Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/360

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340 COBHAM Pedigree shewing the relationship of the patentees of 1645 and 17 14 to the former Lords Cobham (i.e. to those entitled to that dignity, under the writ of 13 13) and to each other. George (Brooke), Lord Cobham, </. 1558. I. William, Lord Cob- ham, </. I f;97. George Brooke, 2nd son. Sir Henry Brooke, otherwise Cobham, 7th son, </. 1591. Other I I Henry, Lord Cobham, at- tuinted 1603, </././., 161 8/9. 1 George Brooke, attainted and be- headed 1603. Robert: Cecil, cr. Earl of Sal- isbury, 1605. "T"


beth, d. 1596. SirThomas: Sondes, of Throwley, Kent, d. 1592. I Sir William Brooke, K.B., restored in blood, but not to the title of Lord Coeham, d. 1643. Mar- garet. Other issue. John Brooke, created Baron Cobham 1645, d. i.p., 1660. Sir John Leveson, aged: 5 in 1593, d. v.p. Sir William Boothby, 1st Bart.,;/. 1707.

Hill, da. and

coh., m. 1657, 2nd wife, d. 1704. Frances, only da. and h. 3 other coheirs whose issue is extinct. I Sir Thomas = Frances, Sir Peter= Christian, Gower, 2nd Bart., d. 1672. In their numerous issue vests the re- presentation of the Barony of Cobham. coh. ,2nd wife. Temple, 2nd Bart., d. 1653- coh., d. 1655. Dukes of Suther- land. Sir Richard Temple, 3rd Bart., K.B.,a'. ()j,bur. at Stowe, Bucks. . I Sir Richard Temple, 4th Bart., cr.x 1714 Baron Cobham, and (with a spec, rem.) in 1 71 8, Baron Cob- ham and Viscount Cobham. He d. s.p., »7+9- Richard: Gren- ville, d. 1726/7. I Heiter, luojure. Viscountess Cobham, ^c. [17>8]. ^r. 1749, Count- ess Temple, ^ 1752. SirThomas: Lyttelton, 4th Bart., d. 1751- See text. "~~T Christian,whose issue inherited (1889) the Vis- COUNTCy OF Cobham, ^c. [1718]. Shea'. 1748. Other issue not in rem. to the Cob- ham peer- age. Barons Lyttelton, er. 1757, extinct 1779. Barons Lyttelton, cr. 1794, Repreieitatiz'es.