Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/310

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290 CLIFDEN [Thomas Charles Reginald Agar-Robartes, ist s. and h. ap., b. 11 May 1880, at 30 Upper Grosvenor Str. ; M.P. (Liberal) for the Bodmin div. of Cornwall Jan. to June 1906, and for the St. Austell div. of that co. 1908.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 4,774 acres in North- ants; 2,976 in Bucks; 2,537 in Somerset; 1,107 in Oxon, and 36 in Midx. Total, in England, 11,430 acres, worth ;£i4,594 a year. Also 35,288 acres in co. Kilkenny; 821 in co. DubHn; 978 in co. Kildare, and 500 in CO. Meath. Total, in Ireland, 37,587 acres worth /,'24,32i a year. Grand total, 49,017 acres, worth ^,38,915 a year.(^) Principal Residences. — Lanhydrock, Bodmin, Cornwall, and Wimpole Hall, near Royston, co. Cambridge. CLIFFORD BARONY BY i. Robert de Clifford,^') s. and h. of Roger de C. WRIT. (who d. v.p., 6 Nov. I2 82),() by Isabel, da. and coh. of Robert de Vipont, Hereditary Sheriff of Westmorland I. 1299. (by Isabel, 2nd sister and in her issue coh. of Richard Fitz- John [Lord Fitzjohn]), was b. about Easter 1274, being aged 9 years at Easter 11 Edw. I; sue. his grandfather in 1286, before 3 Apr. (f) and, in 1 2 9 1 , inherited a moiety of the estates of the great family of Vipont, on the death of his mother {i.e. Brougham Castle, Westmorland, the Hereditary Shrievalty (*) of that county, G^c.). He had seisin of his inheritance 3 May 1295, and was, on the death of his great-uncle, Richard Fitzjohn abovenamed, 1297, found one of his coheirs. He served in the wars with Scotland; was Justice in Eyre North of Trent, 1 297-1 307/8; Gov. of Nottingham Castle, July 1298. He was sum. to Pari, from 29 Dec. (1299) 28 Edw. I to 26 Nov. (13 13) 7 Edw. II, by writs directed Roberto de Clifford, whereby he is held to have become LORD CLIFFORD.O (*) The above account is not now (1912) even approximately correct. The Northants and the Irish estates passed to Lilah Georgiana Augusta Constance, only da. of the 3rd Viscount (which Lilah had married, in 1884, Luke (White), Baron Annaly), and the Cornish property given under Robartes should now take its place. V.G. C') The name of this illustrious family is taken from the small village of Clifford, their ancient possession, near Hay, co. Hereford. The ruins of Clifford Castle still (1912) exist. (f) He was drowned when crossing a bridge of boats near the Menai Straits. He was son of another Roger, a feudal Baron of co. Hereford, and Justice of the Forest South of Trent Aug. 1265. This last named Roger's wife is described on the Fine i?o//ras" Comitissa de Lerett," and as "Countess of Lauretania" by Dugdale, who quotes Glover's Collections to the effect that he had married her at "St. George in France in I Edw. I." V.G. (d) Fine Roll. (^) In the list of Sheriffs, Michaelmas 1298, the names appear of "Robert de Clifford and Idonea de Leyburn." V.G. (') As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G.