Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/551

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CRESSY 531 1396. (^) Sheriff of cos. Notts and Derby, 1403. He d. s.p., 27 Sep. HoSjC) aged 34. He left a sister and a nephew his coheirs, (i) Katherine, his ist sister, aged 30 and more; she w., istly, Sir John Clifton, of Clifton, Notts, who was slain, on the King's side, at the Battle of Shrewsbury, 21 July 1403 ;(') she «/., 2ndly, as ist wife, Ralph Makerell, of Breas- ton, CO. Derby; she was bur. In Blyth Priory;('^) he d. 14 Jan. i435/6;(') will, directing his burial to be in the Abbey of Dale, dat. 20 Jan. 1434/5. (2) Robert Markham, aged 9 and more, s. and h. of Elizabeth, his 2nd sister: which Elizabeth ;;;., as ist wife, John Markham, of East Mark- ham, Notts, Justice of the Common Pleas, and d. before 28 Nov. I400;(') her husband d. 30 or 31 Dec. I409,(^) and was bur. in East Markham Church.^) M.I. Baptiste anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum xlviij"." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 96, no. 148). (») Fine Roll, 20 Ric. II, m. 23; Close Roll, pars I, m. 17. (*>) " Hugo filius Johannis de Cressy chivaler." Writ of diem cl. ext. 2 1 Oct. 10 Hen. IV. Inq., cos. Lincoln, Notts, Friday after St. Leonard and Saturday before St. Martin [9, 10 Nov.] 1408. "Et dicunt quod predictus Hugo . . . obiit seisitus die Jovis proximo ante festum sancti Michaelis in mense Septembris ultimo preterito sine herede de corpora suo exeunte Et dicunt quod Johannes Clyfton' mortuus est et quod predicta Katerina nuper uxor ejus post mortem predicti Johannis viri sui cepit in virum Radulfum Makerell' . . . Et dicunt quod predicta Katerina soror predicti Hugonis et Robertus filius predicti Johannis Markham et Elizabethe nuper uxoris sue alterius sororis ejusdem Hugonis sunt heredes propinquiores de sanguine ipsius Hugonis Et quod predicta Katerina est etatis triginta annorum et amplius Et quod predictus Robertus filius est etatis novem annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. IV, file 67, no. 30: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 93, no. 12). (<=) Annales Henrici Quart:, p. 369. (^) So stated in the will, dat. 25 Nov. 1453, of her s. and h., Sir Gervase Clifton. («) "Radulfus Makerell' armiger." Writs of diem cl. ext. 3 Feb. 14 Hen. VI. Inq., cos. Lincoln, Derby, Notts, 6, 8, 9 June 1436. " Et dicunt quod predictus Radulfus obiit die sabbati in crastino sancti Hillarii ultimo preterito." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. VI, file 74, no. 21). (') On 28 Nov. 1400, Hugh s. of John Cressy miliiis obtained licence to entail the manors of Risegate and Bray toft on himself and the heirs of his body; rem., as to one moiety, to John de Clifton knt. and Katherine his wife sister of Hugh and the heirs of her body, rem. to John Markham and his heirs of the body of Elizabeth his late wife sister of Hugh; remainders, as to the other moiety, vice versa : with further remainders, the same for each moiety {Patent Roll, 2 Hen. lY , pars i, m. i). (8) "Johannes de Markham." Writ of diem cl. ext. 4 Jan. 1 1 Hen. IV. Inq., CO. Lincoln, Monday before the Conversion of St. Paul [20 Jan.] 1409/10. " Et dicunt quod predictus Johannes Markham obiit die lune proximo post festum Natalis domini ultimo preteritum [30 Dec.]." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 78, no. 30: Exch. Inq. p. m.. Enrolments, no. 43 1 ). According to his M.I., he d."-'

festo Sancti Silvestri [3 1 Dec] 

1409." (^) The Cliftons obtained Hodsock and Cbypole: the Markhams, Risegate, Melton, and Braytoft.