Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/375

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COBHAM 355 IV. 1 446. 4. Margaret, Countess of Westmorland, and apparently, according to modern doctrine, Baroness CoBHAM, granddaughter and h., being da. and h. of Sir Reynold de CoBHAM, by Thomasine, da. of Sir Thomas Chideocke, or (possibly) by Anne, da. of ( — ) Beaumont, which Reynold, who was s. and h. ap. (by his ist wife) of Sir Reynold de C, of Sterborough abovenamed, d. v.p. (1441-42) 20 Hen. VI. She »;., as his 2nd wife, between Oct. 1437 and Feb. 1441/2, Ralph (Nevill), 2nd Earl of Westmorland, when the family estates were settled (by her grandfather) on her and her issue, with rem. to her uncle, Sir Thomas de Cobham. The Earl d. 3 Nov. 1 484, aged about 80. She d. s.p.s.{^) before 146 !,() probably about 1460, and was bur. at Doncaster, in the Church of the Friars Minor. V. 1460? 5. Sir Reynold DE CoBHAM, of Sterborough Castle, apparently, according to modern doctrine. Lord Cobham, but never so styled, uncle and h., being 2nd but ist surv. s. and h. of Sir Reynold de C, by his ist wife, Eleanor, da. of Sir Thomas CoLEPEPER abovenamed. He sue. to the family estates on the death, s.p., of his niece abovenamed. He m. Anne, widow of Aubrey de Veer (beheaded with his father, the Earl of Oxford, 26 Feb. 146 1/2), da. of Humphrey (Stafford), Duke of Buckingham, by Anne, da. of Ralph (Nevill), ist Earl of Westmorland. He d. s.p.m. legit. ,(^) 1471, and was bur. at Lingheld. Will dat. 2 Apr., pr. 10 July 1471.C) His widow d. Apr. 1472, and was bur. at Lingfield. Will dat. 12 Apr., pr. 2 May 1472. VI. 1471. 6. Anne Cobham, apparently, according to modern doctrine. Baroness Cobham, only da. and h. She w., when very young, between 18 June and i Dec. 1475, Edward (Blount), 2nd Baron Mountjoy, who d. s.p., aged 8, and was bur. i Dec. 1475, at the Grey Friars, London. ('^) She ;«., 2ndly, in 1477, Edward (Burgh or Borough), Lord Burgh, and d. 26 June 1526. He became "distracted of memorie," and d. 20 Aug. 1528. See "Burgh," Barony by writ, cr. 1487, with which dignity any supposed right to this Barony of Cobham became, on the death of this lady, united. (') Her only da., Margaret, d. young. V.G. () Inq. p. m. of Sir Thomas de Cobham, 2 Edw. IV. ("=) In it he mentions "my bastard son, called Reynold Cobham," to whom he leaves his manor at Pentlow, cifc. (**) See ante, vol. ii, p. 422, note "c."