Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/359

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COBHAM 339 succession thereto would devolve) of the old Barony of Cobham, cr. by the writ of 13 13 issued to Henry Cobham. On 3 Jan. 1644/5, he was cr. BARON COBHAM,^ by letters patent at Oxford, in which the King "granteth and restoreth him and his heires males to the same dignity with all privileges and imunitie thereunto belonging, and that he shall enjoye the same place and precedencie as well in Parliament and publique counsells as elsewhere within the Kingdome of England which George, late Lord Cobham, his Grandfather whilst he lived enjoyed. "() Hew., istly, before 2 1 Jan. 1 608/9, Anne, who, probably, was the Anne, wite of Sir John Brooke, of the Savoy, Knt., who was bur. 23 Feb. 1625, at Kensington. He w., 2ndly, before Oct. 1636, (■=) Frances, da. of Sir William Bamfield. He d. s.p.s., and was bur. at Wakerley, Northants, 20 May 1660, when his Peerage became extinct.(^) His admon. is in the Calendar (but not in the Act Book) of June 1659 {sic, but probably a mistake for 1660). His widow was bur. at Surfleet, co. Lincoln, 1676. n. 1714 I- Richard Temple, of Stowe, co. Buckingham, to s. and h. of Sir Richard T., Bart., K.B., by Mary, da. 1749. of Henry Knapp, of Rawlins, Oxon, was b. 24 Oct., znd bap. i Nov. 1675, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden; VISCOUNTCY FeUow Commoner of Christ's Coll. Cambridge Oct. AND BARONY. 1 694, but did not graduate; became an Ensign in Prince George of Denmark's Foot, in 1685; sue. his father in I and in. the Baronetcy and the family estates in May 1697; M.P. (Whig) for Buckingham, 1 697-1 702; and for Bucks, 1718. 1 704-oS, and for Buckingham again, 1 708-13. (') Lieut. of the town of Buckingham, 1703 ; distinguished himself in the Flemish wars and particularly at the siege of Lille in 1708; Col. ot a regt. of Foot 1702-10; Brigadier Gen. 1706; Major Gen. 1709; Lieut. Gen. 1 7 10; Col. of the 4th Dragoons 17 10-13; was on the accession of George I, 19 Oct. 1714, sent Envoy to Vienna, which post he held till May 1 71 5. On 19 Oct. 1714,0 he was cr. BARON COBHAM, of Cobham, Kent, having, through a series of females, a descent from, though (^) As to the only record of this creation see vol. ii, p. 454, note " b," sub Byron. () See Creations, 1483-1646, in App., 47th Report, D.K.P. Records. This creation, however, whatever precedency it might command, was unquestionably a new one, and the limitation to " heirs male " seems to have been considered tanta- mount to heirs male of the body. See vol. vii, Appendix E. ("=) Baptism at East Barnet; " 1636, Oct. 15, George, s. of Sir John Brooke, alias Cobham, and Frances, his wife, b. 11 ." ^) See tabular pedigree on next page. (') He was also elected in 1705 for Buckingham town, but sat for the County. As a peer he was one of the leaders of the Whigs who opposed Walpole after 1733. V.G. This was one of the 14 peerages cr. at the Coronation of George I, for a list of which see vol. ii. Appendix F.