Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/169

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CHAUNDOS 149 Lucy. He d. 6 Oct. I375.(*) His widow had livery of Lugwardine, 28 Oct. 1375. n She d. 30 Aug. 1396. ("=) 3. Sir John Chaundos, of Snodhill, Fownhope, (^c, s. and h., aged 26 and more at his father's death. The King took his homage and fealty, and he had livery ot his father's lands, 30 Oct. 1375, () and, 12 Oct. 1396, he and his wife Philippe had livery of Wellington, and he of Lug- wardine, manors which had been held by his mother for life.('^) Sheriff of co. Hereford, 1382. Knight of the Shire for co. Hereford, 1392/3 and 1394/5. He ;«., istly, in 1363, Violette,() da. of John de la Bere (s. and h. ap. of Sir Richard de la Bere, of Kinnersley, co. Hereford, by Sibyl, da. and h. of William de Chabbenor, of Chadnor in that co.). He ;;?., 2ndly, Philippe,Q widow of Edward de Bohun (s. and h. ap. of Sir John de Bohun, of Midhurst, Sussex [Lord Bohun]), who d. v.p. and s.p. in Jan. 1361/2,(5) and da. of Sir Guy de Briene, of Laugharne, co. Carmarthen [Lord Briene]. She was living 20 Oct. 1406. C*) He d. s.p., 16 Dec. 1428,0 when any hereditary Barony, that may be supposed to have been created by the writ of 1337, fell into abeyance. {*) " Thomas Chaundos chivaler." Writ of diem d. ext. 1 2 Oct. 49 Edw. in England and 36 in France. Inq., co. Hereford, Saturday after St. Luke [20 Oct.] 1375. " Et dicunt quod predictus Thomas Chaundos obiit sexto die Octobris uhimo preterito Et quod Johannes filius predicti Thome propinquior heres ejus est et etatis XX et vj annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 243, no. 26: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 40, no. 2). O-) C/ose Roll, 49 Edw. Ill, m. 16. (=) " Lucia que fuit uxor Thome Chaundos militis defuncti." Writ of diem cl. ext. 14 Sep. 20 Ric. II. Inq., co. Hereford, Saturday after St. Matthew [23 Sep.] 1396. "Et dicunt quod eadem Lucia obiit die mercurii proximo post festum sancti Bartholomei Apostoli ultimo preteritum (Et quod) predictus Johannes Chaundos est filius et heres predicti Thome Chaundos filii predicti Rogeri Chaundos et predicte Lucie uxoris (predicti) Thome . . . et est etatis xl annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. «., Ric. II, file 91, no. 22). {^) Fine Roll, 49 Edw. Ill, m. 1 6. Close Roll, 20 Ric. II, pars I, m. 24. (') Thomas de Chaundos settled lands in Wellington, Fownhope, and Snodhill, on himself for life, rem. to John his s. and Violette da. of John de la Bere and the heirs of the said John the son. Writ, 3 July 37 Edw. Ill, Inq. a. q. d. 17 July (file 348, no. 2), "licence 12 Oct. 1363 {Patent Roll, 37 Edw. Ill, pars 2, m. 34). (*) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Guy de Briene), Ric. II, file 62, no. 8. (6) Genealogist, N.S., vol. xxviii, pp. 8, 11. (•>) Patent Roll, 8 Hen. IV , pars I, m. 36. " Johannes Chaundos miles." Writ of diem cl. ext. 20 Dec. 7 Hen. VI. Inq., CO. Hereford, Friday the morrow of the Epiphany [7 Jan.] 1428/9. "Et dicunt quod idem Johannes Chaundos obiit sextodecimo die Decembris ultimo preterito Et quod Egidius Brugge armiger Et Margareta uxor Nicholai Mattesdon' sunt con- sanguinei et heredes ipsius Johannis Chaundos propinquiores . . . videlicet predictus Egidius Brugge filius Alici'e unius filiarum Elizabethe [«V] sororis predicti Johannis Chaundos Et predicta Margareta altera filiarum predicte Elizabethe sororis predicti Johannis Chaundos Et dicunt quod predictus Egidius Brugge est etatis triginta annorum et amplius Et quod predicta Margareta est etatis quadraginta annorum et amplius." Inq., same co., 1 Dec. 1445. "Set dicunt quod . .