Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/168

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148 CHAUNDOS Knight of the Shire for co. Hereford, 13 18, 1322, 1340, and 1343. He was sum. for Military Service from 21 Mar. (1332/3) 7 Edw. Ill to 4 July (1345) 19 Edw. Ill, to Councils from 23 Apr. (1337) n Edw. Ill to 15 July (1353) 27 Edw. Ill, and to Pari, from 20 Dec. (1337) 11 Edw. Ill to 20 Sep. (1355) 29 Edw. Ill (twice after his death), by writs directed Rogero Chaundos or de Chaundos, whereby he is held to have become LORD CHAUNDOS, but none of his descendants were ever sum. to Pari, in respect of this Barony.^) He ;»., istly, it is said, Katherine, da. of Richard Talbot, of Eccleswall, co. Hereford, by Sarahj^") da. of William (de Beau- champ), Earl of Warwick. She d. s.p.m. He ;«., 2ndly, before 12 Apr. i3I5,('^) Maud, widow of Nicholas Pointz, of Curry Mallett, co. Somerset [Lord Pointz] (who d. shortly before 12 July 131 1), da. of John d'Acton, of Iron Acton, co. Gloucester, by his ist wife, Helen. He d. 24 Sep. I353.() His widow had livery of the manor of Wellington, 12 Nov. I353-C) She ^. 15 Aug. 1361.(0 2. Sir Thomas Chaundos, of Snodhill, Fownhope, &c., s. and h. by 2nd wife, aged 30 at his father's death. The King took his homage and fealty, 14 Nov. 1353, and he had livery of his father's lands,(s) and also, 7 Mar. 136 1/2, of those of his mother, who had held the manor of Wellington for life.(^) Knight of the Shire for co. Hereford, 1355, 1360, 1360/1, 1362, 1363, 1370/1, and 1371. Sheriff of co. Hereford, 1359-60, 1367-68, 1370-71, and 1373-74. He ff2., before i July i336,() (*) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage dignity, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. C") Sarah, and not Julian. See Feudal Aids, vol. ii, p. 273. C) On which date they had livery of her dower [Close Roll, 8 Edw. II, m. 10). (^) "Rogerus Chaundos." Writ of dian cl. ext. 5 Oct. 27 Edw. in England and 14 in France. Inq., co. Hereford, Saturday before SS. Simon and Jude [26 Oct.] ^353- " Et dicunt quod idem Rogerus obiit xxiiij die Septembris anno etc. vicesimo septimo Item dicunt quod Thomas de Chaundos chivaler filius predicti Rogeri est propinquior heres ipsius Rogeri et de etate triginta annorum." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 125, no. 14). («) Close Roll, 27 Edw. Ill, m. 8. (') "Matiir que fuit uxor Rogeri de Chaundos." Writ of diem cl. ext. 10 Nov. 35 Edw. III. Inq., co. Hereford, 19 Feb. 1361/2. " Et dicunt quod obiit in festo Assumpcionis beate Marie ultimo preterito Et dicunt quod Thomas Chaundos miles filius et heres Rogeri Chaundos est filius et heres masculus quem predictus Rogerus Chaundos de corpore predicte MatilP procreavit et est etatis triginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 166, no. 42). (e) Fine Roll, 27 Edw. Ill, m. 8. Close Roll, 36 Edw. Ill, m. 33. C") Roger de Chaundos granted the manor of Lugwardine to Thomas his s. and Lucy wife of Thomas, rem. to his own right heirs. Writ I July 10 Edw. Ill, Inq. a. q. d. 2 Aug. (file 236, no. 24), licence 26 Sep. 1336 {Patent Roll, 10 Edw. Ill, pa?s 2, m. 25).