Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/240

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220 CLANCARTY Owen Wynne. He d. after a long illness, 26 Apr. 1872, in his 69th year, at Salthill, Monkstown, co. Dublin. His widow, who was b. 29 July 18 12, ^.28 Apr. 1905, at Coorheen House, Loughrea, co. Galway. EARLDOM [I.] VIII. VISCOUNTCY [U.K.] III. •1872. 4 and 3. Richard Somerset (Le-Poer Trench), Earl of Clancarty, fe'c. [I.], s. and h., b. 13 Jan. 1834, at Dublin, ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge ; Hon. Col. of the 5th Con- naught Rangers, 1877. ^ Conservative. He w.,29 Nov. 1866, at Ickworth, Adeliza Georgiana, ist da. of Frederick William (Hervey), 2nd Marquess of Bristol, by Katherine Isabella, da. of John Henry (Manners), Duke of Rutland. He d. suddenly, 29 May 1 891, aged 57, at 34 Lennox Gardens, Chelsea, and was bur. at Highgate. Will pr. at /;39,739. His widow, who was b. i-j Aug. 1843, at Ickworth, d. after a short illness, at 30 Pont Str., Chelsea, 7, and was bur. 10 Nov. 191 1, at Highgate Cemetery. EARLDOM [I.] IX. VISCOUNTCY [U.K.] IV. -1891. 4 and 5. William Frederick (Le- Poer Trench), Earl of Clancarty [1803], Viscount Dunlo [1801] and Baron Kilconnel of Garbally [1797] in the peerage of Ireland, also Viscount Clancarty [1823] and Baron Trench of Garbally [i 8 i 5] in that of the United Kingdom, also Marquis of Heusden in the Netherlands [18 18], ist s. and h., b. 29 Dec. 1868, at Fort Eyre, co. Galway; j/)'/^^ Viscount Dunlo, 1872-91; ed. at Eton. A Conservative. (') He w., 10 July 1889, at the Registrar's Office at Hampstead, "Isabel Maude Penrice Bilton, of 55 Avenue Road, St. John's Wood, aged 21, spinster" (an actress at the Empire Theatre), da. of John George Bilton, sometime sergeant in the Royal Engineers, an assistant in Woolwich dockyard, by ( — ), da. of ( — ) Pennie, of Kilvernough, co. Glamorgan. C') She d. of cancer, at Garbally, 3 1 Dec. 1 906, and was hur. at St. John's Church near there, 3 Jan. 1 907. He »/., 2ndly, 7 Oct. 1908, at St. Margaret's, Westm., Mary Gwatkin, da. of William F. Ross-Lewin Ellis, barrister-at-law, and ( — ), his wife (in 1908 Mrs. Berger, of 44 Onslow Gardens). (*) He inherited settled estates with gross rental of ;^i 2,000 and a net of j^4,000 p.a. In June 1891 he barred the entail and effected heavy mortgages on the property, became bankrupt in Ireland in June 1 907, and in England in August 1910. V.G. (*>) An action for divorce brought by him was dismissed with costs 30 July 1890. For a list of peers who have m. actresses, singers, or dancers, see Appendix C in the last vol. "The wedded life of Lord and Lady Dunlo, thus inauspiciously begun, was destined, however, to ripen into an affectionate and tender comradeship, the two, since the time of the divorce proceedings, which ended in the wife's favour, being rarely separated." [Daily Telegraph, Jan. 1907). V.G.