5) Honora, »«. firstly Sir Francis Englefield, lid liart., and secondly, the Hon. Sir Hubert Howard, aud had issue. ( ) Abstract iu " Lodge," vol. ii, p. 36. l d ) He is there fin error) called Brien [instead of Barnabas] O'Brien. (°) See "Coll. Top. a Gen.," vol. viii, pp. 189-90, fur interesting extracts from these registers (161-1 to 1094), relating to the O'Brien family.