Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/374

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354 COBHAM Gloucester. She d. 7 Aug. 1376. He »/., 2ndly, in 1380 (pardon for m. without lie. 10 Aug.), Eleanor, widow of John (d'Arundel), Lord Arundel (1377 to 1379), and, according to modern doctrine, suo jure. Baroness Mautravers, being da. of Sir John Mautravers. This marriage being within the third degreCjC) absolution for it was given by a bull from the Pope, II Nov. 1384, and the issue legitimated. He d. 6 July 1403 (a few days before the battle of Shrewsbury'), and was bur. at Lingfield. M.l. Will, in which he styles himself Raynald de Cobbeham, Sr. de Stresburgh, dat. 8 Sep. 1400, pr. at Canterbury 13 July 1403. His widow, who was b. 1345, d. 10 Jan. 1404/5. Will, in which, curiously enough, she styles herself (only) Aliamr Arondelli^') en pur ma viduite, dat. 26 Sep. (1404) 5 Hen. IV, at Lytchett Matravers, and pr. at Maidstone 16 Jan. 1404/5, directing her burial to be at Lewes Priory, where mon tres honorable seigneur John Arundell lies. [After (1372) 46 Edw. Ill no writ of summons was issued to any members of the family. Presuming the writ of 1347 to have established an hereditary dignit), those that would have been entitled thereto are as under.] III. 1403. 3. Sir Reynold de CoBHAM, of Sterborough Castle, apparently, according to modern doctrine. Lord CoBHAM, but who was never so styled, 2nd() but ist surv. s. and h. by 2nd wife. He was b. 138 1, and was knighted 19 May 1426. He appears to have taken no part in the French wars, but to him, on 12 May 1436, was committed the custody of the Duke of Orleans (afterwards Louis XII), who had been taken prisoner at Agincourt more than 20 years before. In 143 1 he and his 2nd wife founded the College of Lingfield. He w., istly, Eleanor, da. of Sir Thomas Colepeper, of Rayal. She d. 1422, and was bur. at Lingfield. Brass and M.I. He w., 2ndly, in or shortly before 1427, Anne, widow of Sir William Clifford, da. and coh. of Thomas (Bardolf), Lord Bardolf, by Anice or Amice, da. of Ralph (Cromwell), Lord Cromwell. He d. 1446, and was bur. at Ling- field. M.I. Will dat. 12 Aug. I446.('^) His widow, who was b. 24 June 1389, d. s.p., 6 Nov. 1453. M.I. at Lingfield. (^) Her grandfather, Lord Mautravers, had m. Ela, sister of Thomas, Lord Berkeley, the maternal grandfather of Lord Cobham. C") Of her identity there can be no doubt; {inter alia) her will mentions "my da. de Roos " and "my da. Margaret [wife of Reynold] Curteys," the ist named being the da. of Lord Arundel and the 2nd of Lord Cobham. See the spec. lies, for marriage 9 Apr. 1394 and 17 Apr. 1403. See ante, vol. i, p. 260, note " b," and Patent Roll, 4 Dec. 1403. ("=) His elder br. John d. s.p.m. before 30 Jan. 14x5/6. See Patent Roll of that date. V.G. () Eleanor, one of his daughters by his 1st wife, m., in 1428, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (the Lord Protector), and after being accused of treason and convicted of "sorcery," did penance, 9 Nov. 1441, and d. a prisoner in 1454, at Peel Castle.