Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/550

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530 CRESSY 8 Dec. 1334-0 He m. Maud.C") He d. shortly before i6 Jan. 1 346/7, C') aged ■^')^. Will, directing his burial to be at Surfleet, dat. I May 1346, pr. 17 Jan. 1346/7 {Lincoln Reg.). His widow m. Simon Simeon, of Gosberton, co. Lincoln, whom she survived. She d. 9 Aug. i355.('^) Admon. (Lincoln Reg.). 5. Sir John Cressy, of Hodsock, Risegate, Melton, and Braytoft, s. and h., aged 17 in Dec. 1355. He had livery of Risegate, 8 Feb. 1355/6. (^) Sheriff of cos. Notts and Derby, 1377-78. He m. Agnes. He d. 19 Aug. 1383.0 Will, directing his burial to be at Surfleet, dat. 2 June 1383, pr. 7 Sep. 1383 {Lincoln Reg.). 6. Hugh Cressy, of Hodsock, Risegate, Claypole, Melton, and Braytoft, s. and h., l>. 23 June 1374 at Risegate and l^ap. at Surfleet.(8) He did fealty, and had livery of Risegate, Claypole, Hodsock, ^c, 29 Nov. (») Fine Roll, 8 Edw. Ill, m. 2. C") In Raine's Blyth, p. 135, this Maud is stated to have been sister and cob. of Robert de Paunton (of Ashby by Partney, co. Lincoln). But Cicely, not Maud, was the name of this Robert's sister and coh. [Clase Roll, 13 Edw. Ill, ^arx 2, mm. 39, 40 d); and she m. another Sir Hugh de Cressy, of Selston, Notts, who was living in 1357 [De Banco, Easter, 31 Edw. Ill, m. 217). ("=) "Hugo Crecy chivaler." Writ of diem cl. ext. 16 Jan. 20 Edw. Ill [Fine Roll, m. 15). There is no Inq. p. m. extant. On 24 May 1346 he had licence to enfeoff Edmund de Cressy and others of the manor of Risegate. On 4 Sep. 1346 he had a pardon. On 25 Mar. 1346/7 these feoffees paid 6 marks to enfeoff Maud "que fuit uxor Hugonis de Cressy" of Risegate. {Patent Rolls, 20 Edw. , pars 2, m. 32, pars 4-, m. 7; 21 Edw. Ill, pars 1, m. 23: Fine Roll, 20 Edw. Ill, m. 3: cf. Inq. a. q. d., file 281, no. 6). {^) " Matiir que fuit uxor Hugonis de Cressy." Writ of diem cl. ext. 1 Dec. 29 Edw. in England and 16 in France. Inq., co. Lincoln, date obliterated. "Etdicunt quod Johannes de Cressy est propinquior heres dicte Matill' et quod predictus Johannes (est) etatis septemdecim annorum Et dicunt quod dicta Matill' obiit die dominica in vigilia sancti Laurencii [ultimo] preterite." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 1 30, no. 24). (') A writ de non intromittendo in his favour, 8 Feb. 1 355/6, for the manor of Braytoft, also ordered the escheator to take his fealty, and to give him livery of the manor of Risegate, he being aged 17. {Close Roll, 30 Edw. Ill, m. 24). (') "Johannes Crescy miles." Writ of diem cl. ext. 20 Sep. 7 Ric. II. Inq., Notts, Friday the feast of St. Denis [9 Oct.] 1383. "Item dicunt quod predictus Johannes Crescy obiit die mercurii proximo post festum Asumpcionis beate Marie virginis anno supradicto Item dicunt quod Hugo Crescy filius predicti Johannis est propinquior heres dicti Johannis Et dicunt quod dictus Hugo est etatis octo annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 31, no. 26). (6) " Hugo Cressy filius et heres Johannis Cressy chivaler defuncti." Writ de etate probanda 20 Nov. 20 Ric. II. Inq., Spalding, 25 Nov. 1396. "... dictus Hugo fuit etatis xxij annorum et amplius in festo Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste ultimo preterito et natus fuit apud Risgate in comitatu predicto et in fonte ecclesie sancti Laurencii de Surflete baptizatus fuit in vigilia Nativitatis sancti Johannis