Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/239

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CLANCARTY 219 VI. 1805. 2 and I. Richard (Le-Poer Trench), Earl OF Clancarty, Gfc. [I.], 2nd but ist surv. s. and VISCOUNTCY [U.K.] h., b. 18 May 1767. M.P. for Newtown Lima- vady, 1796-97; for co. Galway, 1 797-1 800 [!.],(") I. 1823. and 1801-05 [U.K.]; for Rye (Tory), Apr. to July 1807; being, from 1803, styled Viscount Dunlo. He supported Pitt's administration and moved the address at the meeting of Pari, in 1802; a Commissioner for the affairs of India, 1804-06; Gov. of CO. Galway, 1805; P.C, 13 IVIay 1807, and P.C. [I.], 7 July 1809; Joint Postmaster Gen. [I.], Apr. to Nov. 1807; Postmaster Gen. [1.], 1807-09; Gustos. Rot. CO. Galway, 1808 till his death; Rep. Peer [I.], 1808-37; Master of the Mint, Oct. 1812 to Sep. 1814; Pres. of the Board ofTrade, 1812-18. On the Prince of Orange becoming King of the Netherlands, he accom- panied him thither from England in Nov. 18 13, and was Ambassador at the Hague, 1813-15, and again 1816-23; Joi'it Postmaster Gen., 1814-16; one of the Plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Vienna, Aug. 18 14, where he performed considerable service. On 4 Aug. 181^, he was cr. BARON TRENCH OF GARBALLY, CO. Galway [U.K.]; G.C.B. (civil), Apr. 18 15. On 18 July 18 1 8, he was cr. Marquess of Heusden in the Netherlands (during his second embassy to the Hague), and obtained a royal lie. 16 Aug. 1824, to use that title in this kingdom. In 18 18, he obtained an annual pension of ;^2,ooo; G.C.H., 1821; Vice Admiral of Connaught, 1822. On his retirement from the Embassy at the Hague, he was cr., 8 Dec. 1823, VISCOUNT CLANCARTY of co. Cork [U.K.]. He ;«., 9 Feb. 1796, Henrietta Margaret, 2nd da. of the Rt. Hon. John Staples, by his ist wife, Harriet, da. of the Rt. Hon. William Conolly, of Castle- town, CO. Kildare. He d. 24 Nov. 1837, aged 70, at Kinnegad, co. West- meath.C') Will pr. Apr. 1838. His widow d. 30 Dec. 1847, aged 77, of influenza, at Garbally. EARLDOM [I.] VII. VISCOUNTCY [U.K.] IL 3 and 2. William Thomas (Le-Poer Trench), Earl of Clancarty, i^c. [I.], n s. and h., b. 21 Sep. 1803, at Castletown, ^ CO. Kildare, matric. as Viscount Dunlo, at St. John's Coll. Cambridge, M.A., 1823. A Conservative in politics. He ;«., 8 Dec. 1832, Sarah Juliana, ist da. of Somerset Richard (Butler), 3rd Earl of Carrick [I.], by his ist wife, Anne, da. of (') He voted against the Union in 1799, and for it in 1800. It is not unchari- table to assume that, like several other of his noble compatriots, he was " squared " in the interval, presumably by the promise of a Viscountcy to his father. V.G. C") " He, a bustling, hard man, evidently galled at giving up the Embassy, but very civil to us. She, an excellent, head-aching woman, with none of the represen- tation or insolence of an Ambassadress. Two ery ugly, obliging daughters, and a ditto son." (Harriet, Countess Granville, letter, Brussels, l Mar. 1824); ex inform. Brisht Brown. V.G.