Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/589

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CUMBERLAND 569 pr. 7 July 1606. On his death the right to the Barony of Clifford passed to his da. and heir general (see that title), but the Earldom to the heir male, as under. [Francis Clifford, styled Lord Clifford, ist s. and h. ap., aged i in 1585, d. at Skipton Castle, early in Dec. 1589, and was bur. at Skipton.] [Robert Clifford, styled Lord Clifford, 2nd and yst. but ist surv. s. and h. ap., b. at North Hall [.? Northaw], Herts. He d. there, in child- hood, 24 May 1 59 1, and was bur. with his maternal ancestors at Chenies Bucks.] IV. 1605. 4. Francis (Clifford), Earl of Cumberland and Hereditary Sheriff of Westmorland, br. and h. male, being yr. s. of the 2nd Earl. He was b. in 1559, at Skipton Castle; M.P. for Westmorland, 1584-87, for co. York, 1 604-05 ;(*) Sheriff of co. York, 1600; Joint Constable and Steward of Knaresborough 1604; K.B. 6 Jan. 1604/5, ^t the creation of the Duke of York; Custos Rot. of Cumberland 1606-39, ^"d Lord Lieut. 1607-41 ; Lord Lieut, of Northumberland, West- morland and Newcastle-on-Tyne, 16 11-39. ^" 1618 he entertained the King at Brougham Castle. He m., soon after Mar. 1589, Grisold, widow of Edward (Nevill), Lord Abergavenny, da. of Thomas Hughes, of Uxbridge, Midx., by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Griffith Dwnn. She d. 15 June 1 613, at Londesborough, and was bur. there. M.L He d. in the same chamber in which he was born, 21, and was bur. 28 Jan. 1 640/1, at Skipton, aged 8 i . V. 1641 5. Henry (Clifford), Earl of Cumberland [1525] to and Lord Clifford [1628], Hereditary Sheriff of West- 1643. morland, only s. and h. He was i^. 28 Feb. 159 1/2, at Londesborough; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 30 Jan. 1606/7, as "Baro de Skypton," B.A. 16 Feb. 1608/9; K.B. 3 June 16 10, at the creation of the Prince of Wales; M.P. for Westmorland, 1614 and 1621-22; Councillor of the North, 1619. From 17 Feb. (1627/8) 3 Car. 1 to 20 Feb. (1639/40) 15 Car. I, he was sum. to Pari, v.p.i^) by writs directed Henrico Clifford, Chevalier, under the (erroneous) presumption that the ancient Barony of Clifford {cr. 1299) was vested in his father,("=) he being, accordingly, placed in several Parliaments in the precedency of (*) In the official return of M.P.'s the election of the successor to the 4th Earl in the representation of Yorkshire is accidentally misdated 7 Apr. 1605 instead of that day in 1606. V.G. C") For a list of eldest sons of peers so summoned see vol. i. Appendix G. (■=) See ante, p. 301, note "e." 72