Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/121

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CASTLETON loi VI. 1 7 14. 6 and i. James (Saunderson), Viscount Castle- ton and Baron Saunderson of Bantry [I. 1627], VISCOUNTCY. also a Baronet [161 1], 8th, yst. and only surv. s. and h. T r by 1st wife. He was M.P. (Tory) for Newark 1698- ' ' i700,andi70i-io;() Vice-Admiral of CO. Lincoln 1705 FART nOM ^^^ ^^^ death. On 19 Oct. 17 14, a few months after his ^ ^^ father's death, he was cr. BARON SAUNDERSON I. 1720 OF SAXBY,() CO. Lincoln, on 2 July 1 7 16 cr. VIS- to COUNT CASTLETON OF SANDBECK, co. York, 1723. and finally, on 18 June 1720, cr. EARL CASTLE- TON OF SANDBECK, co. York. He d. unm., 23 May 1723, at Richmond, Surrey, when all his honours became extinct. Will pr. 1723.0 CASTLETOWN See " Radstock of Castletown, Queen's County," Barony [L] [IValde- gravi), cr. 1800. CASTLETOWN OF UPPER OSSORY BARONY. I. John Wilson-Fitzpatrick {formerly Wilson), y nf- illegit. s. of John (Fitzpatrick), Earl of Upper Ossory ^' and Baron Gowran [L] and Baron Upper Ossory of Ampthill [G.B.], who d. s.p.m. legit., i Feb. 18 18 (when all his honours became extinct), was b. in London 21 Sep. 1807, and ed. at Eton; sometime an officer in the army; sue. his father in his Irish estates of Grantstown Manor and Lisduff in Queen's County, as also in Grafton Underwood, Northants; Sheriff of Queen's County 1836; M.P. (Liberal) for Queen's County 1837-41, 1847-52 and 1865-69. He took the name and arms of Fitzpatrick by Roy. lie. 12 Feb. 1842. P.C. [I.] 28 Jan. 1848; Lord Lieut, of Queen's County, 1855 till his death. On 10 Dec. 1869, he was cr. BARON CASTLETOWN OF UPPER OSSORY in the Queen's County. He ;«., 5 May 1830, at Carnallway, in the diocese of Dublin, Augusta Mary, da. of the Rev. Archibald Douglas, Rector of Castle Coote, co. Cavan, by Susan, da. of John (Murray), 4th Earl of DuNMORE [S.]. He ^. at 32 Hertford Str., Mayfair, Midx., 22, and was (^) He became a Whig before the general election of 1708, and received 3 separate peerages from that party. V.G. () This "was one of 1 4 peerages conferred at the Coronation of George I, for a list of which see vol. ii, Appendix F. ("^) He devised his very considerable estates, worth ;^8,000 p.a. (including Sandbeck in Yorkshire), to his maternal cousin, Thomas Lumley, younger s. of Richard, 1st Earl of Scarbrough, by Frances, da. and h. of Sir Henry Jones, and Frances, his wife, formerly Frances Belasyse, spinster, sister of Grace, the mother or the testator. This Thomas Lumley by act of Pari, took the name of Saunderson, and sue. in 1740, as Earl of Scarbrough.