Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/58

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38 CARLISLE pr. Jan. 1850. His widow, who was b. 12 July 1783, and who (on 17 Jan. 1858) became senior of the two coheirs of her br. William Spencer (Caven- dish), 6th Duke of Devonshire (and consequently a coh. to the Barony of Clifford), d. 8 Aug. 1858, at Castle Howard. Will pr. 15 June 1859, under ^30,000. X. 1848. 7. George William Frederick (Howard), Earl OF Carlisle, tfc, s. and h., b. 18 Apr. 1802, in Hill Str., Berkeley Sq., Midx.; ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 15 Oct. 18 19, B.A. 1823, M.A. 1827; M.P. (Whig) for Morpeth, 1826-30; for York- shire, 1830-32; for the West Riding, 1832-41 and 1846-48; Chief Sec. for Ireland, 1835-41, with a seat in the Cabinet from 1839; P.C. [E.] 20 May, and [I.] 30 Sep. 1835; Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests, 1846-50; F.R.S. 3 June 1847; Lord Lieut, of the East Riding, co. York, 1847 till his death; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1850-52; Pres. of the Royal Soc. of Literature, 1851-56. Lord Rector of Marischal Coll., Aberdeen, 1853-54; K.G. 7 Feb. 1855. Lord Lieut, of Ireland 28 Feb. 1855 to 12 Mar. 1858, and again 18 June 1859 to Oct. i864.(*) He d. unm., at Castle Howard, 5, and was bur. 13 Dec. 1864, in the Mauso- leum there, aged 62.() Will pr. 30 Mar. 1865, under ;^ 140,000. XL 1864. 8. William George (Howard), Earl of Carlisle, i^c, next surv. br. and h., b. 23 Feb. 1808, in Park Str., Grosvenor Sq. Ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 6 Nov. 1826; B.A. and double 3rd class, 1837. M.A. 1840; in holy orders; Rector of Londesborough, co. York, 1832 to 1877. A Liberal. He d. unm., 29 Apr. 1889, aged 81. XII. 1889. 9. George James (Howard), Earl of Carlisle, Vis- count Howard of Morpeth and Baron Dacre of Gilles- LAND [1661], nephew and h., being only s. and h. of the Hon. Charles Went- (^) "The Viceregal Court at the time of Lord Carlisle was most stately and dig- nified. He was not an imposing person to look at, being small and thin, but he had a pleasant word and a kind smile for everyone, and he was extremely popular." [Memo'in of Fifty Yean., 1909, by Lady St. Helier, p. 60). V.G. C') Possessing a "high reputation as a graceful scholar, he was especially distin- guished for his skill in versification, and, in 182 1, obtained two of the Univ. prizes for his poems i.el the Chancellor's prize for Latin verse, and the Newdegate [prize] for English verse " at Oxford, where, in 1823, he took a first class degree in classics. He was author (1853) oi A Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. Although, perhaps, " he did not attain the highest eminence as a Statesman [he] yet played no inconsiderable part in public life," and, as Lord Lieut, of Ireland, his "career of popularity [was] almost without example among Viceroys." See Annual Reg. for 1864. "A most amiable and popular man, was happy in displaying his admirable social qualities by making the after-dinner speeches in which, thanks to his unique flow of heart-felt flummery, he was unrivalled, and by occasionally scoring at cricket." {Reminiscences, by Goldwin Smith, pp. 301-2). G.E.C. and V.G.