Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/311

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CLIFFORD 291 He was Capt. Gen. of the Marches of Scotland, 1299; was one of the Barons whose seal was affixed to the celebrated letter to the Pope, in 1301, being therein described as " Caitellanus de AppelbyT By Edward I he was granted the manor of Skelton, Cumberland, Skipton Castle, co. York, i^c; while by- Edward II he was made, for a few months in 1307, Marshal of England ;(^) Justice South of Trent 1307-07/8; Warden of the Scottish marches 1308. He m. Maud, 2nd and yst. da. of Thomas de Clare (2nd s. of Richard, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford), by Julian, da. of Sir Maurice FitzMaurice, Lord Justice of Ireland. He^. 24 June 13 14, aged 39, being slain at the battle of Bannockburn,() and was (probably) bur. with his mother at Shap Abbey, Westmorland.^) Writ for Inq. p. m. 28 July (13 14) 8 Edw. II. Will pr. 18 Sep. 1 3 14. His widow w., without lie, before 16 Dec. 13 15, Robert DE Welle- [Lord Welle], who d. s.p.^ Aug. 1320; she was found to be in i320-2i,"i4 Edw. II, h. to her nephew Thomas, only s. and h. of Richard de Clare [Lord Clare]. C) She d. between 4 Mar. 12~6J7 and 24 May 1327, when the writ for her Inq. p. m. is dated. II. 13 14. 2. Roger (de Clifford), Lord Clifford, Sheriff of Westmorland, s. and h., 1^. 21 Jan. (or 2 Feb.) 1 299/1 300. He was sum. to Pari, from 6 Nov. 13 19 to 15 May 1321. He joined in the rebellion of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, with whom he was defeated at Boroughbridge and taken prisoner, 16 Mar. 132 1/2, being shortly after- wards, 23 Mar., executed at York. He is described in the contemporary Boroughbridge Roll as a Banneret.(°) He d. s.p., aged 22. Writ for his Inq. p. m. 12 Feb. 1326/7. III. 1322. 3. Robert (de Clifford), Lord Clifford, Sheriff of W^estmorland, br. and h., b. 5 Nov. 1305. He had seisin of his mother's and brother's lands 20 Aug. 1327. He was sum. to Pari, from 10 Dec. 1327 to 20 Apr. 1344. By the death of his great-aunt, Idoine de Vipont, he inherited other considerable estates of that family. He served in the Scottish wars, and repaired the Castle at Skipton, which had suffered much therein. He ;»., in Berkeley Castle, June 1328, Isabel, da. of Maurice (de Berkeley), Lord Berkeley, by his ist wife, Eve, da. of Eudes LA ZoucHE. With her he had ;^ 1,000 and 50 marks, for her portion. He d. 20 May 1344, aged 38. His widow m., shortly before 9 June 1345, when they had pardon for m. without lie, Sir Thomas Musgrave, and d. 25 July 1362. (*) For a list of Marshals of England see vol. ii, Appendix D. C") For an account of this battle and of the nobles who fell therein see vol. xi, Appendix B. (^) See a tract entitled Lord Robert de Clifford: where was he buried? by Cor- nelius Nicholson, 1862. His body was returned by Bruce to England for burial. V.G. C^) See ante, p. 247, note " c." (*) For an account of this battle see vol. ii, Appendix C.