Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/59

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CARLISLE 39 worth George Howard, by Mary Priscilla Harriet, 2nd da. and coh. of James (Parke), Baron Wensleydale, which Charles (who d. 1 1 Apr. 1879, aged 65) was next surv. br. of the late, and 5th s. of the 9th Earl. He was b. 12 Aug. 1843, in Park Str., Grosvenor Sq.; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge; was M.P. (Liberal) for East Cumberland(*) 1879-85. Trustee of the Nat. Gallery 188 i, till his death. D.C.L. Durham 1908. He w., 4 Oct. 1864, at Alderley, co. Chester, Rosalind Frances, 5th and yst. surv. da. of Edward John (Stanley), 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley, by Henrietta Maria, da. of Henry Augustus (Dillon-Lee), 13th Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen [L]. He d. of heart failure, after a few hours' illness, at the house of his son-in-law, Charles H. Roberts, M.P., at Brackland, Hindhead, 16, and was bur. 20 Apr. 19 11, from Naworth Castle, at Lanercost Abbey, aged 67. Will pr. 15 June 19 11, personalty

^43,970. His widow, who was b. 20 Feb. 1845, •" Grosvenor Crescent,

living 1912. [Charles James Stanley Howard, j/y/?^ (since 1889) Viscount Mor- peth, s. and h. ap., b. 8 Mar. 1867, at 122 Park Str.; ed. at Rugby and at Balliol Coll. Oxford; B.A. and ist class 1889; member of the London School Board for Chelsea 1 894-1 900, and for Westm. 1 900-02. Served in S. Africa 1902. C") M.P. (Unionist) for South Birmingham 1904-11. He »;., 17 Apr. 1894, at Muncaster, co. York, Rhoda Ankaret, ist da. of Col. Paget Walter L'Estrange, Royal Artillery, by his ist wife, Emily, da. of Gen. Ryves. Having sue. to the Peerage after 22 Jan. 1 901, he is, as such, outside the scope of this work. He d. after a long illness, in London, 20, and was bur. 24 Jan. 1912, at Lanercost Abbey.('^) His widow, who was b. 28 May 1867, at Bundoran, co. Donegal, was living 1912.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 47,730 acres in Cumber- land, valued at ;^ 16,8 50 a year, 17,780 in Northumberland, at ;^ 18,249, and of 13,030 in the North Riding, co. York, at ;^ 14,502. Total 78,540 acres, valued at ;/^49,6oi a year. Principal Residences. — Castle Howard, near Malton, co. York, and Naworth Castle, near Brampton, Cumberland. (^) He became a Unionist in 1886, but after that date took little interest in politics. He was a supporter of TariflF Reform and of the Temperance party. He had a warm interest in art, and was himself a good painter; was fond of travelling and shooting, and a keen antiquary. He left the management of his estates to his wife, who is an ardent Radical. V.G. 1^) For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who have served in this war, see Appendix B to this volume. V.G. (') A very fair man, of a retiring disposition. He was strongly interested in the educational affairs of London, a keen Tariff Reformer, and a teetotaler. In 1 910 he was appointed Whip of the Liberal Unionist Party, in which post he was very popular. His only son and successor in the title, b. 1895, is a naval cadet. V.G.