Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/122

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102 CASTLETOWN bur. 25 Jan. 1883, at Grafton Underwood, aged 75. Will pr. 17 May 1883, °^^^ ;^37>ooo- His widow d. 3 June 1899, at Brunswick Terrace, Brighton, in her 89th year. II. 1883. 2. Bernard Edward Barnaby (Fitzpatrick), Baron Castletown of Upper Ossorv, only surv. s. and h., b. 29 July, and bap. 25 Dec. 1848, at Brighton, Sussex; ed. at Eton, and at Brasenose Coll. Oxford, B.A. (2nd class law and history) 1870; was an officer (1871-74) in the ist Life Guards, and subsequently (1882) served with them in Egypt. Sheriff of Queen's County 1876. M.P. (Conserva- tive) for Portarlington 1 8 80-83. (^) C.M.G. June 1902; Chancellor of the Royal Univ. [I.] 1906-10; inv. K.P. 29 Feb. 1908; P.C. [I.] 13 Nov. igoS-C") He m., 23 Apr. 1874, Emily Ursula Clare, da. and h. of Hayes (St. Leger), 4th Viscount Doneraile [I.], by Mary Ann Grace Louisa, da. of George Lenox-Conyngham. She was b. 18 July 1853. Family Estates. — These consisted, in 1 883, of 633 acres in Sussex (worth

^752 a year) and 22,510 acres in Queen's County. Total, 23,143 acres,

worth ;^ 1 5,758 a year. Principal Residence. — Grantstown manor, Queen's County. CASTLE WARD See " Bangor of Castle Ward, co. Down," Barony [I.] (Pf^ard), cr. 1770; Viscountcy [I.], cr. 1781. CASTLE WELLAN See " Annesley of Castle Wellan, co. Down," Barony [I.] {Anneslej)^ cr. 1758; Earldom [I.], cr. 1789. CASTLE WEMYSS See "Inverclyde of Castle Wemyss, co. Renfrew," Barony {Burns), cr. 1897. (*) The Rev. A. B. Beaven writes to the Editor: " No one except Lord C. him- self can, I think, say what his political principles are: I should make even that exception with reservations. In Dod while he was in the H. of C. he was styled 'Liberal Conservative,' the only M.P. of that date who was so styled. At his only election he defeated a Liberal, and he used to receive the Conservative Whips' circulars. As a peer from 1884 to 1892 Dod calls him Liberal Conservative, 1893 to 1897 „ „ Liberal, 1898 to 1909 „ „ Liberal U., igioto 1911 „ „ Liberal. He voted against Home R. in 1894. He has given general support to the present (19 1 3) Govt, so far and has accepted offices from it." V.G. () He is one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public com- panies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C.